the curves on this car scream ugly from the front grill, to the side air slit, to the rear tai lights, to the confused hood contour, my God..too much thought, or attempt at thought going on here. sorry but the designer should really study Aston Martin, Maserati, or Ferrari to learn about proportion and style. This car actually makes the GTR look pretty. And performance means nothing without beauty. Look at GTR sales. nuff said
This car in convertible form screams midlife crisis! I couldn't look at it too long because I could feel my hair thinning potbelly growing and a sudden need for little blue pills. It's hard top or nothing!
LOL, ninjapunk, try to see past the stereotyping and realize that it's probably the best performance buy available today.
I never let what other people say or think to hold me back from driving something I like or doing something that I wanted to do. That's why I rode a Ducati and then a Victory cause I just couldn't be a sheep riding a Harley (they're great bikes, I just like stuff that's different than the crowd). Life's way too short for worrying what other people think.
@markinnaples:I understand what you mean by Not caring what others think, say and seeing past stereotypes. however 15+ good friends of mine, 40+ years of age have purchased gen3 and up Corvettes. I'm 30 and I don't see myself in a Corvette for at least an
Get rid of those old ridiculous hockey stick mirrors and that stupid chrome retainer in the grille, FFS.
So is this an Autobot or Decepticon?
from the front grill, to the side air slit, to the rear tai lights, to the confused hood contour, my God..too much thought, or attempt at thought going on here. sorry but the designer should really study Aston Martin, Maserati, or Ferrari to learn about proportion and style. This car actually makes the GTR look pretty. And performance means nothing without beauty. Look at GTR sales. nuff said
My ESPN tells me that there will be midcycle design refresh before midcycle.
Chocolate and vanilla, I suppose, but if I get the chance, I will totally buy one of these, maybe in those exact colors as well.
I never let what other people say or think to hold me back from driving something I like or doing something that I wanted to do. That's why I rode a Ducati and then a Victory cause I just couldn't be a sheep riding a Harley (they're great bikes, I just like stuff that's different than the crowd). Life's way too short for worrying what other people think.