Pickup Trucks for Women (Experiences/Opinions)
If any of you are driving a pickup truck and would like to share your pickup truck experience, please participate in this discussion.
I thought this topic of discussion might be a good idea for a number of different reasons. For one, I'm sure I'm not the only one that would be interested in hearing what kind of pickup trucks the women at Town Hall are choosing to drive... as well as their reasons why.
Secondly, I thought it would be interesting to create a discussion where women pickup truck owners can say hello to other women that own pickups. In addition, if you're a women and are in the market for a truck, this might be a good place to post your questions.
Also, I'd like to say that anyone (male or female) is welcome to participate here. Guys, perhaps you have a sister, mother, or female friend that drives a pickup truck... that you'd like to tell us about.
Thanks for your participation. ;-)
Hatchbacks / Station Wagons / Women's Auto Center Boards
I thought this topic of discussion might be a good idea for a number of different reasons. For one, I'm sure I'm not the only one that would be interested in hearing what kind of pickup trucks the women at Town Hall are choosing to drive... as well as their reasons why.
Secondly, I thought it would be interesting to create a discussion where women pickup truck owners can say hello to other women that own pickups. In addition, if you're a women and are in the market for a truck, this might be a good place to post your questions.
Also, I'd like to say that anyone (male or female) is welcome to participate here. Guys, perhaps you have a sister, mother, or female friend that drives a pickup truck... that you'd like to tell us about.
Thanks for your participation. ;-)
Hatchbacks / Station Wagons / Women's Auto Center Boards
This discussion has been closed.
It was a gorgeous truck, imo... and also drew quite a bit of attention from the crowds at the auto show. A 94 Nissan 6 cly SE King Cab, white with maroon interior, and loaded with just about every conceivable option you could find on a pickup back then... including a moon roof, really sharp alloy wheels, and very racy graphics along the sides.
It just happened to be a coincidence that this same truck was sitting at the Nissan dealership where I went shopping a couple weeks later. Also, I have to admit that I was not exactly in the market for a pickup truck back then.
I was looking for something that I'd be able to transport a lot of equipment in, and I was actually looking at some used minivans when this truck caught my attention. I immediately recognized it as being the same truck at the auto show.
Also, the dealer confirmed that was the same truck and they'd just gotten it back. And after taking it for a test drive... I was totally convinced that a pickup truck would be a good choice for me. I drove this pickup for almost 5 years, put over 105k miles on it with very few minor problems.
I truly enjoyed driving/owning this pickup. And have to admit I had a lot difficulty parting with when I eventually traded it. Btw, this is not to push the Nissan trucks over other make/models, but just wanted to share my experience. There are lots of great truck out there of all different makes/models.
Although, I'm not currently driving a pickup truck now, I could easily see myself driving one again at some time in the future. As a matter a fact when my lease is up in 7 months, a pickup truck (four door crew cab) will definitely be on the list of considerations. I'm also open to any suggestions. Thanks.
Also, if anyone else have an experience they'd like to share, we look forward to hearing from you. Happy Motoring! ;-)
Hatchbacks / Station Wagons / Women's Auto Center Boards
There's a role reversal in my house. The wife likes the trucks (and SUVs). She's definitely tired of my subcompact Toyota Paseo because it can't haul such domesticated stuff such as lamps, stereo and such. I think she's just jealous because the car is from the "pre-wife" days
They can do just about anything...
Well since fuel economy is a concern and I don't really have anything really "heavy duty" to haul around, I most likely will be focusing on compact pickups. That is unless you have any other suggestions.
Btw, I kind of chuckle when I think of this subject, because I've seen some arguments from certain folks that feel that compact vs full-size pickups is what "separates the men from the boys" so to speak.
Not sure we'll be seeing this kind of a debate in this discussion, but of course if there any women passing through here that feel that compacts vs full-size pickups is what separates the women from the girls, please feel free to express your express your thoughts. ;-)
To mtngal & cyranno99 - Good points.... Thanks for your notes. Talk to everyone later.
Hatchbacks / Station Wagons / Women's Auto Center Boards
My first truck was the Chevy half ton with a camper (bought during my carefree single days). Since the camper was the main thing, I never considered a compact pickup. Besides, I put a frame on the front to haul my Honda Enduro motorcycle around. I had a great time driving across country by myself with that rig!
Later I got married to someone who didn't like camping or trucks (he owned an ancient, well maintained Mercedes when I met him). I finally talked him into looking at a GMC S15 when they first came out. He decided it was better than the mustang we had at the time. It fit our needs totally - we weren't towing anything, it had an extended cab and we put a shell on it for extra security. We only used it to haul luggage, groceries, and dogs around. It was a wonderful truck and converted my husband (partly) to trucks.
When we moved to Texas, I bought a horse, and quickly discovered that horses seem to multiply somehow. I bought an old 3/4 ton Chevy which hauled a 4 horse goose neck trailer easily. It had 70,000 miles when I bought it and used it almost exclusively to haul the trailer. I sold it several years later with 140,000 miles on it, still going strong (it was definitely one of the best trucks I had owned). The only reason I sold it was because we had sold the horses and moved to California. I no longer had a reason for the full sized pickup, and it can be a problem to park around LA.
The next 2 trucks have been compacts - the Nissan was an auto and only got sold because seemed to be asking too much of it. We had moved up to our mountain home and the auto tranny with the 4 cylinder didn't seem to handle it. It didn't bother me when the first one went out a week after we moved up here (OK, the truck had 250,000 miles on it), but when the second went out a year (and 40,000 miles) later.
The next one (my hated Taco) is a 5 speed, 4 cylinder. This is the first vehicle I've owned that I found really uncomfortable. It does exactly what I want it to, but the seats are terrible.
So I think it all depends on what you are going to use it for. Horse trailers? Get a full sized. Dogs? Look at a compact. City? Compact is easier. Rural? Either. Snow? 4x4 and a couple of bales of hay.
I'm trying to decide what to replace the Taco with. I've thought about 3/4 ton diesels because of our high mileage commute, or replacing the Taco with another, more comfortable compact. I'd like to get an SUV which I think of as an enclosed pickup, but have found reasons for rejecting just about everything. I know that I'll have to compromise somewhere, just haven't decided where yet.
You sound very similar to my wife. She wants the truck (or SUV). The two compact pick-ups that we both like are the Toyota Tacoma Extend Cab SR5 4x4 V6 or the Dodge Daka extend cab 4x4 4.7L V8. Toyota has the advantage in reliability and probably gas mileage. The Dodge the advantage is style/appearance and interior room. Now that I'm looking back, I think the Tundra Extend Cab V8 would be a better comparison to the Dakota. Both are bigger than the compact rivals but not quite full size either. Heard the Tundra had more comfortable seat vs Tacoma.
My wife and I are thinking about starting a family, so I don't quite see the practicality of pick up if that happens. So I think we would need a 2nd car, preferabl a 4-door sedan.
The wife comes up with mid-size SUVs. The two we both like: Durango or 4Runner. Even at 3yrs old they're going to run $20K+. Not a viable option for us.
So my solution is the mini-Suvs, which I like the Forester. So it will probably boil down to the Forester vs the pick-ups mentioned above. I'm pretty sure, we'll be considering used. If a baby comes along, then definitely used.
I do know someone (who owned horses) who did very nicely with a full sized extended cab and a baby. For her it was very practical, though occasionally a bit awkward with the baby seat. Before I bought the Taco I had looked at the Ranger, and really liked the small doors they have on their extended cab. That would take care of the problem of getting to the back of the cab. So just because you are starting a family, don't think that a second car is manditory (unless you just need a second vehicle period).
The forester is very nice and practical, but I just can't get excited about it. There is nothing at all wrong with it, and I still have it in the back of my mind for myself, but...
I think it's because I'm a girl, and it's a girl thing. You see, my husband saw the Taco and wanted to get it (he was in a buying mood that day, and the Taco was in our price range and appeared to have what we needed). I had doubts, because I hadn't done any research on it (we had actually gone to look at Tundras). But the reason why I agreed to get it? It was the only vehicle we had looked at that didn't have either a grey or brown interior. Our Taco is a pretty blue inside. I know, that is the DUMBEST reason to buy a car (I even knew it at the time), but I actually did it that way (and also, my husband seemed to really want it, but then he's not a natural shopper and he was getting tired of looking at cars). I now really regret buying it, but I still think it has the best interior of anything at the moment...
Thanks for the insight on the Tundra. They weren't out when we were looking. I was judging by the comments on the Tundra board, that they are one nice riding truck with comfy seats. I'll have to check them out. They are nice looking.
There is something to remember about pickups - they have light rear ends. I have a shell on the Taco which adds some weight, but I hadn't thought about the lightness of it until a few months ago. One of my favorite hiking areas is off of a fairly steep dirt road. I have been up there numerous times in the Wrangler and never needed to use 4 wheel drive. Once we took the Taco (2 wheel drive only), and I was white knuckled most of the way because the back wheels kept slipping on the loose dirt. Then I remembered I used to carry several bales of hay in the back of my 3/4 ton truck on the occasionally snowy and slick roads in Texas.
...I find women are warming up to pickups more and more. SUVs still have a stigma of "suburbia" along with minivans, while pickups are still exuding the aura of "truck".
One of my closest friends is a single mom with a 10 year old daughter, living in metro Salt Lake City. She drives a 2001 Dodge Ram 2500 Quad Cab 4x4 diesel, 5 speed manual. She is an off-road events correspondent, and actually uses her truck more than most. In addition to getting to events, she loves to go camping and off-roading, and the extended cab allowed her to carry a lot more gear than her previous regular cab Ram.
More locally to me, north New Jersey, I see a lot more pickups with shells, both full and compact trucks, in the mall parking lots. The new 4-door trucks make rear seat access much easier, as well as providing more lockable space. And with our "warehouse" culture of places like Sam's Club and Home Depot, sometimes a truck is going to be the only way to get all that stuff home.
DaimlerChryusler noted this week that the new 2002 Ram 1500 has won an interesting award: The Reader's Choice Award/Pickup Truck from WomanMotorist.com. I am going to guess that the new-for-2002 power adjustable pedals were a key point for those women of shorter stature.
Smart Shopper and FWI Message Boards
There was only one full sized pickup that I had trouble with - I tried to test drive a Ford half ton back in the 1980s. I couldn't reach the pedals. It shocked me since I had owned two Chevys without problems.
I didn't have any problems with any of the diesels I tested last summer - just wish I could have afforded to buy one. One of them had a crew cab and a long bed, and I did have problems figuring out how to park it. I've gotten too used to the Wrangler which turns on a dime and gives you change (yeah, I used to own quarter horses).
One more word on pressure adjust pedals - I never had any problems with my first Chevy, a 3 speed manual (3-on-the-tree) and a real truck clutch. But then, it didn't bother me at all to learn how to drive manual in a '69 Opel Kadet without power steering...
As far as the Nissans go - last summer I thought the new Frontier styling was horrible, about the ugliest truck I had ever seen (until I saw an Avalanche). That's why I ended up with the Taco. A couple of weeks ago we went to the LA Auto Show. I looked at the Frontier there and decided that it didn't look all that bad. I guess it is growing on me.
As far as the air bags go, I'm not that concerned. From what I've heard, they have adjusted them so that they are safer for little people like me. I don't worry about those types of things, really. I drive very defensively, and I understand that I can't control everything (the accident we were in with the Wrangler was a case in point - the other guy did something dumb). I understand that I drive vehicles that aren't the safest in the world, and have handling limitations. I am willing to take responsibility for that and to drive each of them accordingly. For instance, the Taco got out of the driveway this morning, so I'll drive around 10 miles per hour faster home tonight than yesterday, because I drive the Wrangler around 65 (what I consider a safe speed for it). On the other hand, we've been driving the Wrangler all week because we couldn't get the Taco out of the driveway!
Leomort- Thanks for the suggestions on the Dakota & Tacoma. My sister also drive a Taco (double cab) and likes it a lot. Of course like mtngal, I'm also going to be concerned about seat comfort, so I'll have to go on a lengthy test drive to see if how those seats feel.
I realize though that seat comfort can also be an individual matter. I remember hearing someone criticize a certain make/model's seats once, and was surprised because I'd thought that particular model had the most comfortable seats....
mtngal- I have to say I'm very impressed with all the real world knowledge you have about trucks and their practical applications.... Thanks for all your interesting messages. You're a real asset to this discussion.
kcram- Hey buddy, thanks for stopping through here. I also recall seeing that same bit of news about 2001 Dodge Ram getting the Reader's Choice Award at womenmotorist.com. Good point about the power peddle extenders. Perhaps we'll be seeing more women driving Dodge Rams in the near future.
To yurian44- I hear ya on that new Nissan long bed crew cab. Looks pretty interesting. Boy, they do seem rather long though. I was actually wondering if one would even fit in my garage. Although have to admit, the only one I've actually seen close up also had this huge grill guard wrapped around the front adding to the length.... also making it look more macho. Just curious, have you had chance to drive one?
Btw, I'm also curious to know what people here think about the Chevy S10 Crew cab? Looks kind of interesting (lot of standard features) on paper. I just met someone that just purchased one recently, and he had nothing but good stuff to say.... of course he was also exhibiting a lot of NVH (new vehicle high). Gotta wait till that wears off a little before you can offer a more objective report, imo. ;-)
I don't really plan on doing any serious looking for a few months; don't want to get too tempted to pull out of my lease too early. But in the meantime, it is interesting to hear all the different feedback. And of course with all this discussion, I'll probably be inspired now to put on my tire kicking shoes and go check out a pickup truck or two.... ;-)
Hatchbacks / Station Wagons / Women's Auto Center Boards
Hey all you pickup chicks. Here's my truck story.
Way back in 1992 when my (no laughing please) chevy chevette was on it's last legs I new I needed a new vehicle. At the time I was looking to get something pretty cheap and all of the cars that were in my price range did not exite me. Toyota tecel type stuff and I don't even remember what else. Any way, I started seeing adds in the paper for compact pickups for like around 7,000 bucks and started thinking that would be a good buy. and I also thought that the little trucks would be alot tougher and last longer than one of the el cheapo cars. So when I saw my little red Isuzu on the lot that day it was the beginning of a love affair. I had driven a nissan also but the interior was alot more basic looking and they were charging extra for stuff like the back bumper and sliding rear window. The Isuzu had that stuff included and for less. My baby was still pretty basic: regular cab, 5 speed, AC, AM/fm cassette and that's about it. She served me well for almost 10 years and I am just now going to sell her this weekend (sniff sniff).
Well, after that experiance I couldn't see myself driving anything else except a pickup. Maybe an SUV but most of the ones I would be interested in are a little pricey for me. Even the Nissan crew cab (which I was very interested in) was kind of up there by the time you add options. Yes, at this point in my life I was ready for the automatic transmission, the power windows and mirrors, the cruise control, CD player, etc.
Well, I am now the proud owner of a Black 2001 Mazda B4000 Dual Sport. Got a great deal on the year end clearance with rebates, etc. I love this truck! Very sporting looking with the raised suspension and cool alloy wheels. I think it rides very nice and smooth, with plenty of power. This best part though are the rear doors on extended cab. I carry my bowling ball back there and I couldn't imagine living without that in an extended cab. Next best thing to the crew cab and you still have the big bed. It also came with a reciever hitch which I plan to use for a canoe/kayak carrier attachement. I just got a Jason fiberglass tonneau cover for the bed and I can't wait to fill it with camping gear and hit the road. (Hope I don't regret not getting a camper shell - oh well).
Well ladies, keep on truckin'.
The best thing to do is go to the dealer and measure while she's sitting in it.
I like the camper shells mainly because I haul a large dog in the back. Shells do limit what you can haul, since while it is technically possible to take them off, it is a royal pain. I had much less hassle with the camper and camper jacks. If I didn't have the dog I would look seriously at the tonneau covers.
Leomort - LOL! Actually you made my point - drive each vehicle to its capability. That 4x2 Taco is much less capable of getting out of my driveway in the winter!
The Mazda B-4000 has the SOHC 6 cylinder engine in it, a great engine that gets good gas mileage and delivers over 200 HP. A great engine Annafofana.
I find it interesting how many people love the Mazda B-truck but claim they wouldn't get a Ranger, even though they are the same truck on the same chassis from the same assembly plant. There is a perception that the Mazda is "buiilt better", and lasts longer.
I also have issues with the Frontier's styling. Trucks that attempt to fake accessories, is what I call the look; in this case, the Nissan attempts to resemble a grille/brush guard with the front styling. A truck should look good without any add-ons, it should look equally good with them, but it should not look as though is has to have them in order to look good.
Let's face it, all trucks are a cab and a box. It's up to the individual manufacturers to do something different to make customers buy their truck over the others. For me, it was the "heavy duty" image created by the big-rig styling and Cummins diesel of the Dodge Ram. I also have long arms and legs for my height (6'0", 34" inseam, 35" sleeves) so I tend to feel cramped in cars and compact trucks. Even if I have to pay commercial registration rates, I'll stick with my full size rigs.
Smart Shopper and FWI Message Boards
Have you looked at the 2 newer diesel engines (Ford and Chevy)? If so, what did you think of them? I still think that a diesel would be practical for me, but don't know about the sticker shock. I'm thinking of waiting for about 5 years and then looking at them again. By then I'll be thinking about working towards a 5th wheel trailer and retirement (oops, maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that).
I didn't know that the Ranger and Mazda were the same truck (did know about the Escape/Tribute sameness). That means I'll probably like the Mazda - I liked the Ranger when I looked at it last year (especially the small back doors on the extended cab).
What I objected to on the Frontier was the wheel flare styling - I thought it looked stupid and pointless and tacked on. I didn't even get as far as the front grille! I always loved the look of the old Nissan Hardbody pickups - simple, utilitarian and comfortable, and was so disappointed with the Frontier.
I agree with you about the looks of the Ram. It isn't as old fashioned boxy as the Chevy (which actually I like) but not as extreme as the Flareside Ford (which I don't like at all - think of the bed space you give up!). Just nice lines. By the way, does your Ram have a bench or bucket seats? If bench, have you ridden in it with your sister? One of the complaints my 6' 0" husband had about my old Chevy was that it had a bench seat. While it was perfectly comfortable for him when he was driving, when I drove his knees were just about in the dash! We would have to get bucket seats if that is still the case.
On the other hand,having a center console with good cup holders would be nice, since we have such a long commute. It's amazing how important something so little can become! The Taco has inconvenient cup holders for coffee cups, and ones that are OK for 1 liter bottles (which we do get once in a great while) but are too big and shallow for normal soda and coffee cups.
A lot of people wondered why Ford opted to create the Explorer Sport Trac instead of simply making a Ranger crew cab, and the answer is marketing. Explorers outsell Rangers by a large margin, and the name recognition was deemed to be more valuable. This is why, unfortunately, there will be no crew cab Mazda B-series.
Personally, I'm not a fan of flareside beds or extended cabs that cut into the bed to the point where the rear axle is all the way at the front of the bed. Trucks should be trucks first, and that means cargo capacity. I've carried couches, queen-size beds, a dozen computers and monitors in boxes, L-shaped office desks, and a lot of other stuff in my trucks with the tailgate closed. There's an old adage about buying pickup trucks: "Figure out the size, strength, and capacity of the truck that will meet your needs... then buy the next size bigger." Most of the time, it holds true.
My recommendations for you, mtngal:
- Dodge Ram 1500 Quad Cab shortbed
- Dodge Dakota Quad Cab
- Ford Ranger/Mazda B4000 4-door
- Chevy S10/GMC Sonoma Crew Cab
I am going to say no to the Tundra because the interior is misleadingly small. It's still Dakota size instead of full-size, despite what Toyota claims. Not a fan of the Nissan, although the Crew Cab Long Bed at least gives you cargo room. If you think you're going to tow with this truck, get the largest V6 or a V8. When you hit the hills in California, you won't regret it.
Getting back to me and my diesel, the Ford and GM diesels both have an issue that the Dodge can avoid. The Ford/Navistar diesel uses sleeved cylinders that can erode without regular use ofd a coolant additive. Also, it's a 7.3 liter V8 that is just making the same output as the much smaller 5.9 liter Cummins 6 cylinder. As for the new GM/Isuzu Duramax, it uses aluminum heads, which are a no-no for a heavy duty diesel. Diesels, of course, run on heat compression instead of spark ignition, so the ability of iron to retain that heat is very important on engines that see a lot of work, Aluminum dissipates heat much faster, and may work against the combustion cycle.
I'm keeping my 96 for another 2 years. After January 2004, the new diesel emissions regulations will be established, and the new heavy duty Ram (which is scheduled to be introduced next week at the Choicago Auto Show) will have a heavily revised Cummins that is currently estimated at 305 horsepower and a house-yanking 555 pound-feet of torque.
By the way, my truck weighs about 7000 pounds or so with me and my usual junk in it. On the highway, I can get a solid 21 miles per gallon, and my best tank is an astonishing (even for me) 24.3 mpg. Back in October of 1999, I drove from north NJ to Dallas for vacation. The trip was 1550 miles each way, and even with some local driving around Dallas mixed in, the total trip for almost 3300 miles was still 20 mpg. Two things will get me out of a diesel - if they're outlawed, and... hmmmm... ok, maybe just one thing. Keep in mind, in the near future, Dodge and Ford are planning V6 diesels for the compact and half-ton full size trucks. Navistar will build the Ford V6, and the new Detroit Diesel DELTA V6 has already been tersted under the hood of a Dodge Durango, so they know it does fit. Both of these small diesels would have the power of the small V8s, with the economy of the base 4-cylinder engines. A Dodge Dakota with the Detroit V6 diesel is estimated at matching the 4.7L gas V8's performance, while getting an honest 30 mpg highway unloaded.
Smart Shopper and FWI Message Boards
One of the reasons I'm getting more interested in pickups is that they seem to come with bigger engines and manual trannys. While I would like an auto for all that slow and go stuff I have to drive through when I first leave work, I still have the problem of the climb up Interstate 5, and the steep mountain road into our place. I didn't look at another auto after I burned up 2 of them in the Nissan in a year, but have thought if I got an auto V6 or larger truck with a tranny cooler, I could probably get by. I don't mind a manual so much, especially when I'm driving the Wrangler. It is geared low, so I just leave it in second and allow enough room to absorb the variation in speeds of the vehicle in front of me. On the other hand, would getting a bigger engine take care of the "hunting" that the tranny did on my Nissan, so the tranny question would become just a matter of preference?
I'd love something like the Dakota with a diesel - wonder if it will be legal in California when they do come out with something like that? I don't know if I want to put up with the Taco for long enough to find out.
If I buy a truck in the next year or two (the current plan) I would not use it to haul anything. The 5th wheel trailer is a dream of mine for when I retire, and I'm long enough away from that so it is still just that - a dream. What I buy in the near future would probably be the trade in for the RV or 5th wheel or whatever will be on the market then...
I always enjoy reading reviews. Of course not forgetting that everyone has their own individual criteria/needs for making their purchase decisions. Even though I don't always agree with everything stated by the pros, they definitely make me think about things I wouldn't have before.
To everyone - Look for direct links to Edmunds' 2001 Crew Cab Comparison Test as well as their 2000 Full Size Pickup Comparison on the left side of the page. Hope you enjoy. Also, keep in mind these are 2000 and 2001 reviews. So if you're in the market for a 2002 pickup, be sure to check in the New Vehicle Guide to see if/what changes have been made since then.
Hatchbacks / Station Wagons / Women's Auto Center Boards
Reviews are great - I read them whenever I get interested in a vehicle. That's the reason I keep coming back to the Edmunds site, and usually start here when I'm researching something. They have talked me out of several vehicles, and convinced me to look at others I might not have thought about; but as you say, in the end it is the individual's needs and feelings that should make the decision.
For instance, I have yet to read a comparison of mini-utes that includes the Wrangler where they like it. None of these reviews changed my mind about getting one, though, and I'm very happy with mine!
In any case, that could mean that we'll be seeing more/bigger manufacturer incentives for the 2002 Dakota towards the end of the year. Just a thought. ;-)
Hatchbacks / Station Wagons / Women's Auto Center Boards
- Chrysler Group's financial health
- whether the CAFE regulations are raised
- the general acceptance of diesels (overcoming the stigma of smell and smoke)
- if someone else (e.g. Ford) goes first
If all the factors come into play, the diesel Dakota/Durango will likely be a 2005 offering.
Smart Shopper and FWI Message Boards
Thanks for the info!
Hatchbacks & Station Wagons Boards
Smart Shopper and FWI Message Boards
I don't like the looks of the Terra4, but then I don't like the Avalanche either. However, I REALLY like hybrid concept and the storage ideas. Now if I can get over the looks...
I hope that someone comes out with something like that soon, but maybe with a bit more classy styling.
Heck, bring back the old New Process 203 full time 4WD while you're at it.
Your traditional hardcore trucker
Smart Shopper and FWI Message Boards
I always liked the IH Scout! If they were still for sale I would have bought one instead of the Taco. They were one of the reasons I started looking at SUVs (and what I still think an SUV should be, but that's another topic...). They would have answered my needs very well - basic transportation, 4x4, no frills, good value. OK, I'm much older now and so might want more comfortable seats and a better suspension... At the moment my needs are pretty much met by the Taco (including shell) except it is only 2 wheel drive with uncomfortable seats. But then, every time a full sized pickup goes by on the freeway, I sigh. Something I don't need, but certainly want!
This discussion will soon be moved over to our Pickups Message Board. We look forward to continuing this subject over there. Happy motoring!
Hatchbacks / Station Wagons / Women's Auto Center Boards
1) Which makes and models are best for this time period (1990 - 94)? Are there some to look out for (either v. good or v. bad)?
2) What are the standard lengths and widths of standard and long-bed trucks? Between the wheel wells? Are long beds more difficult to maneouver on city streets (I'm in Los Angeles)?
3) In terms of ergonomics, I have short legs and a long torso. Are there trucks that are good for us more diminuitively legged drivers? Are there some to look out for (bad or good)?
4) From what I've seen so far, it seems like the imports are less expense than the domestics. Is there a reason (in terms of quality/reliability) for that that I should be aware of?
5) When looking at used trucks are there certain things I should look for to see if I'm getting a lemon or a cream puff?
I would welcome any advice and appreciate any help pointing me in the right direction. Thanks in advance!
As far as full sized pickups in LA - I didn't find maneuvering my 3/4 ton chevy very difficult on LA streets or on the freeways, but it was a pain to park. Most parking lots don't have spaces that are wide enough to park it easily. The Tacoma fits in the spaces, but since my other vehicle is a Wrangler, I have trouble adjusting to the Taco's bigger turning radius.
Import vs domestic: Older imports were all compact trucks, and so will be cheaper than full sized pickups. I haven't looked at used pickups in a while, but I would be surprised if a Nissan pickup would be cheaper than a Chevy S-10 (the compact chevy). I can't really help you much with reliability for these years. At the time I was happily driving a '88 Nissan Hardbody. I sold it 2 years ago with 290,000 miles and would probably still be driving it, except I moved to the mountains and the 4 banger/auto tranny combo couldn't handle all that elevation gain on a daily basis. By the way, I sold it for $1,000 with a broken tranny (the second one in a year, but the only major repair problem I had with it - engine was still in great shape).
I'm built much like you are. My advice is to make sure you test drive whatever you get interested in. There was one year that Ford's bench seat would not go far enough forward for me to reach the pedals, but that was a number of years ago. Last year I test drove a Ford 3/4 ton diesel and didn't have any problems. I've never had any problems with the compacts. Now my husband didn't like to ride with me in the old Chevy because it was a solid bench seat and when I drove, his knees would hit the dash! I'm told all of the bench seats now are split, thank heavens! By the way, I bought that Chevy (a '76) in '84 when it had 70,000 miles on it. I sold it in '90 with 150,000 miles and most of the miles I put on it was hauling a 4 horse trailer. The only repairs I had was a carburator and a fuel pump. It looked like what it was - a beat up farm truck. It ran great, but then so did the Nissan.
My current Toyota Tacoma (5 speed, manual) seems to be going along just like the Nissan did. It's a 2000 and has 57,000 miles on it. It has had no mechanical problems (a possible tranny problem that disappeared after a couple of days). The only thing is that the seats are very uncomfortable. If you look at the Toyota trucks make sure you are comfortable in them.
Bottom line is to figure out what you will be using the truck for, then find out which trucks fit your needs. There are so many variables involved that it is hard to give a "this is better" type of answer.
We currently have a '92 K1500 (1/2 ton, 4wd) Chevy that's taken a beating and still going (145,000 on it). It's a stick, 305 (V8) with some "tweeking" done to it. We get around 24 mpg hwy.
Beware of '95 K1500's - my Dad bought one new and has replaced front seals 4-5 times, along with other work. They were known for the front seal problems.
Sizes of boxes - for full size - short boxes are 6' long, long boxes are 8'. Basically they are all 4' wide. Dakota's (a class in theirselves in my book) are smaller, but not much in width and have 6' or 8' boxes. I'm not sure what the imports or compacts have.
Just make sure, as with any car, you look whatever you decide on over carefully - motor, undercarriage for leaks, etc. lol.
Hope this helps.
If you are a female pick-up truck driver, you are part of a growing segment, and a major daily newspaper would like to speak with you. If you are eligible and interested in participating, please write to jfallon@edmunds.com no later than 3/19/02. It is helpful if you provide your phone number, vehicle model, and city/state of residence. Thanks much! ;-)
Hatchbacks & Station Wagons Boards
I can see a mini van or a station wagon but not a pickup truck.