Like or dislike the T100
I've had a T100 for about 6 1\2 years now, been through a wreck with a caddy a blow out with Firestone at 70 on the freeway and she is still going strong. It has alot of guts when needed, 90 going up the 15 to Vegas. Drives like a car power everything, just wish there was more room in the cab. Tows my tent trailer to Wrightwood no problem. Would you say I'm a happy camper?
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or whatever name he comes back with
after he gets banned by the hosts !
Since some of you are NEW here
you wouldn't know who teller
really is ! Go back thru the
archives.....He has been here
long before me ! If any of you
guys have been members of toy
solutions for a long time you
would remember him over there
talkin about rustin and bustin !
BTW: I had less problems with my
S-10s than I had with my 2 toyotas!
Never had to replace ANY head gaskets
in my 4 cyl s10s..But had to in my toys!
Thanks for your cooperation and participation.
PF Flyer
Pickups & News & Views Message Boards
their nasty posts !!!!!!!
What you conveniently left out (like you always do because you have none) is the facts that would substantiate your opinion.
Thanks for the hard facts.
Want facts? Don't whine to me, you asked for them:
The real TRUTH from actual
toy owners not magazines !
NOT my opinion but a FACT.....
This topic asks a simple question... Like or dislike the T100. It's not a Toyota vs GM topic.
Move on.
PF Flyer
Pickups & News & Views Message Boards
My T100 had the 3.0 liter (150 horsepower and 180 ft/lbs torque) and was rated to tow 4500 lbs (this is the bumper rating). The 3.4 liter (190 horses and 220 ft/lbs torque) T100s (95 up) could tow 5200lbs in 2X4 trim and 5000lbs in 4X4 trim...
Somebody asked for specs...
The only reason I had to let it go, is that it would not tow my camping trailer.