Cool old race cars.



  • Mr_ShiftrightMr_Shiftright Member Posts: 64,481
    Wow...look at that "Blue Flame" Six! I love that old stuff.
  • speedshiftspeedshift Member Posts: 1,598
    Yeah and you can buy it from Amazon! I assume the Buick stuff has to do with their inline eights, maybe both the small one (268?) and senior one (320). Any of these engines would be great in a light street rod although I suspect they're pretty heavy.
  • Mr_ShiftrightMr_Shiftright Member Posts: 64,481
    Yes, VERY heavy and very big.
  • leadfoot4leadfoot4 Member Posts: 593
    Since we were discussing some old Pontiac history last month, I thought I'd mention this. High Performance Pontiac magazine has an article in the current issue about a 427, hemi headed, aluminum engine that Pontiac prototyped around 1969-1970.
    It's a wild looking engine, and I can't believe that I don't really remember the original article in Hot Rod magazine that they quoted. My memory must be fading faster than I realize........
  • corsicachevycorsicachevy Member Posts: 316
    Speedvison just ran a special on the Pontiac hemi-head "GTO" (although that isn't what they were called). Apparently there were two of these cars built and they were used as promotional vehicles on the drag racing circuit. People in the crowd could register to win a chance to drive one of the cars against a real professional in an exhibition race. If I remember properly, the cars had some sort of feline name.

    Kind of an interesting story if you get a chance to see it. BTW, the cars still exist and still go like stink.
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