Employee / Supplier Purchase Programs



  • iusecadiusecad Member Posts: 287
    is it a set percentage off the invoice price? or is it different for each model?
    I'd have to join EAA but I was wondering if I could figure the numbers out for the X-Plan before going to the dealer. Is that a number (the A-Plan price) I could call the fleet manager and ask for over the phone?
  • im_brentwoodim_brentwood Member Posts: 4,883
    A-Plan varies depending on the carline.

    Even an X-Plan deal will be well below invoice on a Ford, Lincoln or Mercury.

    However, A-Plan on a Jaguar, Volvo or Land-Rover (It technically applies to Aston-Martin too but those dealers generally do not A-Plan them.. TMV on one of those is percentagewise up there with a Honda Odyssey) it is actual dealer invoice less holdback. Also, any applicable rebates are deducted, as is any applicable dealer incentives.

    So it's different for each brand.

    On those it tends to be about 1% over invoice. Basically, that's a screaming deal. With rare exceptions on Volvos, Land Rovers and Jaguars simply don't sell for 1% over. Although I think the EAA Program only applies to the Jaguar S-Type.

  • iusecadiusecad Member Posts: 287
    hey, thanks! so is the X-Plan also listed on the invoice, or just the A-Plan? and would a fleet manager tell you what that number is over the phone?

    or, an example: if the invoice for a Taurus is $20,000, how much less would the X-Plan price be?
  • im_brentwoodim_brentwood Member Posts: 4,883
    To be truthful I forget on Fords....

    Any FoMoCo product lists the A-Plan price right on the invoice. That price applies to A and Z Plan buyers. (Z is for FoMoCo retirees) To get the X-Plan price ya just multiply the A-Plan price 104%.

    Figure on a Taurus with an invoice of $20K, A-Plan would be at least 2.5% under Invoice Less Holdback. Figure somewhere around.. ohh... $18,500? Rich (AudiA8Q) would know better on the Fords tho..

    The price isnt negotiable... and dealers are also not supposed to charge any dealer fees..doc fees..etc..

    Also, you'll find theyre very upfront with this info. We're frequently audited on these deals and any trickery on a dealer's part on a Supplier/Employee deal is met with severe repercussions... So they shouldnt be playing games...

  • iusecadiusecad Member Posts: 287
    thanks again... by the way, what flag are you flying today? ;>
  • amazonamazon Member Posts: 293
    I asked a little while ago, but no one answered. Can the Overseas Delivery program be combined with the Ford Partnership program?
  • audia8qaudia8q Member Posts: 3,138
    The X plan price on a Taurus is in the area of invoice less about 1/2-3/4 of the holdback.(holdback on a 20K Tauri is about $650)...from there the X-Plan consumer gets any and all applicable incentives, like Bill mentioned, its an unbeatable deal with a simple one price. Just remember to bring your X-Plan PIN# with you to the dealership.

  • im_brentwoodim_brentwood Member Posts: 4,883
    Umm, Dunno... I selected a country I never heard of...hahaha


    Oh... Amazon, I dont think you can do TDS and X-Plan a the same time...
  • iusecadiusecad Member Posts: 287
    a few more ?'s
    okay, just so I'm getting this straight;

    an X-Plan deal looks like this:
    Invoice for a Taurus is $20k, minus $300 (roughly 1/2 of holdback) for a total of $19,700; minus any applicable incentives & rebates; plus tax, title & license.

    no X-Plan:
    Invoice for a Taurus is $20k, plus 3%(dealer profit, or is that too much?) for a total of $20,600; minus any applicable incentives & rebates; plus tax, title & license.

    soooo, the "X" saves $900 on this Taurus. Have I got this right?

    Rich: does your formula for the "X" apply to other Fords too? (Inv. minus 1/2 - 3/4 holdback)

    thanks again to Bill & Rich; the X-Plan makes buying a new Ford very enticing...
  • im_brentwoodim_brentwood Member Posts: 4,883
    Looks good to me.

    And that's roughly where you can expect to be on a FoMoCo product.. 1.5-2% or so back of Invoice less any incentives.

    You can also really get a nice deal on a Volvo too... with the current X-Plan Lease program you can Lease an S80 2.9 for about $495+Tax with $0 cap reduction (Bank Fee and First and sec down only) for 24 mos/15K miles a year.

    Not bad at all for a $39,575 car IMHO.

  • iusecadiusecad Member Posts: 287
    hmm, a Volvo? that lease does sound pretty good... nearest dealer to me would be in the Twin Cities area... any domestic steel in one of those?

  • shap1shap1 Member Posts: 77
    Does anyone know if Land Rover is honoring the X-Plan?
  • im_brentwoodim_brentwood Member Posts: 4,883

    Swedish, but if you're in Minnesota/Dakotas that may not be a bad thing :)

    What about a Lincoln LS? Thats one hell of a car! But lease it if you go new. They have subsidised programs and you dont get hit by the depreciation...

  • im_brentwoodim_brentwood Member Posts: 4,883
    Yup... Land-Rovers can be X-Planned as far as I know!

    These are a very good example of the deals you can get. I think TMV on a Range Rover 4.6SE is about $3K over invoice. X-Plan would be $5-600 over or so..

  • iusecadiusecad Member Posts: 287
    Swedish steel? American is still the best... you should see some of the Korean steel we've bought! it's got some kind of dirt mixed in...

    I like the Lincoln LS, never driven one, but that's out too... can't drive a better vehicle than the guy who signs my paycheck... :)
  • tboner1965tboner1965 Member Posts: 647
    Sure you can,

    You just can't drive it to work :)

  • iusecadiusecad Member Posts: 287
    if I continue to live with my parents! my dad's got a garage full of things to drive...

    now where's my Powerball ticket?
  • missymillomissymillo Member Posts: 2
    How do you find out what other companies besides the eea are partners with Ford to obtain X Plan pricing?

    Also, my company is a member of the UBS(United Buying service. The cost of an Escape XLT loaded is 24,199 how will this compare to the X Plan? Please help:(
  • ranwinranwin Member Posts: 15
    My experience has been the X-plan price comes in about $500 below invoice. Price out your Excape on Edmunds and take $500 from invoice. Or e-mail/call a dealer, they will tell you what the X-plan price is. You may want to e-mail more than one, I found one in the Kansas City area who for some reason was different then all of the others. His invoice prices were also different.
  • deanedandydeanedandy Member Posts: 9
    re:msg. #15 - is the $540 destination fee still added into the X-plan price? or is it supposed to go away like the doc and other dealer fees?
    great to have a dealer helping us new car buyers out here - thanks! ds
  • audia8qaudia8q Member Posts: 3,138
    Yes, destination fee is added.

  • im_brentwoodim_brentwood Member Posts: 4,883
    Dealers cannot charge a doc or dealer or processing fee on an X/A Plan deal.

    Destination is included

    However, It is based on the car's actual invoice, which may include an advertising charge.

  • deanedandydeanedandy Member Posts: 9
    when ordering on the x-plan from a dealer, why do I need to go through the fleet mgr, and not a salesman? won't I get the same deal/pricing w/ a salesman? what's the difference? thanks again. ds
  • pink955pink955 Member Posts: 3
    I plan on joining the eaa tomrrow. How long will it take me to receive my PIN? The dealership that I plan on buying my Ford Escape from is suppose to have my model in ten days. Is it quicker to join over the internet or by phone?
  • jimmydelrayjimmydelray Member Posts: 38
    Got the Xplan figure and than when it was written up the figure was $500.00 more for advertising fee????? Is this legal?

  • im_brentwoodim_brentwood Member Posts: 4,883
    It sounds to me like the vehicle is subject to a regional advertising charge by the manufacturer in which case the A and X Plan prices are reflecting that.

    I'm guessing you live in a larger market? I generally liken them to costs of doing business. I.E. I live in FL. It costs the mfr a lot more per car in advertising to sell in Ft Lauderdale than it does to sell in, say, Tallahassee.

    So the guy in Ft Laderdale may get hit with advertising fees on his cars.

    If it is preprinted by the factory on the invoice, it's generally a legit charge.

    One thing no dealer with a brain will do is mess with X-Plan or A-Plan pricing.
    That is a very good way to get Mama Ford very very pissed off at you and not worth it.

  • estoesto Member Posts: 136

    Bill and/or Rich (or anyone else who knows), could you please tell me if the X plan can be used when a car is ordered, as opposed to buying one off the lot? Thanks!

  • im_brentwoodim_brentwood Member Posts: 4,883
    Yes it can, And unlike the GM program, the pricing is the same.

    So if they have the car you want in stock, there's no advantage to ordering it.

  • vadpvadp Member Posts: 1,025
    Is there an equivalent of www.eaa.org I can join in order to become eligible for the GM program? (I don't know anybody working for GM)
    Couldn't find any info. All I hear is the X/S/A- plans.
  • im_brentwoodim_brentwood Member Posts: 4,883
    Fromwhat I know...

    GM is MUCH tighter with their options program...

    None I know of... :(

  • tim_hooligantim_hooligan Member Posts: 143
    Here's a question you might be able to answer...
    the New Jag X-Type is coming out soon, and i'm really interested in this car. My grandpa is retired from Ford, so I can get Z-plan price. So what you're saying is that I will be able to get an X-Type for invoice plus holdback? It may be tight when they first come out, but if i can buy a 30k car for 20's, it a great deal.
    any ideas, let me know!
  • im_brentwoodim_brentwood Member Posts: 4,883
    I'd ask now.

    When the S-Type came out A/Z Plan buyers couldn't get them under the program until 1-1-00, or 7 months after they first hit.

    Also, a lot of dealers wouldn't sell them for that either (Many were still getting MSRP for every one that Jag sent them).

    That being said, start asking around or, call program headquarters. There's at least $3,400 of markup in the S-Type from the pricing sheets that I have, so you can get quite a deal on one.

  • yinyang2yinyang2 Member Posts: 6
    Does anyone know what the x-plan is for the Mazda Tribute and whether or not it is being honored by dealers given the demand?

  • audia8qaudia8q Member Posts: 3,138
    we generally pass on any s-plan tribute deals. We still have a waiting list at MSRP for all LX and ES models for the rest of the year and the factory stopped taking orders for 2001 a few weeks ago. Many other dealers are in the same boat...but there are a few who will be glad to order you a vehicle. So check with your local mazda dealers.

  • yinyang2yinyang2 Member Posts: 6

    Why do you say s-plan? Isn't the x-plan available on the Tribute?
  • audia8qaudia8q Member Posts: 3,138
    It's just Mazda-ese. the Mazda term for X-plan is "s-plan"

  • at1963at1963 Member Posts: 7
    has anyone purchased or know how the landrover works with eaa membership andwhat kind of price can i expect?

    ps do i mention thst i have this membership to the saleperson? i won't recieve my membership number until monday but anm supoose to go to the dearler tomorrow.
  • raaizinraaizin Member Posts: 31
    I went to purchase a Lincoln LS under the Xplan. The MSRP was 38,900 my price was 36,600. Is this an accurate price, or was the dealer not being truthful. To be honest I think I can do better on my own.. Any comments would be aprreciated.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Raaizin, an easy way to see for certain if the dealer that you went to was being straightforward with you would be to another dealership or two and get X-Plan price quotes for similar cars. If they match up or are pretty close to what you have already been quoted, that is probably a good indication that this is just how the plan works. If not, then run away from your original dealership and purchase from one of the others that gave you the honest price.

    Smart Shoppers / FWI Message Boards
  • audia8qaudia8q Member Posts: 3,138
    just ask to see the vehicle invoice....to figure out the X-Plan price....Find the box near the bottom of the invoice marked "A-Plan"
    Multiply that number by 104%. This will be the vehicle X-plan price. You also get any applicable customer incentives.
    Here in CT there is no rebate on the LS but plenty of strong finance rates.

    Also, the LS dosnt have a huge mark up like a Town car...so the discount wont be in the huge catagory....but I can assure you that no dealer will sell an LS for anywhere near an X-plan price...so dont bother wasting your time shopping price, spend it shopping for a dealer with a good local reputation and a quality service department. Since the lincoln warranty includes all scheduled maint, you will be visiting the dealership..its important to have good people working on your car. Even for an oil change.

  • jroth33jroth33 Member Posts: 4
    For the Escape, I've figured out "A Plan" price to be about 95% of invoice. Has anybody else figured out a formula (approx. of course)? Also, what else do I pay with "A Plan" (tax, title, destination, marketing, etc.)?? Thanks.
  • huff119huff119 Member Posts: 13
    Just wondering if anyone has successfully used an eaa membership to make a purchase with the x-plan. My mother was able to purchase a Taurus through Ford's x-plan last year and got a great, no-hassle deal. We are interested in buying a Mazda MPV and would love to use Mazda's s-plan if the eaa membership benefit is legit. They don't actually mention the x-plan on their website. I was hoping to hear from someone who had used this membership successfully.


  • tronsr1tronsr1 Member Posts: 149
    It is legit.$40.00 to join gives you all their benefits, including the X Plan for Ford, Lincoln Mercury, etc. and S Plan for Mazda.Remember, that they do not have to honor the Plan, however; if you are shopping for a Mazda MPV, you should have NO problem. Remember, they cannot add any extra fees except... Tax,tags,title and whatever is "actually" on the invoice.I purchased my Ford last November with the EAA X-Plan advantage.It came out to about 200 under dealer invoice {104% of A-Plan price}with NO hassle whatsover.
  • im_brentwoodim_brentwood Member Posts: 4,883
    Tronsr is 100% Correct. Its' a great way to go and you're supporting a great organization (They put on the OshKosh airshow, perhaps the best in the world.. although Paris is pretty good too).

    No haggle, no hassle..etc..

    Basically, you will get the A-Plan price X 104%. The A-Plan price is on the invoice and is basically non-negotiable. Now, as tronsr said, not all dealers have to honor an X-Plan deal. We would not do supplier deals on certain cars at certain times, such as Navigators when they first came out, Jaguar XJRs, S-Types when they were new..etc. So I doubt it will happen on a Thunderbird but I'm sure an MPV will be doable.

    You also get all consumer and dealership incentives.

    Look at it this way: Unbeatable price, no haggling... great way to buy a car! :)

  • huff119huff119 Member Posts: 13
    I'm not sure we are ready to buy yet (may wait for the new engine in the MPV), but I will definitely be joining the EAA. Thanks for the tips!

  • tronsr1tronsr1 Member Posts: 149
    Glad to be a help. Your membership will be good for a one year period and you can purchase two vehicles in the given one year period with the same pin number{if you can afford two}.Besides a great air show, you will also recieve their magazine {I believe monthly} and it is a great mag., plus you receive other benefits as well.
  • mkcmkc Member Posts: 20
    Subject line pretty much says it all - is there any "X-Plan Price", so to speak, on the Ford ESP warranty?

  • tcdatcda Member Posts: 9
    Does the S-Plan/X-Plan only apply to the price of the car? On the Protege5 topic, someone suggested that the S-Plan also entitled a Mazda shopper to 0% financing.

    Second, is a new model like the Protege5 available on the plan?

    Thanks in advance for the help.
  • wireless1wireless1 Member Posts: 7
    Just to add a data point. I purchased a Mazda MPV using the S-Plan. The S-Plan price was 1.3% below invoice. I was also eligible for whatever factory incentives were being offered. In my case it was a choice of $1500 or $1000 and 1.9% financing. I was not charged for anything else except for taxes, title, and licensing. A very good way to buy a vehicle and to be able to sleep at night knowing you couldn't do better.

    In response to the previous post, the S-Plan does not entitle you to financing. The Financing incentive is purely dependant on the current factory programs.

  • audia8qaudia8q Member Posts: 3,138
    the protege 5 is available on the S-plan if the dealer is willing.

    Also the 0.0% does not apply to the P5. Only the 2001 Protege's. The P5 is a 2002 model. But 1.9% up to 36 months and 4.9% up to 60 months is available. Here in our area the P5 is very hot. Anything with a stick or ABS is essentially sold out for a while. good luck. All reports on the car have been very good so far.

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