2014 BMW 328i xDrive Gran Turismo Long-Term Road Test

After 15 minutes in the Trader Joe's parking lot, our long-term 2014 BMW 328i xDrive Gran Turismo was profiled by a high-end realtor.
After 15 minutes in the Trader Joe's parking lot, our long-term 2014 BMW 328i xDrive Gran Turismo was profiled by a high-end realtor.
Again.. 3 series wagon does this better. More room, better looking, drives better.
that little tidbit of information really helps you picture where the 3 series GT fits in the grand scheme of things. it is for people who prefer very large cars but still want practicallity and fun to drive. that is a lot of usually exlusive missions for a vehicle to do so to get one that manages to actually do it is quite a feat for bmw!