Wow. Can we discuss other noises, like the popcorn/rattle that seems present on lots of RX-8 AT models? Or is the vacuum test for the lose of power issue, something that we can periodically request, say once a year from own dealer?
What my tech told me was that on the AT RX8s there is an engine noise from where the rotaries turn at that is louder in most AT than MT. He also said that it could be small pebbles or rocks in the heatshield or covers rattling. He also mentioned that if you are using regular gasoline that it could cause strange noises when you accelerate.
More specifically, my popcorn/rattle happens during low RPM take off after the engine has warmed up. During regular commutes in heavy traffic jam, I can hear the popcorn/rattle clearly.
When the engine is cold I don't hear the noise.
I own a Group 2 2005 RX-8 AT "sports pakg". I bought from Mazda Gallery, Boston (good folks I still believe) brand new. The plastic wrappers with still on it and there were only 6 miles on it when I test drove it. I believe I was the first customer to drive her.
There are 17K miles on her after a little more than a year driving her mostly here in Boston and New England.
Perhaps Trispec or another RX-8 ownner who lives in the Northeast can help me make a decision. I am thinking about purchasing the RX-8 car cover. I do not have a garage, and the thought of the trees with sap, dust, etc. makes the cover sound good. Are they hard to put on/take off, etc? Are they worth the bother? Thanks.
I park on the street just outside DC and have been using the RX-8 car cover most days since this summer. It is very easy to take off and pretty easy to put on. The only difficulty I have had so far is dealing with stowing a wet cover when it is raining in the morning. I imagine snow would be a similar issue.
I am leasing a 2005 model and was frankly disappointed in the acceleration of the car as it came from the factory. So, when I saw some info on Iridium sparkplugs I dedided to give them a try. I purchased some NGK Laser Iridium plugs and my goodness the performance improvement was immediately noticable. Although I haven't had the car tested it feels like I gained 50 horsepower. They are also supposed to increase gas mileage so I will be posting again when I determine if this is so.
Is there an after market six speed shift pattern plate that can be installed around the base of the stick instead of the boot.
This would help in protecting the transmission in making shifts, for example, from 4th to 5th gear without accidently trying to put the stick between 3rd and 5th gears which is hard on the gear box. Each time this happens it is one less time the idler gears will function properly and permit a shift into 5h gear without rebuilding the transmission.
I hope my question is clear enough to permit a reply.
Has anyone considered the popping exhaust noise from the AT RX 8's may be only wasted gas from a rich mixture during acceleration just popping in the catalytic converter instead of quietly burning ???
Of course if this could be the noise it would never be admitted by the designers because nit picky owners would then want it replaced with a properly designed one instead of just accepting the nature of the cars gas rich exhaust. New converters are expensive.
Just a thought that occurred to me after I remembered putting spark plugs in exhaust tail pipes when I was younger, in the 1950's, so popping sounds and flame would come out of the exhaust when accelerating. The good old days when every thing was fun and kids knew more about cars than mechanics.
Yep. This is one of PathStar's theories, explosive detonation in the exhaust, he called it. My experience is that the popcorn/rattle does NOT occur when the exhaust system is cold at startup, but then as the exhaust system gets hot, the popcorn/rattle is easily heard. I can hear the popcorn/rattle best when sitting in stop and go traffic where there's a curb or jersey barrier next to the car.
I guess my problems with the noise are:
1) Why do folks with RX-8 MT's never hear it. The engine is the same. Is the AT PCM messing with the fuel mixture alot more because of the shift timing calculations? I hear more popping before and after the auto tranny shifts, like it trying to correct the fuel mixture constantly.
2) It would seem like the fuel popping in the exhaust would burn the system up faster.
3) My RX-8 AT just turned over 20K. I can definitely smell sulfur stink when I start the car in the morning and then back out. Isn't the sulfur stink smell a sign that the CAT is not working?
4) I get great power response on hard take offs, easily going all the way to redline. I've logged actual gas millage at 14-16MPG in the city and 23-25MPH on the highway. Oil consumption is steady at 1 quart per every 1200-1500 miles.
5) My 2005 Group 2 RX-8 AT has had no recalls until this recent vacuum test recall. I live in Boston metro area so hot weather wear and tear is not an issue really.
A couple of things. First, the RX-8 is set up to inject extra fuel (the idea is unburnt fuel) into the exhaust to keep the cat hot. I have heard the noise on a manual RX-8, it's just often drowned out by the transmission on the manual (it whines a bit and the syncros sound like a turbo spooling up at times).
The sulphur smell is caused by the sulphur in the fuel you're using. It's not really an indication of a dead cat. converter. I found I could minimize the smell by using the 10% ethanol fuel in the past. I suspect the ethanol fuel may have had less sulphur in it, but not because of the ethanol, just because it was made at a different refinery. I think shortly all fuel will have ethanol in it, and hopefully less sulphur as well due to changes in govt. regs. The fuels with higher sulphur content may be a cause of destruction of O2 sensors.
It sounds like your RX-8 is pretty healthy. Near perfect oil comsumption, normal fuel consumption. Keep your fingers crossed.
Your car has an O2 sensor before and another after the cat. It monitors both, the one before to set the fuel injectors in "closed loop" mode (it adjusts on the fly), and the one after is there both to monitor the temp. of the cat and to determine that it's working.
Just for info. and not related to this, the car also operates in "open loop" mode. Here it just uses the fuel values from a table in memory. This is usually used under open throttle conditions, though modern cars are starting to use "closed loop" mode there too - a wonderful turn of events. Inexpensive car computers (called a PCM in the RX-8) are getting powerful!
I am thinking about getting a car cover too - we have a one car garage, but my wife's new convertible is in there for the winter. The only other time I have used a car cover is when I had a car that I only drove every once in awhile, not an everyday car. What type of cover do you have? Is it much of a problem when the car is dirty, or do you leave it off then? I primarily would use the cover simply to keep the summer dew, spring pollen, fall leaves, and winter snow off of the car (not to mention year around dust in the DC/NoVA area). I'm not worried about storage if it is wet, I'll just toss it in the garage since I have covered parking at work. Would you recommend the cover you have to other RX-8 owners?
I have a cover that my wife ordered online from Mazda parts. It actually says RX-8 on the front and fits the car perfectly. It was about $250 and does a decent job. I'm sure there are better ones out there, with multiple layers, etc. As you stated, I primarily use it to keep pollen, bird crap, etc. off it. I would recommend it for that use.
Hi, just bought my rx-8 today and needed someone to email me the links so I can get the x-men spolier. Also was wondering if anyone had the link for a good turbo kit with intercooler etc. Looking for the spoiler first though and if anyone has or is selling email me it. Mine is titanium gray metallic. Thanks :surprise:
Does anyone have an idea how to attach an auxilliary radio input? I want to play a creative MP3 player through the radio and the transmiters "have crappy sound". I have an 06 Shinka manual (with the satellite radio). Any thoughts were the satellite reciver is hiding? I thought about unplugging it using its RCA inputs, although not sure if that would work. Thanks a bunch! Nergal
msrx8, I know this is a reply to a rather old post, but the issue is about to become current for me. I will be picking up a 2006 RX8 Special Edition (new - 88km on the odometer)tomorrow. Mazda Canada has a promotion on where they are throwing in a floating spoiler, a set of Mazdaspeed wheels and a Mazdaspeed cool air intake with every new RX8. These items won't be available for installation until April so I have some time to decide, but given oldtimer2's description of the side effect and your diagnosis of the problem I'm not sure I want the intake. Can you give me an indication of the benefits of the intake and how intrusive the noise is?
This is just an update on a couple of things. I have got used to the whistling sound that comes from the new "cold air" I had installed on my wifes car. Techs at my dealership really dont know what is causing the sound but they thought it may be a natural aspect of the air going through the cold air duct and connecting tubing. It sounds like a turbo spooling up but there is no turbo. Kind of neat without the problems of a turbo or supercharger.
The "popcorn" sound I heared for the first time yesterday while my wife was driving in 6th gear through a winding road with sharp turns. I now have another idea about the cause and source of the popping sound. She had just filled her car with 93 octane gas at an off brand gas station named "Kangaroo" before driving through the twisting road.
The popping sound could be detonation of a cheap gas and air mixture that was really not high octane as shown on the pump. Combined this with her slowing down and then speeding up without changing gears (lugging the motor), as she negotiated the winding road. The next day I put 16oz of octane booster in the tank and and then had her drive through the twisting turns again but this time in 5th gear so as to not lug the engine. Well the popping sound did not do it again, so it could have been a combination of cheap gas and luging the motor. I will let up know if it starts pinging again.
The best I can tell the only really big problen with the roatry engine is that Mazda requires the use of light 5W-20 oil in this very hot runing engine in the USA to meet the government's MPG for thier fleet of cars. But through out the rest of the world Mazda requires the use of 5W 0r 10W-30 oil to properly protect the engine. The USA engines are failing before 20,000 miles where the RX 8's are not failing through through out the rest of the world while running a heaver oil.
Wow! I have a 2006 6SP Shinka and have about 2400 Miles on it so far, I don't drive it very much. But I have noticed that the power has faded some, or maybe it's just me but I think the performance has dipped a bit, I saw yoy replaced the Plugs and would like to try this on my car. Did you have this done for you? or did you change the plugs your self?. What exactally what plugs did you get? And how difficult was it to do? I would really like your feed back. Thanks very much. Any help would be great.
Thanks for the information olditmer2. I'd be curious to know if you drove the car for a while before putting on the special cold air intake and if you remember what performance impact it had. Also, is your wife's RX8 and auto or manual?
Unfortunately, even though we are not subject to US government regulations Mazda Canada has adopted the 5W-30 standard for oil up here. I will be talking to the techs about it when I take mine in for it's first service and see what they say.
Interesting point about the 5W-20 oil, oldtimer2. When I had my 8 in for routine servicing a couple of days ago, I raised the matter with the service manager. He was clearly aware of the issue but was too cagey to indicate the degree to which he thought it significant. Could I ask how you know that Mazda outside of the USA (and Canada, by the way) recommends 5W or 10W-30 oil? I have attempted to find a reference to this but my Google searches only come back to your own messages. I am not meaning to imply that your are making it all up but if we are to make progress with Mazda we have to have stronger evidence, I think.
I would like to know where you bought your p[lugs and if you installed them or had it done for you. I am in the same boat, I have 2250 miles on my car 2006 Shinka Edition, (Don't drive it to often) and after oil changes and recall items I have noticed a considerable drop in acceleration. I would like to know what plugs you purchased, how many? and what is the difference between leading plugs and the trailing plugs and again what is the best plugs to buy. I do live in the Pacific Northwest 70 Miles North of seattle. Any assistance you can render would be a great help. Maybe I would drive it more often if I can get some more pep back in to it.
Replacing plugs on the RX-8 is not too bad. Just push the hoses etc. that are in the way towards the firewall. I use zip ties to keep them there. From the drivers side (left) you can easily reach the plugs once those hoses and cables are out of the way. The leading (lower) plug is a different temp range from the trailing (top) plug. This is because one is traditionally just a "cleanup" plug, though it's used for more on the renesis. You can order the plugs online, or from a dealer parts dept. There are now at least three heat ranges available. The hotter is good for winter driving. If you are down south, they wouldn't be necessary. Use the mid range ones for winter. The cold plugs are really only necessary if you drive hard in hot weather (or race). Also, the really "hot setup" is the iridium plugs. They last a lot longer and ignite with more reliability.
Be sure to apply antiseize to the plug threads (the copper type is fine for this application). This will make it a lot easier to get them out should you leave them in there for a long time. Tighten the plugs until you feel the crush washer just start to crush. A torque wrench is the preferred method, but I don't think you can get one in there.
Bryan102, your question about evidence that everywhere in the world except in the USA, Mazda requires 5W-30 weight oil in the RX-8 is easy if you are really interested in proving it to yourself.
This forum is probably like other forums in that I can not put links in my response to other web site forums where RX-8 oil required is 5W-30 weight oil. However, you can very easily "Google" for Mazda RX8 Club UK (United Kingdom), for example, and read their web strings and you will see that the oil used in the UK and throughout Europe is 5W-30.
The United Kingdom RX8 Club forum not only covers just England but all of Europe. You can continue your search for other countries and find that as I have reported the oil used through all the world except in the USA is 5W-30 weight oil and not the 5W-20 weight water Mazda requires us to use.
With respect to you needing stronger evidence, only you can prove it to your self if you want to find out.......good luck in either easily finding the evidence that is out or in trying to cause confusion about the issue because you might be a USA Mazda Dealer.
Dennis, I followed the links in your (old) post, read the PIE info, and have a question regarding the PIE aux-in adapter. After installing the aux-in (these are RCA jacks?), where are they? I.e., where would you connect your MP3 player?
Sorry for the late reply, but I was not subscribed to this forum.
You pull the radio, plug the PIE into the back of the radio, you plug the PIE to AUX adapter into the PIE and than ends in two female RCA connectors. You plug either an RCA to RCA cable into these or an RCA (male) to mini stereo plug into these. Neither is supplied with the PIE but both are available through the places I linked, Radio Shack, etc. You then plug the male mini stereo plug into your MP3 player, sat radio, ipod, etc. It is just audio in only, you can't control the ipod or anything with it.
To switch between the in-dash CD and the "changer" just hit the CD button.
When the engine is cold I don't hear the noise.
I own a Group 2 2005 RX-8 AT "sports pakg". I bought from Mazda Gallery, Boston (good folks I still believe) brand new. The plastic wrappers with still on it and there were only 6 miles on it when I test drove it. I believe I was the first customer to drive her.
There are 17K miles on her after a little more than a year driving her mostly here in Boston and New England.
This would help in protecting the transmission in making shifts, for example, from 4th to 5th gear without accidently trying to put the stick between 3rd and 5th gears which is hard on the gear box. Each time this happens it is one less time the idler gears will function properly and permit a shift into 5h gear without rebuilding the transmission.
I hope my question is clear enough to permit a reply.
Of course if this could be the noise it would never be admitted by the designers because nit picky owners would then want it replaced with a properly designed one instead of just accepting the nature of the cars gas rich exhaust. New converters are expensive.
Just a thought that occurred to me after I remembered putting spark plugs in exhaust tail pipes when I was younger, in the 1950's, so popping sounds and flame would come out of the exhaust when accelerating. The good old days when every thing was fun and kids knew more about cars than mechanics.
I guess my problems with the noise are:
1) Why do folks with RX-8 MT's never hear it. The engine is the same. Is the AT PCM messing with the fuel mixture alot more because of the shift timing calculations? I hear more popping before and after the auto tranny shifts, like it trying to correct the fuel mixture constantly.
2) It would seem like the fuel popping in the exhaust would burn the system up faster.
3) My RX-8 AT just turned over 20K. I can definitely smell sulfur stink when I start the car in the morning and then back out. Isn't the sulfur stink smell a sign that the CAT is not working?
4) I get great power response on hard take offs, easily going all the way to redline. I've logged actual gas millage at 14-16MPG in the city and 23-25MPH on the highway. Oil consumption is steady at 1 quart per every 1200-1500 miles.
5) My 2005 Group 2 RX-8 AT has had no recalls until this recent vacuum test recall. I live in Boston metro area so hot weather wear and tear is not an issue really.
6) So should I even care?
First, the RX-8 is set up to inject extra fuel (the idea is unburnt fuel) into the exhaust to keep the cat hot. I have heard the noise on a manual RX-8, it's just often drowned out by the transmission on the manual (it whines a bit and the syncros sound like a turbo spooling up at times).
The sulphur smell is caused by the sulphur in the fuel you're using. It's not really an indication of a dead cat. converter. I found I could minimize the smell by using the 10% ethanol fuel in the past. I suspect the ethanol fuel may have had less sulphur in it, but not because of the ethanol, just because it was made at a different refinery. I think shortly all fuel will have ethanol in it, and hopefully less sulphur as well due to changes in govt. regs. The fuels with higher sulphur content may be a cause of destruction of O2 sensors.
It sounds like your RX-8 is pretty healthy. Near perfect oil comsumption, normal fuel consumption. Keep your fingers crossed.
I'll watch out for some ethanol. I haven't used anything less than 93 Octane for months now, but the sulfur stink is very minor at this point.
I still love my RX-8 AT. Just got to remember to relax and enjoy. Thanks once again.
Just for info. and not related to this, the car also operates in "open loop" mode. Here it just uses the fuel values from a table in memory. This is usually used under open throttle conditions, though modern cars are starting to use "closed loop" mode there too - a wonderful turn of events. Inexpensive car computers (called a PCM in the RX-8) are getting powerful!
Thanks a bunch!
This is just an update on a couple of things. I have got used to the whistling sound that comes from the new "cold air" I had installed on my wifes car. Techs at my dealership really dont know what is causing the sound but they thought it may be a natural aspect of the air going through the cold air duct and connecting tubing. It sounds like a turbo spooling up but there is no turbo. Kind of neat without the problems of a turbo or supercharger.
The "popcorn" sound I heared for the first time yesterday while my wife was driving in 6th gear through a winding road with sharp turns. I now have another idea about the cause and source of the popping sound. She had just filled her car with 93 octane gas at an off brand gas station named "Kangaroo" before driving through the twisting road.
The popping sound could be detonation of a cheap gas and air mixture that was really not high octane as shown on the pump. Combined this with her slowing down and then speeding up without changing gears (lugging the motor), as she negotiated the winding road. The next day I put 16oz of octane booster in the tank and and then had her drive through the twisting turns again but this time in 5th gear so as to not lug the engine. Well the popping sound did not do it again, so it could have been a combination of cheap gas and luging the motor. I will let up know if it starts pinging again.
The best I can tell the only really big problen with the roatry engine is that Mazda requires the use of light 5W-20 oil in this very hot runing engine in the USA to meet the government's MPG for thier fleet of cars. But through out the rest of the world Mazda requires the use of 5W 0r 10W-30 oil to properly protect the engine. The USA engines are failing before 20,000 miles where the RX 8's are not failing through through out the rest of the world while running a heaver oil.
I am getting tired so .........Later
Just out of curiosity, how high does your oil temperature get once the engine is fully warmed up?
Unfortunately, even though we are not subject to US government regulations Mazda Canada has adopted the 5W-30 standard for oil up here. I will be talking to the techs about it when I take mine in for it's first service and see what they say.
Thank you M.Murphy
Be sure to apply antiseize to the plug threads (the copper type is fine for this application). This will make it a lot easier to get them out should you leave them in there for a long time.
Tighten the plugs until you feel the crush washer just start to crush. A torque wrench is the preferred method, but I don't think you can get one in there.
This forum is probably like other forums in that I can not put links in my response to other web site forums where RX-8 oil required is 5W-30 weight oil. However, you can very easily "Google" for Mazda RX8 Club UK (United Kingdom), for example, and read their web strings and you will see that the oil used in the UK and throughout Europe is 5W-30.
The United Kingdom RX8 Club forum not only covers just England but all of Europe. You can continue your search for other countries and find that as I have reported the oil used through all the world except in the USA is 5W-30 weight oil and not the 5W-20 weight water Mazda requires us to use.
With respect to you needing stronger evidence, only you can prove it to your self if you want to find out.......good luck in either easily finding the evidence that is out or in trying to cause confusion about the issue because you might be a USA Mazda Dealer.
I followed the links in your (old) post, read the PIE info, and have a question regarding the PIE aux-in adapter. After installing the aux-in (these are RCA jacks?), where are they? I.e., where would you connect your MP3 player?
2005 AT "The Blue Angel"
You pull the radio, plug the PIE into the back of the radio, you plug the PIE to AUX adapter into the PIE and than ends in two female RCA connectors. You plug either an RCA to RCA cable into these or an RCA (male) to mini stereo plug into these. Neither is supplied with the PIE but both are available through the places I linked, Radio Shack, etc. You then plug the male mini stereo plug into your MP3 player, sat radio, ipod, etc. It is just audio in only, you can't control the ipod or anything with it.
To switch between the in-dash CD and the "changer" just hit the CD button.