What is the best way to TODDLER proof brand new cloth seats? Scotchguard?

I would like to hear opinions on spraying Scotch Guard($5 a can) on new cloth seats(happens to be in a 2015 Honda Pilot)...or any other ideas?
You already have a lot of sizing, adhesives and plastics outgassing in a new car - I guess the question is whether you want to spray something else in there or simply wipe up the inevitable messes when they occur. I used to use the stuff (no kiddos here) but my wife has various allergies, so I stopped buying it. Don't know what we'll do if we get a new car - let it bake in the sun with the windows down for a few months I guess.
The problem with protectants like Scotchgard is that they might not protect too well against certain types of stains, especially ones that are acidic in nature. Also if you don't get to the stain immediately, then it's harder to control the amount of damage.
But it's certainly better than nothing at all. You can test if the fabric has protection from the factory by finding some inconspicuous spot to pour a little water on it. If the water doesn't pool up, but soaks immediately into the fabric, then there's no protection on there.