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Is My Car Ruined?

brandon198brandon198 Member Posts: 2
edited June 2016 in Mitsubishi
I have a mitsubishi lancer 2003. It was giving me warm up catalytic converter inefficiency code. .Can't pass emissions. I tried to change my cat. The part I ordered on Ebay was supposed to be a direct fit but it wasn't. I had to put the old one back on and now it's smoking . What could have gone wrong? I didn't torque it to spec I think the old gasket might not have gotten a good seal because it's old and I didn't clean everything perfectly to get a perfect seal, didn't have time, thought I did a good enough job. I shook around the old cat when I took it off to get out sine white sand, not knowing I'd still need it. I used a lot of w d 40 to get bolts off maybe that's what's burning. Some symptoms Light gray smooke comes out when I stop, I can smell the exhaust when I pull out. It's a lot of smoke but not enough that everyone at the stop light would notice. It's enough smoke to be not noticeable to everyone but if there were anymore people would stop me to tell me my car smoking. I don't think it's getting into the cabin, I only smell it when I pull off after a 15 second plus stop. It's never done this before


  • Mr_ShiftrightMr_Shiftright Member Posts: 64,481
    The cat is probably falling apart inside at this point, or not working at all. It really needs replacement as soon as possible. I don't think you've ruined your car but over time, if you continue to drive like this, it might cause overheating or perhaps valve damage to the engine.
  • brandon198brandon198 Member Posts: 2
    Well the smoke has died down some,  I don't smell it as much. 

    I think you are right I do need to replace my cat In a hurry. 
  • Mr_ShiftrightMr_Shiftright Member Posts: 64,481
    You probably knocked all kinds of crap around in there.
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