We had this happen on our '04 once. Eventually, the gauge caught up and went to full, but it took more than one day. Has not happened again however, and I blamed it on a sticky float. I dont know if this is all that the gauge uses similar to older vehicles, but it has not occurred other than that one time.
My 2004 Quest has less than 22,000 miles and from mile 17 I have had problems with the back roof window leaking water (replaced twice and is still leaking), severe vibration in the steering wheel and insisted that the rotor be changed - dealer stated they were and yet the car still vibrated. I had the wheels pulled and proved the rotor hadn't been scraped or replaced. The same went on with the side panel doors. While the dealership had my car, they damaged the bumper and back passenger panel and had to replace them and repaint. From there, during touch up painting they got paint all over the windshield, mirror, roof and a few other areas. This took 4 trips to correct. They then broke the roof sliding top and while correcting that, they got some sort of glue all over the interior top resulting in my visors being stuck to the top and discoloration (as if bleached) of the rest. They had to replace the entire interior section. My vibrating steering wheel problem is horrible and yet the dealership says they can't duplicate the problem. I have even taken the service manager on a ride showing the vibration and yet, the situation has gotten worse and no correction yet. My sliding door on the drivers side won't open when you touch the handle. The tires constantly loose air and from day one there was a nail in one tire (the dealership had construction going on) and yet they couldn't find the nail. After four trips and complaints, I stood with the repair people while I had them put it up on the lift and finally, you could see the nail. They pulled it out, said they repaired it and not even 10 miles down the road, my tire started going flat and of course they were closed then so I had to have it repaired at a tire shop and made them show me the repair when they took the tire off. You wouldn't believe it but the dealership never even sealed the interior of the tire. The dealership did refund this money. The dealership in the last year has had my Quest for 118 days (they did provide me a shop car). Unfortunately, my woe hasn't ended. I was in constant contact with the Regional Dealership Managers and told them I wanted my vehicle bought back - as I can tell from just finding this site, Nissan would have to buy back all of ours. Perhaps we need to get a Class Action legal action going? I would like to know if everyone finally had all the recalls (sliding doors) or whatever repaired and what was the tire issue recall as I couldn't find that. Thanks for your ear.
I appreciate your input but believe me its the brakes (rotors) that are giving us grief. I aware of the steering wheel issue (I dont have that issue) but this is definately the brakes. :lemon:
same here. It happened once when I drove it almost to empty. I filled it up but the gauge didn't seem to move at first. Then it started moving up very slowly (over a day or two). It's been working fine since and never occurred again. (Current mileage ~ 14K).
I see that a number of us have had the non-brake rotor/pad related vibration/harmonic/booming at low RPM. My dealer has replaced a cracked mount on the catylitic converter, but the noise became louder. I have read on Nissanhelp.com about clearances of the rubber exhaust hangers and their metal brackets. Has anyone completely solved the problem?
If your dealer had the car for that many days and problems have not been corrected why have you not started a lemon law suit? There is not a stae in the union that would rule in favor of Nissan?
You only need a class action if you are looking to make a lawyer rich for minor issues.
Nissan has even screwed us with the tires. Nobody has the size tires that fit on the van. TireRack.com has the OEM tires but they are terrible tires and I don't want to pay what they're asking for them. Do any of you have any idea what alternative sizes may fit? I HATE MY VAN! and I HATE NISSAN FOR MAKING SUCH CRAP!
I'm in the process of changing tires and the accepted size is 235/60/16. I've talked to a few tire shops. Each warned against using 215/70/16 since it is a narrowere tire than the OEM. It could make the van handle differently and it could raise a red flag during inspection.
The 235/60/16 may cause your speedpometer to read a bit fast and it will have a slightly lowe rprofile than the OEM. But handling will remain the same and ther is a good selection of tires. I woudl stay away from the SUV tires.
I'm going with the 235/60/16. Seems like that's what most are doing to get away from the tires the lemon came with. Not only is the tire an odd size, It's a terrible tire. Zero traction in even the lightest snow, and they wear down way too fast. Thanks Nissan for making the worst van possible. :lemon:
You would be surprised just how the rulings go. As I write this, Nissan (a new dealer) has my vehicle (going on 10 days now) trying to correct some of the previous problems (requested by the Nissan Regional Office). I was informed just moments ago, that the tires have feathered, most likely because of the previous problems; but, "Nissan is not in a position at this time to replace the tires". Sound familiar to anyone. Enough is enough. I AM further pursuing this is the BBB and LL again - final thought, I was looking for a new vehicle (and I guarantee it won't be a NISSAN!
Don't count on getting too far with the BBB. Nissan Pays them to do the arbitration and my Atty said that the BBB sides with Nissan about 80% of the time. After some reasearch myself, I've found it's closer to 70% but still way out of line. I've setteled with Nissan. I'm going to take my money and the Lemon and trade it in. You can be sure I won't be purchasing another Nissan again ever. They may take comfort in the victory with the BBB. But they have lost a customer for life. I purchase new every 3 to 4 years. Every 3 to 4 years as I drive past the Nissan dealership they will have lost another sale. And I'll feel a little bit better about the entire Nissan fiasco.
My 04 Quest was still riding on the original set of Goodyear crap tires with 30k on them. They didn't have a lot of tread left. Yesterday, I had a flat on one of the tire and today I took it into a tire shop to get it checked out. While fixing it, they damaged the tire. The shop manager offer to give me a brand new free tire for that one wheel. After talking to him little more, I told him to replace all 4 with Toyo Proxes TPT (235/60/16) for the price of 3. Each tire with mounting plus tax was $129. I have always liked Toyo tires as they have good traction and excellent tire wear. They are also made in Japan.
I read an ad in the Wall Street Journal a few days back that said there was a class action lawsuit against an oil company and their distributors who had added something to their gasoline that caused fuel sensor floats to stick. It had to so with silver something being in the float sensor. There were web links so you could find out if your car and/or location were involved. This may be your problem - sorry I can't supply any additional details but I am not having the problem so I didn't pay more attention.
I have had a slightly different problem. I was in for an oil change and the service manager told me my rear brakes were 90% worn. My Quest had only 15,500 miles on it - so I thought that was impossible. He showed me and sure enough the pads were all but gone and the rotors were scored so bad they would need to be turned.
I took it to my Quest dealer, they confirmed the same thing and wanted to charge me for the repairs. I pointed out that it only had 15.5K on the brakes and they were the rear brakes, not the front ones that take most of the wear.
They claimed that I had either overloaded my Quest or had driven with the emergency brake on. Neither was true, the Quest is used by only my wife and me and we have never had any significant load in it. And I own a 37' RV so I am very sensitive to the smell of burning friction material - IF the emergency brake was EVER on I would have smelled it immediately. That just never happened and for the rotors to be as bad as they were the brake would have to have been left on for a LONG time.
I had them fixed at the dealer anyway ($193) and went to the BBB Auto Line - applied on-line, much easier than paper. They sent me some forms anyway, I filled them out and returned them. BBB contacted me very quickly and after talking with Nissan they did send me a refund check for the repairs.
I will watch my rear brakes closely since I am sure they have been engineered wrong, they have low quality pads and/or rotors or the proportioning valve is set incorrectly.
Anyone else have this problem? How did you resolve it. Go to BBB Auto Line and fight for premature non-warranty problems - it worked for me.
One of the tthings I forgot is the Quest has Electronic Braking Distribution. More of the braking is done by all 4 wheels instead of the front wheels as it is in many minivans (and most vehicles). It helps with avoiding nose dives during hard braking. This means that the rear brakes could in fact wear as fast as the front. I visited another forum and a poster reminded me of this.
So you could have driven with your parking brake on, but I highly doubt that esp. since the "Brake" light is hard to miss.
I just saw your message about the "sliding door anti-rattle kit" and I have the same problem with the sliding doors rattling. I am second owner of 04 Quest and am wondering if I can still qualify for this repair. Do you think I can get my local dealer to install this kit by just going in and asking for it even though I haven't received anything directly from Nissan? Also, how were you able to get an extended warranty from Nissan? Our warranty is about to expire because we are at 35,000 miles. I would love to get an extension, what do you suggest?
The car's factory warranty is transferrable to new owners so you can still take it to Nissan and get them to fix the rattle for free. Nissan has extended the warranty on all 2004 Quests from 3 years/36000 miles to 5 years/60000 (bumper to bumper). This will cover all repairs except for wear and tear items (brakes, wipers...etc)
When did you buy the 2004 Quest? Nissan sent a letter and sticker to 2004 owners in September/october 2004. The owner should have put the sticker in the owner's manual (it could also be inthe maintence manual) as instructed in the letter. If it isn't there, then call Nissan customer service to confirm the extended warranty and ask that they send you the sticker. The dealership knows about this so it should not be an issue for warranty work.
What was going on with your car that you were able to settle with Nissan? Has anyone had trouble trading their car? I was told my 04 quest was only worth 12,500. A car that cost 38k new. What is the deal with Nissan?
Why does is cost over 2.00 a mile to drive a nissan quest? That is what the dealer told me on my 04 quest. It lost $26,000. in less than two years!!!!!!!!!!!
Go to kelley blue book and find out the real value of your car. $12,500 seems a bit absurd for an 04 Quest. My 04 Quest SL with options had MSRP of $30,800. With 21,000 miles Kellys blue book has the Trade in value at $19,475, the private party value- $22,305, and the retail Value( a dealers typical asking price ) was $26,340.
All the usual issues. Door rattles and others. But the main issue was that at 10,000 the transmission would not shift and was replaced. A few weeks later the same thing happened again. They checked and the transmission was fine and could not recreate the problem. Then the new A/T started smoking. The seals were leaking. Finally the trans. started not changing gears again. This time they replaced the TCM. Then another seal leak. This lemon has been in the shop of one thing or another for over 45 days.
If you have had so many problems, why don't you seek restitution under you state's lemon laws? Why would you just sell it back to the dealer without exploring your options?
love the "cannot re-create the problem" response. Like i have so much time in my schedule and love dealing with dealerships so much that I fake an issue with my car so I cna vist them???
Sounds like the transmission and the computer were not jiving.
Heh agreed. Also gotta love the “that’s normal”, “within specifications”. Really my DVD screen should sound like a Wal-Mart cart?
I bought it pre-owned in October of 2005 and have had it back to the dealer several times for body integrity type issues ( e.g. sunroof broken, fuel door lid not opening, rear windshield washer fluid hose clogged causing fluid to leak into the van, clips were broken in the back of driver and passenger seats causing plastic piece on back to be loose). Now at 36000 miles we have begun noticing the rotors rattling badly when braking at Interstate speeds. I have seen several messages regarding rotor issues. I checked my manuals and there is no sticker for the extended warranty you mentioned. Do you think I can still get it sent to me from the national Nissan service number or should I talk to my local dealer?
Has anyone experienced any issues with the '04 Quest backfiring? I know that sounds crazy and shouldn't be happening on newer vehicles, but we think it has happened to us twice now. Both times we had been driving for about 40 minutes. We pulled over to make sure the sound we heard wasn't a blown tire, which it wasn't.
For the "cannot re-create the problem" response, I have video taped my issues and played it back for the Service managers. It convinces them.
Just got back from a good dealer visit. I take it in for oil change and get a loaner car while they fix my problems. My dealer ahs been very understanding of the Quest issues. They turned my rotors a 2nd time (22,000 miles) and said next time I'll get new rotors under warranty. They say this Altima/Max/Quest platform has many rotor issues. They thought the new rotors looked like a different material so maybe Nissan is trying to fix the problem.
They also offered new rear seat latches to eliminate a "creaking" sound. They said the new latches had a coating on them.
I still have one door that auto-reverses frequently when closing and they are ordering a new hinge and motor to fix that hopefully.
I had this recall work done today. Now, I'm hearing serious squeak/rattle coming from the 3rd row bench seat area constantly. It goes away when I stow it in the cargo bay. I wish I hadn't got it done since my 05Quest has been so rattle free for about a year and 15 K miles. Anyone else experiencing this?
Has anyone had a problem with critters(mice, etc.) getting inside the heater blower cavity - After first winter ('04 SE) I noticed that when we turned on heater it sounded like blower motor was going bad - it vibrated at higher speeds. Took to dealer & ($300+ labor bill later) he showed me debris from a nest made in blower cavity. Not covered under warranty! Happened again last winter - After dozens of phone calls (Nissan is not good about returning calls) - the verdict from as high as I know how to go to in resolutions dept. is there is no way to prevent access into the vehicle. It is my responsibility to prevent their ability to access the vehicle - since its garaged all the time - he said maybe leave it outside (brilliant) - He had absolutely no way to help except go to dealer (at my expense) to clean out whenever it happens (requires removing center console incl Nav System). I asked how to screen off an area - he said if he told how to do that it would void the warranty. I've tried mothballs in a bag in engine compartment but didn't help. Has anyone had the problem? Any one have ideas? Nissan sure doesn't care!!
Hi, back from a busy few weeks. Anyway, here are the latest trials and tribulations of the Quest. BRAKES: I replaced all 4 rotors with performance rotors from www.frozenrotors.com, plus new HAWK pads all around. Total cost $700.00 installed. Lets see how these bad boys hold up over the next few months. BELTS: I had the 2 belts replaced last week at the dealership as they were squealing. Car sounds like new again. Cost, $190.00. TIRES: We have 40K miles on the van and soon will need new tires. I am going to get TOYOS 235/60/16. I have TOYOS on my Altima and luv TOYOS tires, great quality. Not the OEM crap as they suck as we all know. (Cant believe they still have them on the 06). BTW, Trans, I had it flushed at 30K. Other that the above all is well so far. I still enjoy the van, so does the wife and kids. Just wish it did not have this many caveats, OH well I guess that what happens when you are first inline. So far my dealer has been great and worked with me all all issues and resolved them (except the brakes which i hope I resolved myself). Good luck all, be back soon.
bperk: What size rotors does the Quest use? I had my Quest in the shop to address a few items and they mentioned the rotors and pads were close to needing replacing. I don't want to use the same OEm rotors.
Also what is the rear brake setup for the 2004 Quest S? The service manager told my wife, it was drums in the rear.
Do the 200-2003 wheels fit? Or Altima or other Nissan wheels?
You only need a class action if you are looking to make a lawyer rich for minor issues.
Athens Nissan (Athens, Georgia)
Nissan Customer Service
When I had a flat a month or so after getting the van (05 SE), it cost about $170; think it was Goodyear.
The 235/60/16 may cause your speedpometer to read a bit fast and it will have a slightly lowe rprofile than the OEM. But handling will remain the same and ther is a good selection of tires. I woudl stay away from the SUV tires.
Thanks for the reply.
I took it to my Quest dealer, they confirmed the same thing and wanted to charge me for the repairs. I pointed out that it only had 15.5K on the brakes and they were the rear brakes, not the front ones that take most of the wear.
They claimed that I had either overloaded my Quest or had driven with the emergency brake on. Neither was true, the Quest is used by only my wife and me and we have never had any significant load in it. And I own a 37' RV so I am very sensitive to the smell of burning friction material - IF the emergency brake was EVER on I would have smelled it immediately. That just never happened and for the rotors to be as bad as they were the brake would have to have been left on for a LONG time.
I had them fixed at the dealer anyway ($193) and went to the BBB Auto Line - applied on-line, much easier than paper. They sent me some forms anyway, I filled them out and returned them. BBB contacted me very quickly and after talking with Nissan they did send me a refund check for the repairs.
I will watch my rear brakes closely since I am sure they have been engineered wrong, they have low quality pads and/or rotors or the proportioning valve is set incorrectly.
Anyone else have this problem? How did you resolve it. Go to BBB Auto Line and fight for premature non-warranty problems - it worked for me.
One of the tthings I forgot is the Quest has Electronic Braking Distribution. More of the braking is done by all 4 wheels instead of the front wheels as it is in many minivans (and most vehicles). It helps with avoiding nose dives during hard braking. This means that the rear brakes could in fact wear as fast as the front. I visited another forum and a poster reminded me of this.
So you could have driven with your parking brake on, but I highly doubt that esp. since the "Brake" light is hard to miss.
Sounds like the transmission and the computer were not jiving.
Heh agreed. Also gotta love the “that’s normal”, “within specifications”. Really my DVD screen should sound like a Wal-Mart cart?
Just got back from a good dealer visit. I take it in for oil change and get a loaner car while they fix my problems. My dealer ahs been very understanding of the Quest issues. They turned my rotors a 2nd time (22,000 miles) and said next time I'll get new rotors under warranty. They say this Altima/Max/Quest platform has many rotor issues. They thought the new rotors looked like a different material so maybe Nissan is trying to fix the problem.
They also offered new rear seat latches to eliminate a "creaking" sound. They said the new latches had a coating on them.
I still have one door that auto-reverses frequently when closing and they are ordering a new hinge and motor to fix that hopefully.
I wish I hadn't got it done since my 05Quest has been so rattle free for about a year and 15 K miles.
Anyone else experiencing this?
BRAKES: I replaced all 4 rotors with performance rotors from www.frozenrotors.com, plus new HAWK pads all around. Total cost $700.00 installed. Lets see how these bad boys hold up over the next few months.
BELTS: I had the 2 belts replaced last week at the dealership as they were squealing. Car sounds like new again. Cost, $190.00.
TIRES: We have 40K miles on the van and soon will need new tires. I am going to get TOYOS 235/60/16. I have TOYOS on my Altima and luv TOYOS tires, great quality. Not the OEM crap as they suck as we all know. (Cant believe they still have them on the 06).
BTW, Trans, I had it flushed at 30K.
Other that the above all is well so far. I still enjoy the van, so does the wife and kids. Just wish it did not have this many caveats, OH well I guess that what happens when you are first inline. So far my dealer has been great and worked with me all all issues and resolved them (except the brakes which i hope I resolved myself). Good luck all, be back soon.
Also what is the rear brake setup for the 2004 Quest S? The service manager told my wife, it was drums in the rear.