Is this a good deal? Audi S3 lease.
I had cash incentives of $1,500 and $1,250, with $1,500 reducing the selling price. I don't understand what the "Amt Applied Upfront" would consist of and what the "Upfront Charges" would be in addition to the doc fee, license, and acquisition costs. Total cost of the lease would be $21,743 with $3,250 down. Seems a little high.

1) You have $3250 available - $2000 out of your pocket and $1250 rebate.
2) Amount applied upfront are charges you are paying out of that $3250, that are not in the CAP cost
$525 security deposit
$513.70 1st payment
$620.65 upfront charges (this is $80 doc fee, $371 license fee, and likely tax on the CAP reduction).
3) The rest of the $3250 is going to CAP cost reduction ($1590.65).
Now, some notes on the numbers_
1) It's just $2000 out of your pocket upfront, not $3250. The other $1250 comes from the rebate.
2) The MF is marked up from the base rate of .00073
3) $695 aftermarkets? What was purchased for $695? Those extras are expensive, because they aren't residualized
Get the base MF of .00073 and drop whatever the $695 charge is for, and you could knock your payment down to about $475/mo.including tax, with the same $2000 upfront.
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