Jeep Liberty Prices Paid and Buying Experience



  • Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,254
    tomasnc, congratulations! I'm so glad you found the information on this site helpful, and that you got a great deal on the Liberty. It's nice that the dealer was so upfront with you as well.

    I'm sure other owners would love to hear from you in our regular Jeep Liberty discussion. That's where members are talking about their ownership experiences.

    Roving Host
    Host, Future Vehicles & Smart Shopper discussions

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    2015 Kia Soul, 2021 Subaru Forester (kirstie_h), 2024 GMC Sierra 1500 (mr. kirstie_h)
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  • robrobrobrob Member Posts: 1
    Question for those of you who have taken advantage of the 0.0% financing.

    Is there a pre-payment penalty ?
  • dawnrdawnr Member Posts: 5
    Limited prices with heated seats, tow, sunroof, chrome wheels is about 29500. Rebate right now is 2K. Dealer is saying 25K after rebate. Can I do better? I don't want the wheels or tow anyway, which adds about 1200 to my cost, but although there are many for sale at dealers in NE, I can't find one with just what I want. Most don't have ABS option either, and i don't know how much of an issue that is.
  • faroutfarout Member Posts: 1,609
    After reading what some say they paid, I was somewhat confused if I got a good deal or not. Now reading your deal I think what I got was pretty good. My 2005 Limited has a base of $25035. I have noticed that the base has gone up to I believe 25295. With the 28G option $1570., antilock brakes $600. Power Sunroof $700., Hearted seats $250. Destination 610. the MSRP was 28765. after rebates the final price was $25,298. Someone has to pay for the light bill, sales person and the flowers for my wife, and the cookies they sent to us as a thank you. I wish I could say we got it for say $23,000. but what I state is real and I like the Liberty. In our area the dealer sells about four a week, and they come to him about every two or three weeks.

    Mine did not come with a hitch, but the dealer told me that it is true that Liberty's come from the factory ready for towing, except for the wiring and the hitch. U Haul wants $196 for a hitch, wire, and instalation for a class 3. The dealer says close to $375. Both told me it was avery tight fit, and about 1 and 1/2 hours to do.

    I personally really like the ABS, and the heated seats are really nice in the cold. The way mine came is just what I would have ordered, except I would have added the hitch. Hope this paints a real honest picture for you.
  • dawnrdawnr Member Posts: 5
    Bought the Limited today with base price of 25225, 28G (leather), antilock brakes, side airbags, heated seats, sunroof. Total MSRP 29445. Paid 27300, then less 2k rebates so final cost of 25300. (not counting sales tax, title, registration of course).
  • rikkirikki Member Posts: 2
    Just bought a new Inferno Red Liberty Sport with C package, V6, Auto & Moonroof. Extra's I wasn't planning on but love now are the Security package and 6-disc CD player. List price was $25,195. Bought for $21,500 using the $2,000 rebate and 0% financing for 60 months. This does not reflect sales tax etc. I purchased the extended warranty for $1,250 to extend me to 7 years. I felt it was worth it since I don't even buy a $500 TV from Best Buy without spending the $99 for the additional warranty. I did get slightly better prices from different dealers but felt it was worth a little extra to buy from a friendly dealer with a great service department. I also received a follow up call today :) from my salesman to see how I liked the Jeep. Prior to owning the Jeep I had a BMW 325 and never got a call, nothing after buying the vehicle. Go figure. I didn't get flowers or cookies yet and I doubt I will but I am happy. I live in Chicago there are dozens of dealers and for example one dealer I went to sold 48 Liberty's in less than a week with this rebate & 0% deal going on. My advice get what you pay for. Buy from a cheesy dealer and get cheesy salemen and cheesy service. Keep in mind you always get better service from the dealer you buy from as well. Hope this helps!
  • badnessbadness Member Posts: 242
    wow great job!!!
    so whats Mi. your getting so far?
    can anyone else give me their inpute,
    thanks. :)
  • dawnrdawnr Member Posts: 5
    I only picked it up on 10th! Drove it home from dealer, and only put another 30 miles so i have just driven 75 or so! (I have a lease car ending in a week, so i will put the miles on that until it goes).
  • rheerhee Member Posts: 2
    I was originally planning to buy a 4X4 Limited Liberty after the summer. But recently I saw that $1750 rebate is garunteed in CT these days.

    How good is this? I mean, should I hurry buying this, or can I wait as I planned, and try to look for another good deal after this summer?

    I wouldn't mind getting an old model ( I mean, 2005). Thanks.

    - Smith Rhee
  • badnessbadness Member Posts: 242
    hi,in North Jersey(NJ) by me they are offering 2500.+ 0 % If I'm right, so if i was you I would hold out and plus the end of Aug. they will pushing them out since the 2006 will beging made or even on the lots by
    Oct. if they are quick about,I"m thinking about the CRD,not sure yet I have too test drive it. If you want I can Chex it out for you ?

  • dietrologiadietrologia Member Posts: 1
    Last night I bought a Dark Khaki Liberty Sport 4x2 with the 'C' Package of options, no other add-ons. Used Edmunds and was quoted $21,500 from Serramonte Jeep (Bay Area, CA) -- $500 below invoice. Got $,1500 back via Customer Cash and I qualified for an additional $500 back and 0% financing! I'm pinching myself, because it all seems too good to be true.

    With all the taxes & fees, the total came to $21,532.21 out the door at 0% financing. I put $5,500 down and my payments will be $267.20 per month over 60 months.

    Dealt with the fleet dealer and it was a totally painless experience. I've had more trouble buying TVs. Thank you, Edmunds, for all your help!!! :D
  • 05rockymount05rockymount Member Posts: 3
    Just bought a new 05 Liberty 4 x 2 with Rocky Mountain package for $20,800 out the door. Dealers list price was $24,260 and after dealer discount, rebate & Chrysler financing rebate reduced price to $20,800; includes CD & sunroof. Decided on a new one after looking at used 03's & 04's ranging $19,000 to $24,000. Good deal?
  • ccarter2ccarter2 Member Posts: 1
    I also just purchased a patriot blue liberty. I had a trade in 98 toyota corolla which they gave me $4,500.00 for the trade in value (they paid off a $3,000 lien) My bottom line with 4.9% financing through chrysler was $19,500.00. Did I get a good deal? The sticker was 22 and some change.
  • badnessbadness Member Posts: 242
    I just wanted to know how the liberty 2005's are running ,
    1.How is the ride?
    2.How good is the pick up on a stand still.
    3.Are the seats nice and comfy. you feel High up on the 17In wheels.
    5.whats it like in the rain/mud.
    6.Do you feel the gas is good or could be better?

    Thanks ,Guys and Girls ,any info would be great by all.
  • ashugayevashugayev Member Posts: 2
    Here's what happened -
    I was getting 2005 Jeep Sport 4WD V6 AT with side airbags and ABS.
    After the usual dog and pony show we came up with $21,500 grand total (tax, reg. etc) and then, what a surprise, they figured out that they didn't have the car after all.
    After another hour or so they found Limited (vs. Sport) for $1000 more.
    I did like the options on Limited and was well aware I was most likely being squeezed for and extra grand which I didn't mind given that it was still a not such a bad deal and the sup. side bags and ABS were there.
    I drove the car back to home and after 1/2 hr. of examination realized that the very features I was buying this particular Limited for (side airbags and ABS) were not there at all despite of three sales reps telling me otherwise.
    Calling next morning didn't help much - one of the reps suggested that if the features are mentioned in the manual they must be on the vehicle to which I asked for the sun roof location other than over ones head - mine didn't have one.
    Another guy interpreted front bags as also being side bags because they do go big and get to the sides if fully inflated.
    Anyway, I drove the vehicle back where they admitted it was "a screw up on our part" and promised to find the car I want or void the sale.
    Question I have is if it looks like they deliberately lied to me to move the vehicle of the lot hoping I wouldn't ever know I don't have airbags and ABS or things like this do happen every now and then.
    What will most likely happen - 2005 are not being put together anymore so they wouldn't be able to order a custom-made one - do I just get the money back and miss on $2000 rebate? That would be a shame...
  • faroutfarout Member Posts: 1,609
    I get the idea they thought you were just of the turnip truck. I think I would look for another dealer! Once things start of bad they usually eend up the same. The price of 21,500 for a Limited seems to good to be true. So watch your back something just is not right.

    As for Limited's as you want there are many use the dealer search on I would encourage you to read the owners book section on side windo air bags. We almost bought a sport with them. After reading not to lean, or have children next to them, I was no longer convienced I wanted them. We got the 2005 Limited with every bell and whistle except Nav systen. List was 29,090 got it with 1,500 rebate and 500. retired military discount. came to 25,300. We could have got 1000 more if we went through Chrysler financial. Went to a bank and in the long run we believe came out better. I would spend some more time locating a 5 Star dealer that wants you business and is willing to earn it with honesty. This web site we are on I think can help you as well. Goodluck.
  • ashugayevashugayev Member Posts: 2
    I'm not happy with them at all but they did take it back as promised and replaced with Sport version with ABS and side airbags. The limited was 22,500 with later found to be absent airbags and ABS which, as you said, turned out to be too good to be true. Sport V6 AT with airbags and ABS ended up being around 21,500 (after tax and all) to drive off the lot - below sticker if my numbers are right.
    My kids are rather big now and the car goes to the older one in four years so I'd prefer it to be as safe as possible. Also, insurance discount for having side bags and ABS I believe is going to pay for the features in a long run.
    I have bad aftertaste but at this point I believe they are just spoiled by faceless, gullibe mass drifting by their joint and leaving extra hundreds and thousands on regular basis so they don't even bother to know their inventory, packages, options, or even vehicle specs.
    Thanx for your advice and support,
  • libodryvrlibodryvr Member Posts: 3
    Shopping for a vehicle is not our favorite pasttime. We spent Sat. looking at Escapes and other comparable vehicles. Finally, we went to the Jeep dealership. Unfortunately for us and them all they wanted to do was put us in a lease. Well, I said no my wife said no and we left. Not to be disappointed by not purchasing I surfed the net and found an 04 sport 4X4, sunroof, deep tint glass, comfy seats etc. Internet ad priced at 16,998. The very next day and after a long talk on the phone with the internet manager we visited the dealership. We were able to reduce the price by 300 and the dealer gave us 700 over kbb for our trade which was an 04 Vibe that we outgrew. Anyway, out the door for 17000.00 I was pretty much pleased with the deal and the dealership we dealt with. So far we love it. Knock on wood it stays that way. :)
  • therazorbladetherazorblade Member Posts: 1
    After getting the final lease cost I saw that they are charging me $700 for financing and $399 MV Fee (NJ). Does the NJ DMV fee sounds right? It looks like an odd number for a government agency fee. Any ideas?
  • I'm picking up a 2005 Liberty 4x4 Renegade Rocky Mountain Edition tomorrow evening. Employee price I got was 4.5% under invoice before counting the rebate of military discount. Throw those discounts in and it comes to 14.3% under invoice! Pricing below:

    Liberty Renegade 4x4 = $22,144
    Trailer Tow Group = $329
    4-Speed Auto = $743
    Selec-Trac = $356
    Trac-Lok = $257
    SIRIUS Radio = $176
    Loyalty Mailing = $25
    5 gallons gas = $8
    Customer Preferred Package 28Y = $392
    Detroit Outstate DAA = $205
    Detroit Outer PPA/EB-PF = $210
    Destination = $660

    Total Invoice = $25,505

    Employee Price Before Rebates = $24,355

    Price After Rebates and Military Discount = $21,855

    Total Delivered Priced (incl. 6% MI Sales Tax on $24,355 and $23 title transfer)
    = $25,839.30

    Total Delivered Price After Rebates and Military Discount = $23,339.30
  • jimhemijimhemi Member Posts: 223
    Sounds about right, part of the revenue enhancers that Jimmy McGreevey signed while in office
  • rickeydfrickeydf Member Posts: 1
    I am in the process of attempting to determine the selling price for this vehicle.

    The dealers I have contacted have the same pricing schedule and state that this is the price they must have and that they are not making any profit on the vehicles , but are simply moving them out to get ready for the 2006 Models.

    The specific pricing for the Liberty Rocky Mountain 4X2 I am interested in is indicated below:

    Base Price $22,165
    Total Price with Accessories $24,280

    Dealers are Asking For This Price $20,095

    Does anyone have any experience with this method of dealing with the car dealers?
    They appear to be in lock step in this part of the State. (Madison, AL)

    Is this the lowest price that the dealer will sell this vehicle ?

    Thanks for any help you may have in this matter.
  • kdiplacidokdiplacido Member Posts: 4
    I just bought my Inferno Red Liberty Limited this week. It had 6 miles on it when I picked it up. I love it. I traded in my 98 Lexus ES300. I still owed $4000 more then the KBB value. The sticker price on the Liberty was $28,800..I ended up financing $28,300...and that was with the $4000 tacked on and only $500 down. That employee price cut is great! here's where pics are of my new Liberty...I love the 6 disk changer with the SIRIUS Radio.
  • Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,254
    Were you motivated to go car- or truck-shopping because of the employee discount deals? If so, a reporter wants to talk with you.
    Please respond to no later than Tuesday, August 9, 2005 with your daytime contact info and a few words about your experience.

    Find me at - or send a private message by clicking on my name.
    2015 Kia Soul, 2021 Subaru Forester (kirstie_h), 2024 GMC Sierra 1500 (mr. kirstie_h)
    Review your vehicle

  • kdiplacidokdiplacido Member Posts: 4
    no not really. I just really wanted to trade in my other car. The employee discount deal was nice though. I really like my new Liberty Limited.
  • stefystefstefystef Member Posts: 17
    I looked at your site, the Jeep looks good. I am interested in purchasing an Inferno Red, 6-speed manual. I really wanted the Salsa Red, but they discontinued the color and I could only find a couple of auto transmission version (which I'm not interested in).

    I am definitely getting SIRIUS too. Hope you enjoy your Liberty!
  • moparbadmoparbad Member Posts: 3,870
    MSRP $30,635 - paid $26,800.
  • battson34battson34 Member Posts: 2
    Hello everyone, I'm retiring from motocross racing in November and after 195K on my 1-Ton E350 Power stroke I am now a diesel addict. I have found out that diesels are superior in every way to gasoline engines and I will not buy a vehicle without one. This leads me to the Jeep Liberty CRD, 4 wheel drive, suv, 24 plus mpg, we are all in heaven... I'm looking for a limited, leather with sunroof and want find out what everyone else has paid for a similar vehicle before I go into the hornets nest. any response is appreciated,thanks
  • meganbmeganb Member Posts: 14
    i was absolutely motivated to go look because of employee pricing. unfortunately, i was given the wrong info and was too late. needless to say, i didn't buy the Jeep Commander i wanted but if there is an employee discount in the month of december, i will buy.
  • erickriverickriv Member Posts: 4
    I'm out shopping for a 2005 Liberty, hoping to get a Limited or Rocky Mtn edition fully loaded for the best deal possible. I'm doing a lot of internet shopping right now and only received one quote so far. It was for a fully loaded Limited 4X4, including GPS, 17X7 Aluminum Chrome Clad Wheels. Only thing it doesn't have is a SIRUS radio. MSRP is $31,615, quote was for $25,936. This is still more then I want to pay, especially for a 2005 in December. I'm sure there is more wiggle room. Anyone know if this is a good deal?
  • jerseyjayjerseyjay Member Posts: 1
    Don't know if you already purchased the car as it has been over a month since your post but I don't think the $25,936 you were quoted is very good. In July 05, We bought our 2005 Liberty Limited 4WD 3.7L Fully Loaded except the Navi for $24,000 out the door, GA tax and everything else included. Check it out at, have had it for 6 months, 6k miles and loving it. At this time, if you are able to find a Loaded 2005 Liberty Limited with Navi/Siriurs/Chrome Wheels, I don't think it should be anything over $24,000 + ttl. Good luck with your search.
  • neens_waneens_wa Member Posts: 1

    I've decided to purchase the Jeep Liberty CRD, Limited. Specifically the 22G package. While I've located one (en route to the dealership), I've not yet made any commitments because I am furiously doing my homework.

    I need a bit of help... I am a member of the Chyrsler Affiliates program - this is a new benefit for me which I've enver used before (my company was a recent acquisition by a larger company, so none of my coworkers have any experience either). According to my internal employee website, I should ask the dealer to see the actual invoice, as there will be a line item that specifically states "Affiliate Price - - - xxx.xx" to ensure I get the actual affiliate price.

    So, while shopping, I tell the sales staff exactly what I'm after, and what I want: Make/Model vehicle, to see that line item on teh invoice.

    It's getting tougher, as a woman, to shop for a vehicle. I would expect less of a "little lady" attitude these days. I'm frustrated since some dealers, after me asking about the affiliate price line on the invoice, have looked at the sky, and said things like: "Ohhhh figure about 1400.00 off the price on that window sticker, that'll be YOUR affiliate price..." (I looked at that sky... I didn't see any magical calculation... ;o( ) I had one fleet manager raise his eyebrows when I specifically stated I wanted the diesel... and he said "What do YOU need a diesel for, why do you want that????" When I spouted the towing capability, HP, torque, etc. he quickly backed down and said "OH, well, i have to see if we're members of this affiliates program..."
    When I explained to another dealership that I was shopping for a good dealership as well as an auto, the salesman grinned and said "Well, you get the best thing here, you get me as your salesman!" OMG... I'm wilting.

    This behavior is making me realize my internal website suggestion to look for that specific line item on teh DEALER paperwork was given to us for a very important reason .

    Now, when searching for factory invoice pricing online, I come across a passle of differing things, e.g. dealer invoice, etc.

    Does anyone "out there" have any experience with purchasing a vehicle using the affiliates program OR knowledge of what to expect on the REAL factory invoice price?

    The jeep I'm looking at is a Limited CRD, and has an MSRP of about 32k.

    All input will be greatly appreciated!!!!!


  • swanneeswannee Member Posts: 4
    After one solid week of intense car shopping & internet searching at night, finally scored a deal! Nina, the whole attitude towards a woman purchasing a car is frightening. In fact, me experience at a Toyota dealer left me so pissed off, I sent a 2 page typed letter to the owner of dealership plus the CEO of North American Toyota. There should be flames shooting out of the envelope!
    Anyway - here's my scoop - just got the car 2 days ago. Sticker price for Ltd package & all the upgrades - $29,465 (no taxes, doc fees). I paid $24,759 which $3123 UNDER what Edmunds says "others are paying". I never negotiated, I just said "I'm not buying a car tonight". They say, whoever says the number first is the one who loses. Well, I never said anything. I think I got a killer deal! Love to hear from others!
  • spiffykylespiffykyle Member Posts: 1
    We were planning on buying a small SUV in a few months, but recent catastrophic failure of my wife's '96 Camero pushed that decision up to this past Monday.

    First off we live in Houston, TX and we went to Carmax since I had a great experience there buying my car. We knew we wanted a small SUV and after test driving a bunch my wife fell in love with the Liberty. So we found a 2005 Liberty Sport 4x4 with ~12,500 miles on it for $17,000 +ttl. After all the paperwork and trading in her car (they gave us blue book for it even though it needed some hefty engine work) we ended up paying a little less that $20K for the Jeep with a 5yr comprehensive warranty.

    Its the kakhi color with cloth interior, V6, and a few extras.

    So far its driving great, I can't get my wife out of it.
  • steve05steve05 Member Posts: 52
    3 weeks ago I nabbed an 05 Sport CRD for $20000 out the door. It stickered at 25,830. This was in Southfield Michigan. I had searched 35 dealers on Jeep's website and called 8 of them to find the best deal - two different salesmen at the same dealer in the end, to get the best price. One dealer in Flint (VG) I had visited back in October to see a CRD had never heard of biodiesel. I left, but returned in February to see his one remaining CRD. Price posted on the vehicle was about $22000, but "you can't have that price beacuse it's a military special." I was told I could not have the price clearly posted on the vehicle, even though the little sign mentioned no restrictions. This is NOT a five star dealer BTW. I did end up buying from a much much larger dealership in Southfield and am quite happy with the purchase. Also, out of convience, I went back to the dealership (VG) I started at (it's only a mile from my house) to get a few goodies out of the accessories catalog, quickly found out, they stock NOTHING in the catalog, and everything I wanted had to be pre-paid and ordered with a two to three day wait. Left there again and found me a 5 star dealer about 10 miles away (Fenton, Michigan) with much better inventory. I guess the lesson here for me was the bigger dealers had the stock and were interested in moving it, whereas the little local dealer was the least knowlegeable, and much less willing to deal. Good luck in all your hunting, just be willing to walk out.
  • swanneeswannee Member Posts: 4
    When I bought mine ('06 Liberty V6, 4 x 4 loaded), the sign on the window was $28,000 - just the price in red lettering like a sale sign, list price approx $31,500. When it came down to talk turkey on the vehicle, the guy mentioned that $28,000 was the military price. I questioned him as we really don't have any military around - "oh yes, people that fought in Iraq, ..." Anyway, I kind of rolled my eyes because it didn't say on the sign "military price". I never mentioned a price, he started it all. Long story short - I got it for about $25,000. Apparently they must teach "military price" as a sales technique in Jeep Sales School!
  • xkmailxkmail Member Posts: 36
    The Jeep LIberty ahs absoluteley horrible resale value. I mean like 50% devalue + in one year.
    Don't buy one, or buy one used.
    I bought my 2005 for $24K, now 16 months later the honda dealer offered me $11K, and the dodge dealer where I bought it offered me $9000!
    Thats 67.5% devalue.
  • joe233joe233 Member Posts: 43
    what's the current situation with buying a CRD model? Are they in limited supply and do they qualify for all the same incentives & specials?
    Also, are you able to still get a good deal if dealer doesn't have one in stock and has to transport a vehicle you want to their lot?
  • natasha1natasha1 Member Posts: 1
    Did you ever get a response to your message? I live in Taos NM and actually ordered a 2006 Liberty Diesel...they are trying to charge me ALOT of money, over 25,000.00 after the rebate and employee pricing etc. Do you know what anyone has paid for this vehicle recently...with tow pkg and 4wd, the 22c pkg I believe.
    Thanks for any advice on do I get the price down?
    Lisa in Taos
  • joe233joe233 Member Posts: 43
    haven't seen anything new.
    Did you factory order a 2006 CRD to be built or are they transporting an exisiting vehicle to your dealership?
  • faroutfarout Member Posts: 1,609
    joe233: If you intend to buy a new CRD you will have to spend some time on the Jeep site and check inventories. They stopped making the 06 CRD about May 1 06. As a total they made 11,000. 8,333 were made in 05 and the rest were made in 06. Not very many when you consider it. DCX tried to get the maker V M Motori the Italian maker of the CRD, to get a CRD that would pass the 07 Federal Emissions standards. Even VW has dropped their diesel for 07. Dodge is still working out the Ram's diesel and may be late fall to be ready. But all the diesels are going to cost a lot more from now on. DCX is having a MB Bluetec Diesel in the grand C. in Jan of 07.
    So if you are serious nows the time. You can get anywhere from $2,500. to $4,000. off depending on the dealer. In Kansas City I saw some dealers add $2000. to what was employee pricing. Hope this helps.

  • faroutfarout Member Posts: 1,609
    joe233: any order had to be made bfore April. They stopped making the CRD on May 1, 06

  • xkmailxkmail Member Posts: 36
    Horrible resale value, heck in los angeles you can get a new 2007 for $16K +TTL, and they have hundreds on the lot.
    Mine has depreciated over 50% in jsut one year, buy used, save yourself a headache.
  • faroutfarout Member Posts: 1,609
    xkmail: No dealer will just give you what you want off the bat. You have to deal just as hard for the trade in value as you did for the price of the vehicle. I traded our 2005 Liberty Limited in after a year and it cost me $5,000. after 15,000 miles. That's a far cry from 50%! In fact it was 24%. I bargin harder with the trade only after I have a final purchase price. They assume I have no trade, because I say I want the price for the vehicle all by its self. It has come to the point where I walked away from the dealer, but what ever I save is money I do not have to spend.

  • 05crdjeep05crdjeep Member Posts: 59
    In Minneapolis, the CRDs hold their value much better than the V6s if you compare matching equipment levels. I read a thread about this awhile ago and then went to the statistics and also talked to the sales manager at my 5 star dealership who is actually someone who believes in being truthful.

    My dealer told me, based on what he can sell them for is getting a $2300 premium for the CRD on used 05s with 25000 miles on them.

    He laughed and said that isn't what they're offering for trade ins. Any trades they're getting are from folks that for whatever reason have decided that diesel was a bad idea and want something else. I can totally empathize with the situation. I did the same thing with a previous vehicle and really took a bath on dumping it after a year. It is a difficult situation. For any vehicle however, it is highly unusual to trade after a year.

    The reason for the premium is that the number of CRDs on the lot has dwindled and some people who want an 06 are happy getting what they percieve to be a deeply discounted 05.

    In hard numbers you can pick up a loaded V6 Limited gasser for around a shade over $18,000.

    An identically equipped CRD will sit for less time and the dealers are getting around $20,600 by the time you get done negotiating.

    A new one stickers for $30,400 and I paid $26,800 new for mine, identically equipped to all these examples.

    And I ain't selling. I love my CRD.

  • faroutfarout Member Posts: 1,609
    05crdjeep: The only person who wins when buying is the dealer. They will not sell a vehicle for less than they owe on it. Same with a trade the dealer always wins. They may cry, and put on a huge act about how much they or going in the hole, but it's done to make us think we got the best of the dealer. And who does not want to tell their story of what a huge deal they got on a dealer?
    When it gets to the point where we all pay the same price, and no wheeling or dealing, they we all will pay less, and only then.

  • mmontgomerymmontgomery Member Posts: 5
    You know, the happy part of this situation is that if you look in the used market, there are some excellent deals out there. We recently purchased a lease return, Liberty Limited, 4WD, PW, PL, Auto, 3.7L engine, etc for just over $13K, with under 25k miles. Not as neat as the more trimmed out models (I miss cruise control! :cry: ) but the unit handles great, tires are good, and a real delight to drive.
  • high201high201 Member Posts: 1
    could you please tell me exactly what a Docking Fee is. Is it a prep fee? And how much would a docking fee cost for a 2007 Jeep Liberty Sport in MA. Thanks in Advance
  • iowaporscheiowaporsche Member Posts: 3
    i bought a 29f, nav, side air bags, limited, control panel, automatic, moonroof and few other options, 31000sticker and got it for 23500. then told my local dealer who is a friend and said he would take off 100 so i got it there (didnt want to ask him for the price...they go below invoice then take off rebates. 23400 all rebates to dealer but still. you can find the dealer on ebay by putting in liberty 2007, they usually show a stocl number and are in NC. no paper work charges, no bull. even swapped out the chrome grill for black for free. yea they can make money on it but i wanted black.
  • sunmailsunmail Member Posts: 5
    What's up with this site ?? 4 posts since last September ?? This can't be right, can't believe the inactivity. In the market for '06 used or what's the latest as Jeep tried to clear out the '07s ?? Know it's all new for '08 but I appreciate the current style, nice balance of style & size and it's solid. Lucked out with a loaded '07 Ltd 4x4 rentql when skiing Tahoe last March and really liked it. Not a fan of Chrysler quality but will roll the dice one more time. On the down side, lots of ex rentals in the market right now. There's been major depreciation on them but good opportunity for the used buyer.

    Anyone out there ?? Let's revive this site !!
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