Chevy Cobalt 2005 Auto 2,2l only goes click sometimes when try to start. Why?

hoho580hoho580 Member Posts: 3
edited July 2015 in Chevrolet
My sister has a 2005 Cobalt 2.2L, auto, she has replaced the battery, starter, ignition switch when recalled, now it starts when it wants to and only goes click when it won't start. Today the neighbor came out to help her cuz she has cancer and put the car in gear then back into park and it started... any suggestions... I am thousands of miles away and trying to help her out..

Best Answers


  • Mr_ShiftrightMr_Shiftright Member Posts: 64,481
    First thing I'd do is make sure the batter cables are clean and tight, with no corrosion etc. Is this the starter relay that you hear? If it is, and if it clicks every time you turn the key, then it's not the ignition. That leaves the solenoid (which is a relay) or starter as the culprit--presuming the battery cables are clean on both ends of both cables.
  • hoho580hoho580 Member Posts: 3

    First thing I'd do is make sure the batter cables are clean and tight, with no corrosion etc. Is this the starter relay that you hear? If it is, and if it clicks every time you turn the key, then it's not the ignition. That leaves the solenoid (which is a relay) or starter as the culprit--presuming the battery cables are clean on both ends of both cables.

    Thanks, but she took it in and they have replaced the starter twice, the battery, and the ignition was replaced..recall.. I think it could be the neutral safety switch, but I have not been a mechanic for about 20 years. The new electronic shift system not sure if there is even one anymore. Yesterday her neighbor came out n helped her get the car started. He put the car in drive then back in park and it started.. I believe it has to be in the electrical system some type of short that comes n goes..
  • hoho580hoho580 Member Posts: 3
    Thanks to the people who responded to my question, I have passed on your suggestions and will keep you posted on the progress...If anyone else can suggest any other type of solution to this problem all suggestions are greatly appreciated...
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