VW Microbus 2008

vondvond Member Posts: 8
edited March 2014 in Volkswagen
Does anyone know when this vehicle will be available for sale? Edmunds says in 2005... does that mean early or late? Also, does anyone have any idea about pricing of this vehicle and how it will be equipped? The VW site leads you to believe that it will be in the mid 30's, but is not definitive. I'm wondering if there will be several trim levels... the lower of which will start in the mid 20's to compete with other van's. Any ideas?


  • Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,254
    Hi vond -- I don't have any more info, but others wanting to talk about this future vehicle won't find this discussion as it's currently titled. Mind if I change it to "VW Microbus 2005", which might attract more attention?

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  • vondvond Member Posts: 8
    Thanks Kirstie! Anyone out there that may be able to share some additional info on the Microbus?
  • bigsquishbigsquish Member Posts: 1
    VW is of course targeting the MicroBus younger families and upbeat yuppies. The last I heard was that VW was having problems manufacturing the vehicle at a low enough cost to be able to reach the target market.
  • randarmaxrandarmax Member Posts: 6
    I also believe VW is concerned with the pricing structure. They took in a lot a surveys asking about it's price on their website- don't know if they are still offering the survey (concept cars; microbus/ flash). I suppose the more they hear early on- the better chance we all may have that the intro price stay below 32k. Not sure if they did a questionaire for the Toureg - as it's way overpriced. I just rode in one on Thursday- nice and tight- but worth 45K? I don't think so. Auburn Hills- where most of the trusted word comes from regarding product has hinted to area dealers I've talked to- that the bus will probably arrive late 05/early 06. If they run into any snags from here on out- you can bet it's debut will be later than sooner.
  • jchan2jchan2 Member Posts: 4,956
    the base price has to be less than $29K, otherwise people will continue to flock to the Toyota Sienna/Nissan Quest/Honda Odyssey.
  • vondvond Member Posts: 8
    I agree that the pricing issue must be a fairly big hurdle for VW concerning this van. I filled out the survey on the VW website about 6 months ago. I was somewhat shocked by the question about pricing. I just don't believe that the average family is willing to shell out $35-40K for a van. I realze that the loaded up Sienna gets into the low-40's. However, I doubt that trim level is their best seller. Unless they want the sales numbers to be similar to the Eurovan, they will need to make the pricing more competitive with the Odyssey, Sienna, and Quest. Just my thoughts...
  • jchan2jchan2 Member Posts: 4,956
    here we go....
    If VW prices the Microbus too high nobody will buy it. For 40K, I could buy an Expedition FX4. (Not that I would, but that I could) (And it wouldn't be the most environmentally friendly choice, but you'd probably look more "hip" behind the wheel of a $40K SUV rather than a $40K Minivan)
  • Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,254
    Do you think they might get some sales off the nostalgia, the "isn't this cool?" factor? Wonder if the re-style will also become the vehicle that people live in.

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  • vondvond Member Posts: 8
    I agree that there will be some sales no matter what the price due to the "nostalgia" factor. To be honest, I would prefer to have the "cooler" Microbus rather than the typical minivan (Sienna/Odyssey/Caravan/Quest). However, I wouldn't pay an extra $5-10K for it. Maybe $2-3K at most... I believe that most of the potential customers, including myself, would rather spend the extra money on other things like college for the kids, etc. I'm just not sure that VW will sell enough units to make the Microbus profitable unless it is priced competitively.
  • sanfrandansanfrandan Member Posts: 20
    Does anyone have an inkling if the new Bus will be comperably sized with the Nissan/Honda/Toyota crowd, or if it will be closer to the size of the old Bus?

  • vondvond Member Posts: 8
    The features and specs section here on edmunds indicates that the exterior dimensions will be approx. 75 wide by 185 long. So it will be a few inches less wide than the competition and about 18 inches shorter. I don't know what the dimensions were on the old bus, but I am pretty sure that it was smaller than the new 75 X 185... the old bus was definitely not as wide.
  • jchan2jchan2 Member Posts: 4,956
    Does anybody know if VW will give us a tiptronic transmission?!
  • balticjetta18tbalticjetta18t Member Posts: 146
    Face it, look what the New Beetle did for VW. You can get one for as low as 16/17k new. It did attract attention and they threw in a GOLF/JETTA IV which has kept sales and attention up. Even the PT Cruiser as a retro vehicle gave Chrysler more market share along with the Neon. Yes, low cost is important. I think VW will want this MicroBus to perform and handle with a crisp sportiness that blows away the Japanese Mini's for the Import Market. They surely will have it super safe and solid with great quality. If they were to produce it say in Puebla in a full modern process where the OLD BEETLE has vacated, then maybe they can keep costs of assembly low while using a high quality of materials. Vdub of course will want it where someone just has to have one with true passion and excitement rather than an oh so perfect and boring Japanese Minivan.
  • jaket1jaket1 Member Posts: 1
    A few years ago, VW had to back off of escalating the price on the tepid Eurovan because the pricing had outstripped the actual value of the vehicle and no one would buy one (and the people that did were widely regarded as suckers by sales staff and much of the general public...$32-35,000 for a thinly equipped, underpowered box? C'mon VW!) They released a new pricing structure on the units keeping starting stickers under $30,000 in hopes of keeping sales alive. Worked, sort of.

    Now is their chance to show that they can apply what they learned. Wonder if they'll wow us with their insight from past hurts? VW, just in case you forgot, here are a few suggestions: Keep the pricing amenable to the real world consumer. Realize that outside of the few outliers with disposable income and "must have that car" mentality, most families willing to consider the Micro will walk away from a $35-40,000 underpowered unit when compared with a fully laden, leather slathered, DVD sporting, cubby hole clad, drink holding Ody, Sienna or Quest (face it, U.S. auto makers struggle with any vehicle not based on a truck chassis).

    As a potential van customer, I consider the VW a possibility. I love driving the GTI. I Have enjoyed the New Beetles I've driven and think the Passat is easily the standard by which all affordable passenger sedans should be graded before being offered to the general public. Will I ever go back to VW if they think I am stupid enough to pay much above the low $30k mark for their fully loaded van? Hardly. And if the public does, then shame on us for allowing them to sucker us.
  • sapplersappler Member Posts: 1
    i am a long time vanagon driver, still have a 91 carat weekender on the road and loving it. i do have to say that i hope vw does sell a more stripped down, less electric version of the new microbus as well. i know people want luxury, but if you remember the micro, it came in all sorts of levels of luxury, and my favorites are the vw's with utility as well as performance. i could do without the flat-screen monitors in every seat, the game gear and the minivan dvd. i hope they don't forget about us that actually use our vans like a truck, helping people move, buying antiques, drywall and building supplies. the market does not need another luxury minivan for 35k, it needs versatility, value and traditional good german design that makes sense of space, not fills it with leather and every orgasmatron that is available. come on vw, give us a better made vanagon.
  • kmeadkmead Member Posts: 232
    I filled out the survey right after seeing the Bus showcar at Detroit.

    I too was taken aback by the pricing suggestion of mid thirties. I had just gotten into needing a minivan mode and was expecting VW to be somewhat premium on its base vehicle. The only cars I have bought new have been VWs so I am used to paying a premium for them, but its been a couple of thousand dollars, not 10k (an Ody LX was around 23 at the time). I have always been happy with my purchase and felt the premium was worth it in my overall satisfaction with driving and interior quality of my VWs.

    I really wanted a Bus, but they took too long to get it out so I am now ordering a Sienna LE 8 with package 7 (the safety package). Unless the Bus is really remarkable or the Sienna turns out to be junk, I expect I will not likely be getting Bus.

    Now if they would bring the Touran to the US so I could replace my Golf with a roomier hatchback VW I would be all set.
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    I'll be needing a new minivan by '09 (hopefully not earlier!). I used to have bugs and one bus and really hope VW figures the new Microbus out. Safe, not too darn big and that VW feel when you drive it. A Weekender or Westfalia type conversion option would be nice, but you know that'll be pricy. Maybe built-in wifi.

    Working power windows would be a big plus too (my sister has an '00 New Beetle that's seems great, except for the windows).

    Steve, Host
  • microbustmicrobust Member Posts: 56
    It seems there is a general unanimity of opinion by the users of this microbus site about who the potential buyers will be and what they want.

    Seems generally people want a VW van that can compete in price and features with the less hip Toyota and Honda minivan versions. And there is a preference not to go the SUV route. This is at least what I'm looking for. I drive a 2000 Jetta V6 and that's what I would like out of the microbus.

    It seems VW may have at least originally aimed for a higher end van market with the new microbus--a market which may not exist. Hopefully VW will do its homework and get it right. Seems they are taking their time. Seems also questionable to me, and to a dealer I talked to, that VW came out with the Phaeton first--not many consumers out there can dish out 80-90K for a VW.
  • jchan2jchan2 Member Posts: 4,956
    there is the Town & Country and the upcoming Terraza in the $33K plus van segment.
  • Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,254
    Oh goodness yes - if you get the "kitted out" models, you can easily spend $40K on a minivan.

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  • nofeernofeer Member Posts: 381
    terraza?? when will the microbus come out?? fall as an o5 or in year 05. all these varied launch times confuse me. e.g. 04 sienna in march 03, honda ody 05 summer vs fall. i'm planning on a minvan, sienna vs o5 ody now with the microbus, may need to wait. will it be out for this seasons autoshows jan/feb
  • jchan2jchan2 Member Posts: 4,956
    is a fancier version of the Chevrolet Uplander decorated with lots of wood and chrome with a Harley Earl ad campaign and a price tag that is $4000 higher than a very similar Saturn Relay or Chevrolet Uplander.
  • regfootballregfootball Member Posts: 2,166
    real wood or fake wood?
  • jchan2jchan2 Member Posts: 4,956
    Relay- probably plood
    Terraza: no clue, but it looks somewhere in between wood and plood. (trust me, I had a 97' Accord that had optional dealer plood, but it looked like wood and was called "genuine wood trim") The dealer gave it to me for free, as I didn't want it.
  • gherseyghersey Member Posts: 1
    I'd like to reiterate nofeer's question... anyone no actual launch timing?
  • gbaldwingbaldwin Member Posts: 1
    As far as when the bus will be available, the latest I've seen said 2006 as an '07 model. This was an article in Automotive News, a reputable industry publication printed some time in mid to late '03.

    I haven't seen anything on pricing, but I may be able to dig up the article for additional information - although most info at this point is vague.
  • elemintelemint Member Posts: 79
    I told them that the $30k price was unaceptable! I am tired of evey car maker going toward "Luxury" models. It is $ scam so i guess i should not be suppriesed. Sort of like the dealer adding pinstriping and adding a grand to the sticker. I think i am goint to buy a Honda Element for this reason. Just a solid basic VERY FUNCTIONAL vehicle. I like the look of the micro bus a lot and if it is under $25k maybe i will get one....
  • corvettecorvette Member Posts: 10,877
    VW and Audi won't cut it as upmarket brands until they do something about the poor quality control throughout their entire lineup. I love the styling and driving experience of the German cars, but the reliability is abysmal.
  • 6thbeatle6thbeatle Member Posts: 180
    The new VW Microbus will be released in '07...
    3007. sorry, couldn't help myself. i've been waiting so long for this thing to come out it's like the head of the turtle (don't ask). i'm sure it'll be priced above the touareg if VW ever gets off their buns and makes it. there's always tomorrow. sigh.
  • elemintelemint Member Posts: 79
    That would be difficult!!! It is a a mini van!!! Nothing about 4wd! NO WAY will be base model be over $22k, otherwise they will lose a LOT of customers.
  • 6thbeatle6thbeatle Member Posts: 180
    i have a feeling that VW will introduce the new microvan as an upscale niche vehicle. let's face it, for the last ten years the westfalia and then winnebago-converted VW sleeper vans have cost as much as $60,000 here in canada. even the new toyota sienna fully loaded with awd costs nearly $50,000.

    i'm afraid the base model VW microvan will be priced at a premium because they know the only people who will choose it over let's say, a honda odyssey, will often be buying it for largely sentimental (read nostalgic) or prestige-related reasons, and not for simply pragmatic reasons.

    to put it another way, what other minvan offered in north america right now is not japanese or a domestic? the microvan is in a class of its own, and VW must know that.

    i believe they will NOT be introducing it to compete with the Quest, Odyssey, Sienna, Freestar, Caravan, Town and Country, and Venture. They're definitely going upscale with this one.
  • elemintelemint Member Posts: 79
    I am really tired of all this lame add on stuff. Who needs wood in there car?????? I have been writing toyota for years asking them to bring the land cruiser II over to the states. I want a solid no nonsense reliable vehicle!! I consider a stereo to be upscale! Are we all suckers or is this the new hidden inflation?
  • 6thbeatle6thbeatle Member Posts: 180
    you should petition ford to bring in the new bronco shown at the recent detroit auto show, a bare bones type of heavy-duty vehicle. with any luck though, it would probably end up in the showroom fully loaded with a NAV system, MP3 player, DVD player, and rare african zebra wood trim with matching leather luggage.

    even that toyota you mentioned would probably be loaded up with the kind of extras you don't want. when i was in europe, many of the mercedes on the road including taxis were pretty bare-bone. they deluxe a lot of these cars up for our shores cuz we smell like money. sorry about your frustrating lack of choice in that department cousin!
  • balticjetta18tbalticjetta18t Member Posts: 146
    It cannot be more dinero than a Touareg since it will not be an off-road, jumbo boat/trailer tugging with a V8 or v10tdi air suspensioned super duper vehicle.
    4motion; Turbo 4cyl gasoline, Vr6 & Torque blessed TDI in a 5cyl versions would be keeping in line with the original microbus economic way. FWD, of course as a base. ABS, ESP and Airbags gallore for family safety. Will have to handle with awesome dynamics and negative roll ratio. Audio and video options would have to be had for competing with all the rest. Kids would climb in in the Microbuses and say WAY cooler than all the Japanese and Domestic choices. Sky-roof too since the QUEST has a frickin Quad moon roof deal. Economics and price point will be needed to sell in serious volume. Look at what the New Beetle has done for VW of America. I would think that the New Microbus would be built in Germany and Mexico and marketed in Europe first as is the Golf/Jetta IV series.
  • 6thbeatle6thbeatle Member Posts: 180
    if you read my post #36, you will understand where i'm coming from. I don't believe VW will be targeting the same type of people with their microvan as toyota and honda do with their sienna and odyssey. they will be aiming higher. have you priced a fully loaded awd sienna lately? in canada it's almost $50,000. even the new quest fully loaded with awd is well into the 40s. the fully-loaded microvan with sleeper and 4motion and VR6 and DVD and Nav and leather will easily break through the $60,000 mark up here in Canada. You don't think that's touareg money?
  • nutn4menutn4me Member Posts: 1
    The 3.2L in the Touareg gets 15 city/20 hwy. How much better will the 'bus be? Best-in-class Sienna listed at 19 city/27 hwy. I can run my Saturn SL1 to the redline in every gear and beat 27 in the city. "Yeah, but you can't haul 7 passengers and 30 cubes of stuff at the same time..."

    True, but the VW Multivan, which is currently only available only in Europe, with the 2.5L TDI gets 22.3 city/35.6 hwy (if I'm doing my math correctly). I assume this is the platform on which the 'bus will be based. Why no TDI option?

    Because the CAFE requirement for trucks in the US is still only 21 mpg. VW can get away with selling lower technology with higher profit margins. And, we don't say a word about it...
  • balticjetta18tbalticjetta18t Member Posts: 146
    I am sure VW will add TDI's of some type to the engine lineup. Just because of the minimal MPG requirements for trucks in the US, I think VW will still do the TDI thing optionally as their very torquey TDI motors will be great for a heavy MICRObus and it's passenger load. You really dont buy a mini van to haul butt as a sports car, but truly need the torque to pull with ease. In addition, the economy might really attract those concerned about fuel costs.
  • wsag26wsag26 Member Posts: 124
    Vehicles these days are just so stupid. That is so true what you said about the matching luggage, and the Bronco....but I have to add on a few stuff to this study. VW isn't going to price the Microbus at $20K like they were stupid, or they would've priced the Touraeg or whatever its called at $20K and the Phaeton at $30K. If the Microbus is cheap, then VW is making a big mistake. Why? Well, because then VW is switching images. VW wants to go upscale..but then they come back going downscale. No offense VW fans, but the Microbus is only ugly vehicle that probably won't sell. It looks stupid, and moms won't buy a stupid vehicle. The Nissan Quest is already enough!
  • Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,254
    You can never tell what will sell, though. The Aztek was a funny-looking vehicle, and it flopped. The PT Cruiser, however, was an out-on-a-limb design, and Chrysler did well with it.

    Find me at kirstie_h@edmunds.com - or send a private message by clicking on my name.
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  • balticjetta18tbalticjetta18t Member Posts: 146
    Hey ya know, all the Japanese Minis are looking too competitively alike and trying to go futuristic and edgy.
    I think VW will look to aim at Soccer DAD's too with more pull in the decision of a Mini purchase towards a New MicroBus instead of a lookalike Japanese Mini. You also got that Retrothing Going in a fashion that is very well accepted and desired just as in the New Beetle.
  • 6thbeatle6thbeatle Member Posts: 180
    the VW microvan will be VERRRY expensive in decent trim.
  • 04redtahoe04redtahoe Member Posts: 17
    I totally agree with you. This thing is going to cost a fortune. If it is anywhere near what they are showing, expect a near-loaded one to be around 45-50k and a base around 32k. Look at the pics of it. This thing is going to cost an arm and a leg unless they completely re-design it.
  • whomadeanguswhomadeangus Member Posts: 1
    are they going to offer a camper model???

    Its stupid not to continue the euro van until the microbus. like they did with the vanagon and the eurovan. its going to hurt sales

    prices are going to be outrageous

  • mikey1mikey1 Member Posts: 1
    The newest Motor Trend mag (August 04) reports VW has scrapped plans for the Microbus - guess we'll have to wait & see what the final answer is.
  • mrnimmomrnimmo Member Posts: 271
    The future, at least for now, is here:

    http://www.hvwc.net/postnuke/html/modules.php?op=modload&name- =News&file=article&sid=96&mode=thread&order=0&amp- ;thold=0

    Seems the Euro still sells well in Europe. Probably would sell well here to with a TDI and manual, like the Europeans get.
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    I dunno - may as well get a Sprinter.

    I used to daydream about the Microbus; I wanted Edmunds to hookup with VW and get a nice blue prototype one added to their fleet, paint a big logo on the side and let my wife and I drive it cross-country for a few months handing out VW brochures and Edmunds t-shirts and logging in on the boards with our adventures every day or so.

    Oh well....
    Steve, Host
  • joseph5joseph5 Member Posts: 1
    Hi sappler,

    See what you want in a vw minivan is exactly the way Americans envision a minivan, and exactly NOT what the Europeans want. All that expensive DVD - screens, game ports and others gimmicks are what your average German buyer is looking for, because kids over there grow up on cell-phones with built-in supergismos from age four, and they spend 18-hrs a day playing with them. And if you are shocked by the 35K stripped-down sticker price, the vw-executives were just as schocked that that's too high for the American market /that's why it got cancelled/ Just to compare: the Eurovan was selling for 45K Euros (!) in Germany. We are the poor relation now...
  • iainpiainp Member Posts: 1
    Seen this ?


    Anyone seen any similar reports ?
  • papa3papa3 Member Posts: 2
    VW has a new diesel Eurovan they are offering in Mexico. It has a 1.9 turbo charged diesel (economy and envoronmentally friendly). It would probably match the US market needs better than the 230 hp micro.
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