Fix or replace car

I am currently driving a 2006 pontiac g6. it has 177,000 miles on it. it needs about 1,300 worth of repair work - shock, struts, and stabilizer bar. i also noticed when i turn the car heat on, it makes a popping noise. it still works, but makes a noise whenever i initially turn it on. it also needs the wipers fixed (the piece in the sway bar broke), and sometimes the car alarm will randomly go off. i just ended up taking the fuse out so it stops. the other stuff is minor like an oil change. should i keep mine (pay to get it fixed) or just ditch it?
That said, $1,300 is still only three or four car payments.
Do you have a mechanic or shop that you trust? You may want to get a "pre-purchase" inspection done and have the tech give you a laundry list of everything that needs immediate attention, what should be fixed but can wait and how the mechanicals look otherwise (including brakes and tires).
The mechanic may miss something, but you'll have a ballpark idea of how much longer you can drive your '06 and what you can expect to pay over the next year or two.
Now, if you just want something different, have fun shopping. 177,000 is a lot of miles and you've gotten your value out of the G6.
btw, a base G6 in average condition with those miles is worth about $1,100 using our appraisal tool. The estimated number gets hammered by all those miles. But if it's otherwise in good shape, checks out okay and you enjoy driving it, the question becomes "what would you replace it with?" if you dumped it.