I had Safelite mobile repair come out and repair a chip on my Raptor about a month after I bought it, they did an excellent job and were very friendly.
Nice that they use a good pump to get as much air as possible out of the crack. Had one local place do mine once and they just used heat. The repair looked good at the time but they took the liquid off it too soon and as it continued to cool it sucked air in and totally messed up the repair. -- I do them myself most times now with the $10 home kit and use a combo of the little but of suction the syringe in those offer along with heat and watch it until the bubbles have all moved out before reversing the syringe and have had great luck. The only real risky part with the home kits is you have to press the mount part against the glass pretty well to get it to stick enough that it doesn't break free and at that point it is easy to for the crack to spread due to the pressure.
That's a nice orderly and clean garage too. I know just repairing glass means you're not going to have grease, oil, and tools all over but it still looks remarkably professional.
If you have a great car then you need to see a great service center to get it repaired in case it needs one. Windshield is perhaps the most important part of a car to make it look awesome. If there is even a scratch on your windshield it means the look is being compromised as the look is completely dependent on how good care of your windshield you have taken. The most important thing if you have got a prob with your windshield go get it done with the best service center. You would never like to compo with your car if its a Mercedes.
"Safelite Repair, Safelite Replace" jingle now running through my head.