Ford Lease Approval

justins187justins187 Member Posts: 40
edited August 2016 in Ford
Is it hard to get a Ford lease approval?

We are thinking to add a second family car for my wife and lease makes good senses as she doesn't drive a lot. The problem is that she is a home maker and she probably won't have employment verification etc to provide although she does have a high credit score (~770). I am going to apply for a home mortgage loan in near future so I don't want to get my credit pulled for this lease purpose.

any idea how hard is ford lease program? does it become easier if we put a high down upfront?


  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 255,980
    Those are good questions. If you are buying a house, won't both of your names have to be on it? If so, it won't matter who has the car lease/loan.

    I can't tell you if she can lease a car in her name, without her own reportable income. Auto credit is usually easier to get, if you have auto credit history.

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  • justins187justins187 Member Posts: 40
    Thanks for answering my question. Here is my own experience in case anybody also wondering.
    Overall, very easy and straight forward process. Only thing we were required is an ID and a SSN. The lease application is largely like a credit card application as far as i can recall. they ask my wife's income which she put down our family income and other questions are similar to those in a credit card application. We gave back the application to the finance manager and went with sale manager for a test drive and demo outside. We came back in the office and the lease was approved. I am still little disbelieve that it can be this easy but we drove off the car and it is now in our driveway.
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 255,980
    Congrats on the new car!

    Edmunds Price Checker
    Edmunds Lease Calculator
    Did you get a good deal? Be sure to come back and share!

    Edmunds Moderator

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