Navigation Map Dvd read error

lovellrichlovellrich Member Posts: 3
edited July 2016 in GMC
Any ideas if this is the dvd or the actual reader unit?
Everytime we put the navigation disc in we get this error. It's clean, etc.

I would love to just try another disc and see if it works cause I would gladly buy one but don't want to buy one if it doesn't work and it's the actual unit!!

Suggestions? Anyone else have this problem? Seen a great website that fixes this error with the units but it's expensive

Might have to do it eventually..


  • Mr_ShiftrightMr_Shiftright Member Posts: 64,481
    If you've cleaned it and it isn't badly scratched up there's not much you can do but pull the unit and have it bench-tested. Maybe a car audio shop has a test disc.
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