Living in NY and buying a car in MA

underrugsweptunderrugswept Member Posts: 1
edited October 2014 in General
I have been searching for a very specific car for months and finally found it, but it is in Massachusetts and I live in NY. I contacted the dealer and they said they've never sold a car to anyone in NY before and don't know what to do about registration. What do I need to do before I go there to make sure I can go there and buy the car and drive it home in one trip? I don't want to have to make the four hour drive twice.


  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 256,397
    I'd call your local county DMV where you register your car, and ask them what documentation you need to register a new car bought from out of state.. Then, ask the dealer in MA if they can get you that paperwork, and sell you the car without paying MA sales tax.

    You'd think the MA dealer would be motivated to find out their end... MA is a pretty small state... seems weird that a dealer wouldn't have had customers from one of the surrounding states. (of course, maybe it's the state's tax rules that keep out-of-state buyers away... I don't know).

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