How does the Miata handle in the snow?

I live in the northeast and am thinking about buying the 2016 Miata. I'm just concerned about how it handles in the snow. I have looked around, but I haven't found anything that speaks to the car's performance, just that a set of snow tires should be fine. So, can any of you tell me about your experience with a 2016 or 2015 Miata in the snow? Also would I have to get snow tires, or will all-season tires work as well?
Best Answer
Mr_Shiftright Member Posts: 64,481
Here's the scoop from the folks at MIATA.NET (they should know):
"How does the Miata handle in the snow?
It depends on your expectations. The Miata isn't a Jeep. If expect it to drive like one, you'll think it sucks in the snow. If you think all-season tires are good enough, you probably won't be satisfied. If you only have two snow tires, you'll be disappointed as well. But a Miata equipped with snow tires on all four corners handles quite well in the snow. The Miata's 50/50 weight distribution makes it easy to control on slick roads. When it begins to break free, it isn't too tough to bring back into line. Keep in mind that the car only has about 5 inches of ground clearance. If the snow is deeper than that, you'll end up plowing it and have great difficulty driving."
If a 2016 Miata has traction control that would make a big difference too!