2014 Equinox car battery dead

redeemed3redeemed3 Member Posts: 4
edited January 2015 in Chevrolet
I purchased a 2014 Equinox in August this year. It has 5,000 miles on it and the car battery was dead this morning. I drove it on Friday and Monday the battery was dead. NOTHING was left on or running. My 2010 Traverse did the same thing after not driving for 4 days. It happened 4 times and I was told by the dealer that they could not find anything wrong. Sounds like this is an ongoing issue with these vehicles. What can be done about this???


  • ray80ray80 Member Posts: 1,655
    I would have the dealer replace the battery if they find its bad, some are.
  • redeemed3redeemed3 Member Posts: 4
    Okay. Thank you!
  • ray80ray80 Member Posts: 1,655
    Just to ask, what part of country are you in? Really cold? Do you take short trips with rear defrost/ bun warmers on where there isn't enough time to fully re-charge battery?
  • redeemed3redeemed3 Member Posts: 4
    Live in the Atlanta area and it has not been cold. Do use the bun warmers, but they are turned off after the car has warmed up. Drive about 10 - 15 miles a day. Just frustrating when you buy a brand new car and have issues with it not starting.
  • redeemed3redeemed3 Member Posts: 4
    Also, the lighted console area flickers from bright to dim irregularly.
  • ray80ray80 Member Posts: 1,655
    redeemed3 said:

    Live in the Atlanta area and it has not been cold. Do use the bun warmers, but they are turned off after the car has warmed up. Drive about 10 - 15 miles a day. Just frustrating when you buy a brand new car and have issues with it not starting.

    Hhmm any kind of heater circut uses quite a bit of juice, if you only drive 10-15 miles a day total the re-charge perhaps is questionable, not sure.

    Could the flicker on console area be because of low light levels at this time of year causing DRL's going into nightime (regular headlights and dimmer cabin lights) mode?
  • theboze1theboze1 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2014 LTZ Tahoe with the same problem, that I bought last April with the Certified Pre-owned extended warranty, and back in November it sat for the first time for 3.5 days, and the battery wouldn't start the truck. Thinking I might have left something on by accident, I just used my jumper box, and it was fine, until in December when I left it sit for 4 days, and same problem. I took it to the dealer, they put the battery on charge for a few hours, then tested it and said it was bad. Now it had 37,700 miles on it and they wouldn't cover the new battery, saying it was a maintenance item, not covered under the CPO warranty. So I bought an Exide battery with more cranking amps and reserve capacity, and after going away on vacation for a week, came home last weekend after it sitting for 8 days, and the battery was completely dead, had to use the key to unlock the door. I charged it, and it has been fine as long as I use it daily. I am dropping it off at my dealer today and I will keep you posted on what they find.
  • nanababsnanababs Member Posts: 1
    Hello, did you find out your problem. I kept having same issue on battery, discovered it is the connecter cable from battery to the alternator. and because it is 2014 no cable is avail. NO where. had to back order it and now it is not covered under warrenty. 1 month no car. they wont even help with a loner car. I love my equinox but this is ridiculous. car is to new so no part avail anywhere. they should not charge me and they should provide a loner car so I can get to work.
  • memayto3memayto3 Member Posts: 2
    Hi, did you find a solution?  I have a 2014 Equinox that the battery randomly dies.  I was gone for a month and left the car in the garage in extremely cold temperatures. When I came home the car started fine.  I drove it all weekend, parked it in the garage and tried to start it four days later and it was dead.  Put it on a charger for about an hour and it started.  This has happened three or four different times.  I am at a loss.  Any suggestions?
  • Mr_ShiftrightMr_Shiftright Member Posts: 64,481
    Have you ever done a parasitic drain test? It should read maybe 50 milliamps, more or less, that's needed to maintain memory on various modules. It's possible something is draining more, or not shutting down when it should. These types of drain can be tricky if they are episodic. You have to nail them when they are happening, and even if you spot a higher drain you still have to track down what it is---possibly by pulling fuses one by one.
  • memayto3memayto3 Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2018
    Thank you for your reply.  Is that something that is done at the dealership?
  • colt_herocolt_hero Member Posts: 107
    My 2011 had to be re-programmed shortly after I bought it new (Jan 2011) because some dummy forgot to turn off the (blue) interior courtesy lights in his logic, and GM's wonderful quality control people didn't catch this oversight. So my battery died. After the re-program it was fine, though. Don't know if you need the same re-program ... I would guess not since you would think they'd stamped that problem out by 2014. My vote is just a bad battery. It happens.
  • Mr_ShiftrightMr_Shiftright Member Posts: 64,481
    memayto3 said:

    Thank you for your reply.  Is that something that is done at the dealership?

    Sure. A parasitic drain test is very easy to do. What's a bit harder is to catch it when it's happening--that is, if there is one in the first place. They can load-test the battery as well.
  • bullfrogbullfrog Member Posts: 2
    dont know why but ...sounds like a cell gone bad
  • Covered1_LCovered1_L Member Posts: 1
    Had battery issues for about 3 months. Finally took it to a Chevrolet Dealership. I read several fixes within this forum however I haven't heard this one. They told me it was my Bluetooth. When I use my Bluetooth and get out of the car, the Bluetooth is still connected. They had to do an upgrade so when I get out of the vehicle, the Bluetooth will disconnect. Hope this helps somebody.
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