Luxury-Like Ride Runs Close Second to Ram - 2015 Ford F-150 Long-Term Road Test

Trucks aren't supposed to be to ride like a sedan. It's a truck. It's built to work first and do everything else second. That's probably why I'm so impressed by our F-150. It's shockingly supple over rough roads and almost luxury-car like on smooth surfaces.
On the squat issue, I will say it is very minor in the RAM. Had approx 900 lbs of old wood dock in the back of my RAM 2 weeks ago and you could hardly tell. Handling on the winding roads by our cottage seemed almost unaffected with this load. I also put 500 lbs of tongue weight on the RAM with maybe 3/8" to 1/2" of squat. Not even noticeable...
Almost all half-tons are more capable than 90% of people need. I come from a 2010 Honda Ridgeline (RIP) and that was capable of 90% of what MOST people do. I was on the edge a little with it for the boat (4,800 lbs) but it still towed it respectably.