Wet abs brakes
I'm having trouble with my truck brakes. They only do it when it is wet outside, when I put on the brakes the abs takes hold and pulsates the brake pedal like I'm sliding but I'm not. It has not yet gave me any lights on the dash, when it's dry out I have no problems. The repair guy says it could be very costly to fix and is tossing out many ideas of what it could be. Does anyone have any ideas?
"You are experiencing what GM calls low speed ABS activation, and is quite common and not so cheap to fix.
Let me explain:
The wheel speed sensors are built into the hub. As the hub/bearing wears out, it allows the reluctor (pick-up) wheel to move away from the wheel speed sensor. This causes too much of an air gap, and the wheel speed sensor sends an erratic signal to the EBCM (electronic brake control module).
This in turn looks like a wheel slip and the ABS is energized and engages. This usually happens at low speeds, because the signal is more erratic at lower speeds.
The only true repair is to replace the bad wheel bearing/hub assembly. GM does explain a removal and readjustment procedure, but I haven't seen that fix last more than a couple months before the same concern re-arises.
So, plan on buying one or both hub bearing assemblies to resolve your issue.