1997 Mercedes. All Instrument gauges stop at same time.

eec0520eec0520 Member Posts: 2
edited February 2016 in Mercedes-Benz
need fix if it Happen to you how did you fix?

Do I need a new Instrument Cluster or what do I have to do.


  • Mr_ShiftrightMr_Shiftright Member Posts: 64,481
    Hard to say what's going on from this distance, but this type of electrical "ghost" is a good candidate for the "jiggle test". If you can get under there and move some wires around, or even do the same thing at the fuse box, and seeif you can get the gauges to react---that in turn might lead you to a faulty connector or bad inst. cluster ground or short somewhere.

    Also by all means check your FUSES.
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