Help Identifying Steering Wheel?

shyscarletshyscarlet Member Posts: 1
edited February 2016 in General
I bought a collection of antique items which came with the steering wheel. The seller stated it belongs to a European car possibly a Ferrari 250 but I know nothing about cars and wondering if someone can confirm or help me identify it? Thank



  • andys120andys120 Member Posts: 23,610
    That looks like a Nardi wheel that was optional or fitted as an aftermarket item in many Sports, GT cars and even some American iron of the era. Here's one fitted to a big block Cobra>

    There were other Nardi designs that were quite popular, my '66 TR-4A had an aftermarket Nardi wheel with round holes in the supporting arms.

    2001 BMW 330ci/E46, 2008 BMW 335i conv/E93

  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,272
    I had a similar wheel in my '67 BMW 2000CS

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  • alicesandersalicesanders Member Posts: 1
    I don't recognize the engraving but the wheel looks like it was made by Walsall Wheels... they also made many of the early Les Leston wheels.
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