Jeep IDL cash

greggers68greggers68 Member Posts: 5
edited April 2016 in Jeep
Can anyone explain IDL cash? Can it be combined with customer cash allowance? That would equal 5500 on a 2015 Grand Cherokee Laredo. A local dealer has 36 in stock.


  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Not familiar with what "IDL" means. Here's a screen shot from our incentives page:

  • greggers68greggers68 Member Posts: 5
    I'm just curious if it can be combined with other factory rebates.
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Well, that incentive is for a lease that's not financed by Chrysler Capital. So you can't combine it with the $2,000 Customer Cash Allowance which is only for a retail purchase.

    The Conquest Customer Bonus Cash looks like it would qualify. So there's $1,000.

    The other offers seem to be excluded because they require you to use Chrysler Capital.

    Best bet is to talk to the dealer. Even if the published incentives don't all stack, there may be some other bonus or "hood money" we don't know about.
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,079

    I'm just curious if it can be combined with other factory rebates.

    The IDL Bonus is for leasing with any bank other than Chrysler Capital.

    As @stever notes, any incentive that requires you to use Chrysler Capital would be incompatible.

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  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    What does IDL mean exactly, anyway?
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,079
    I = independent
    L = lease
    D = dealer? (as in dealer cash, not consumer.. guessing)

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  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Good guess. In my case it stands for I Don't Lease. ;)
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