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Acura RL vs. Infiniti M35



  • irnmdnirnmdn Member Posts: 245
    RL also needs AWD not to suffer from torquesteer unlike RWD GS, M
  • bodble2bodble2 Member Posts: 4,514
    you're missing the point. It don't matter WHY the RL needs AWD. So what if it does? It also needs tires, a steering wheel and and an engine. It comes with AWD, so why debate why it needs it? arthurmnev was making the point that the RL (with AWD) handles better then the AWD M and the AWD Lexus. If you have evidence to the contrary, share it.

    As to which car NEEDS AWD the most, well, I think that's another topic for another forum.
  • bodble2bodble2 Member Posts: 4,514
    I see slightly different styling, don't you? :confuse:

    Actually I think the styling difference accounts for only about $595 of the price difference. The other $24,405 is for the SH-AWD, the extra 100hp, the Navi, Bluetooth, DVD-A audio, voice recognition, XM, smart key, memory seats, auto headlights, etc, etc, etc,.....should I go on?
  • merc1merc1 Member Posts: 6,081
    I haven't seen the RL and the M35x compared. Have you?

  • lexusguylexusguy Member Posts: 6,419
    Yeah I'm not sure if there are any professional reviews of the M35x at all. You'd think somebody would do one, considering the M35x and GS300 AWD compete much more directly with the RL than the GS430 and M45 do (I'm looking at YOU Edmunds), but apparently not.
  • rmd3003rmd3003 Member Posts: 21
    OK everybody, listen up. After reading posts by "irnmdn" and some other true car pro's I must admit: I made a horrible mistake when I bought Acura.
    I didn't know that I bought very very overpriced Honda with useless AWD system,
    horrible styling, very weak engine, so-so handling, very bad steering response, bad brakes and horrible resale value. I can go on and on.
    I wish I've read those very smart, classy and intelligent responses from "irnmdn" and co.
    Well, considering that people(and me) who buy Acura's have probably very low IQ , my next car for sure is gonna be ........ guess it...........
  • patpat Member Posts: 10,421
    Sorry you feel you made a bad mistake, but the IQ statement is uncalled for. Hope everything works out for you.
  • patpat Member Posts: 10,421
    Hey lexusguy, why don't you drop by editor Karl Brauer's discussion, Karl's Daily Log Book, and ask him about it? Let us know what he says.
  • msu79gt82msu79gt82 Member Posts: 541
    In virtually every auto magazine comparison that I have read the M Sport has won. Car & Driver rated the M45 Sport (w/o AWD) handling as superior to the RL's SH-AWD, by a score of 10 to 8. Car & Driver reported that "the M45 is all about the driving experience. The car aced everything in the lane-change and skidpad tests" They went on to say "it spanked everything at the track"

    I am confused by all who try to claim that the RL outperforms the M :confuse: Perhaps in snowy wintery conditions the SH-AWD may confer an advantage.

    BTW: I own an Acura MDX and an Infinti FX35 - I am not wedded to either brand.
  • laurasdadalaurasdada Member Posts: 5,089
    I interpert rmd3003 post as tongue-in-cheek. As most of the discussions here are opinions, then everybody is correct. The inner and outer beauty of any car is in the eye (and feet, hands and butt!) of the driver! Drive 'em all, buy the one that best fulfills your needs, wants and desires. That, my friends, is the best car!

    '21 Dark Blue/Black Audi A7 PHEV (mine); '22 White/Beige BMW X3 (hers); '20 Estoril Blue/Oyster BMW M240xi 'Vert (Ours, read: hers in 'vert weather; mine during Nor'easters...)

  • bodble2bodble2 Member Posts: 4,514
    Hmm....I actually thought rmd3003 was actually just dispensing some satirical humour, or simple sarcasm. I think he likes his RL.
  • rmd3003rmd3003 Member Posts: 21
    Sarcasm is a good word. Oh yes, there was sarcasm in my post. And maybe "IQ" statement was uncalled for. So I sincerely apologize. But some people here have no tact at all. You be the judge.....
  • patpat Member Posts: 10,421
    To all:

    The point is that slamming each other is inappropriate in our Forums. We need to stick to the cars. Opinions of people's IQ, tactfulness or anything else of a personal nature do not belong here.

    Questions or comments? Email me.

    Cars -- how 'bout we talk about them for a bit now. :-)
  • patpat Member Posts: 10,421
    I'm turning this into the more natural comparison of the RL and M35. No biggie if the M45 comes up, but between the M35 and the M45, it's clear that the M35 is the one that most are comparing to the RL. :shades:
  • irnmdnirnmdn Member Posts: 245
    What does RL offer over Accord EX-V6?
    60HP,AWD, DVD-A, traffic updates,some fancy gizmos, extra warranty, less fugly but still bland styling.
    Is it worth 23400 more? You don't even get two extra cylinders or an additional cog in the tranny. Their passenger volume and leg room are within an inch.

    At $40k RL is a good car (when compared to 270hp FWD TL for $33k), at $50k it is priced in a category it does not belong. I feel the pain of "rmd3003" and any one else who bought RL.
    Special condolences for those who bought RL in Canada where it costs $10k more than M35x.
  • bodble2bodble2 Member Posts: 4,514
    You know, if everyone tried to reconcile price to content the same way, BWM, MB, Audi, Porsche, etc, etc, may as well just close up shop. And Hyundai ,Kia, and Chevrolet would rule the automotive world.

    So I guess you would conclude that the Accord is a bloody rip-off compared to the Chevy Malibu? :confuse:
  • rmd3003rmd3003 Member Posts: 21
    So let's talk about $50,000 Infiniti M35x and what it offers over Nissan Altima 3.5. Some fancy AWD, some fancy gizmos, ugly taillights, extra warranty, the same engine(20 extra HP), the same transmission, same Navigation, ugly proportions from front and rear(60 in height, 70in wide, too narrow, too tall).
    The same unrefined noise under acceleration, same stiff jarring ride, same low grade quality interior(little better than Altima though), same ugly orange illumination (BMW wanna be), tha same heated seats which take 5-10 mins to heat-up, the same...... enough.
    And you pay $23,000 extra for Nissan with different badge.

    So don't worry, I still feel great when I drive my overpriced but luxurious AWD Honda. It's still much more elegant (less bling-bling)and higher quality than overpriced AWD Infiniti "M"/Altima.
  • irnmdnirnmdn Member Posts: 245
    If you seriously think Altima and M are similar cars you know very little about them. Apart from having same number of wheels they only share same engines - totally different platform, completely different cars. Chassis and powertrains are the soul of of a car.
    Accessories like heated seats, LED illumination, bluetooth, nav etc. don't necessarily change the character of the car. Is Rolls Royce any less prestigious because it does not come with DVD-Audio?
  • merc1merc1 Member Posts: 6,081
    I'm sure they'll be a single review of the M35x sooner or later after all the comparos are done.

    I'm starting to see the new M on the road everyday now. Looks kinda heavy on its wheels, but still a relatively good looking car. The Sport models are just plain aggressive looking..like that.

  • chintanchintan Member Posts: 4
    Hey guys.... I finally narrowed it down to infiniti m45 sport..... Aiite i just had a question and an important one...... I am going to be paying the money out right in cash.. IF i load the car the price usually comes to be about $56 K ... if i pay in cash how much discount am i looking at.???????? more than $ 10 K ??????/
  • varixvarix Member Posts: 72
    Based on discussions here, elsewhere (but mostly here) and my lengthy test drives (lengthy at your behest; salesmen a bit perturbed) I purchased an M35x today (I'll pick it up tomorrow) with the premium option pkg. (my kids really begged for the heated rear seats not the DVD suprisingly!). RL and M35x both a joy to drive for 30 to 40 minutes (without the salesman!) but the vehicle sounds of the M35x had me.Viscerally pleasing! I must admit your advice to drive these cars for a while and shutting off the stereo (which the salesmen always want to crank) was crucial. I'll miss the XM traffic and On-Star in the RL but I do like the Infinti interior and the lane departure and adjustable cruise will probably save my life on some of my long late night drives. The rear camera will keep my 19 year old daughter from running over the neighbor's dog :mad: (again, sigh...don't call PETA he's OK). I am trading in a Volvo s80 which was a miserable experience; :lemon: at 60K the repairs started and $8000 later I am getting the Infiniti. Interesting that Volvo refused to submit a car for testing in Road & Track's recent (May 2005) review. That car is so behind technologically that I am surprised they offer it. I actually paid only 2K less for the Volvo s80 T6 in 2001. The RL and the M35X are comparable bargains. I will say that in general the Acura dealers were a bit more friendly and less high pressure than the Infiniti dealers but the one I purchased from was very low key and dealt a bit on the list. Got more for my Volvo trade in than I thought given it's rather poor rep. :sick: Thanks for the help in making this incredibly difficult but fun decision! :lemon:
  • lexusguylexusguy Member Posts: 6,419
    I wasnt so much surprised that Volvo turned down sending an S80, more that (I think it was C&D btw) asked for one in the first place. The S80 simply isnt a sports sedan. At all. It basically competes with the old Acura RL, the ES330, and the Avalon, and not all that well, especially for its asking price. Thats good that you were able to get some money for yours in trade, since dealers are having to sell S80s now at such steep discounts, its really killing any residual value the car might have had once. Volvo seriously needs to cut its time between redesigns if they want to be more competitive with Japan and Germay. Anyway, enjoy the new M!
  • mnjoemnjoe Member Posts: 36
    There is a prices paid forum on the m35/45. No one appears to be getting anywhere near $10k off. There isn't that much profit in the car and it is a new and in high demand car. Some are still reporting MSRP. It appears more and more are getting about $2k off a loaded car. Good luck. If you find it at $10k off let us all know and the dealer will have us lined up around the block.
  • teacherman79teacherman79 Member Posts: 4
    With all being said that these words are all opinions, I just built an M35x added the Journey Pack, Navi and full sz. Spare. It was a little over 48k. Looks and handles better than RL. And please, please, please don't say that an Acura is of higher quality than an Infiniti. It is just not true. The 1st G35 was cheap on the inside, but that has been addressed in 05. Acura will always be a step behind because it does not like torque! And the both of you stop comparing Lux cars to everyday bangers. Both car makers developed lux car entities in order to compete with the Germans. Not to take sales away from their sister companies. The RL is no match for the M35x. And the TL does not have and edge on the G35. Now when the IS350 hits, the TL and G35 will have to make some changes. And we all know that Lexus is number one in the Japanese Lux car company.
  • bartalk3bartalk3 Member Posts: 692
    There's an impression out there that if you pay cash for a car, you'll get a better deal (see #72 above). That's a myth, isn't it? Dealers don't care if their money comes from you or from your bank, right? They get the money in any case, so why should they care where it comes from.

    Am I right, or is it somehow better for the dealer to get money directly from the customer? How does the transaction work?
  • msu79gt82msu79gt82 Member Posts: 541
    Its been my experience recently that the dealership could care less if I pay with my own personal cash or if I pay with my bank or CU cash. Its all the same to them. However if you are willing to finance thru the dealewrship then they may give you a better "deal" than if financing elsewhere.

    BTW: $10K off of any M's (regardless of configuration) MSRP is below Dealer Invoice. From what I've been reading ~$3K discount is doing real good.
  • bartalk3bartalk3 Member Posts: 692
    $10,000 off the price of an Infiniti M is a pipe dream. If you believe that, I've got a nice bridge in Brooklyn I'll sell you for $10,000 off my original price.
  • markcincinnatimarkcincinnati Member Posts: 5,343
    Yes it is a myth.

    The dealer may want you to use "his" financing / leasing, though, since there is the possibility that the dealer will get a fee or a percentage for doing so.

    Paying cash in the current interest climate makes about as much sense as using paper money to light your gas stove top, IMHO.
  • ricknyrickny Member Posts: 2
    My first post here. I wish I never read these messages. 10 days, 6 test drives, 2 nice offers from Infiniti and Acura. Still can't decide between RL and M35x.
    Plus some posts here from kids whose parents have these two cars here only confuse - bland, Altima, cheap, Nissan, Accord

    Back to two fine luxury cars:
    Loaded M35x for $47,100
    Loaded RL for $45,300

    Price difference is small, performance almost the same.
    RL feels a little softer, quieter and more luxurious, M35 feels a little sportier, noisier, more spartan and exterior is more aggresive(I like it).
    RL's AWD system feels a little better when exiting corner and stepping on a gas.
    M35x has a little more pull from stop(feels faster, is it only feeling?).
    But RL's interior is so inviting and warm....... And ride is smooth and compliant.

    Will buy car this weekend, but which one? Tough situation........
  • bodble2bodble2 Member Posts: 4,514
    I would go with the RL, but follow your heart. ;)
  • cstilescstiles Member Posts: 465
    You're in the very same dilemma that I was feeling 2 months ago! In my case, my wife's preference tipped the scale for us. She preferred the RL by a significant margin.

    If cars have gender, then perhaps the Infiniti M is more of a "male" car, with its aggressive frowning face, 4 macho tailpipes, flashy wheels, and high beltline. Even the interior is more "male," with its angular dash, yellow instruments, and big Infiniti logos on the seat backs (just in case you forgot who made the car).

    The RL is definitely more "organic" in appearance. And I agree with you that it's interior is warmer, softer, and a nicer place to be in. Some say it's bland and boring (I disagree), while others say it's more classy and timeless. This car doesn't shout at you like the M does.

    You can't go wrong either way, so good luck. Two months into our RL ownership, and we've been very pleased. The car is fast and nimble when it needs to be, but is also very balanced and serene when called upon.
  • msu79gt82msu79gt82 Member Posts: 541
    Interesting comments; in my extensive test drives of the RL and M35 Sport I could not discern any significant differences in noise levels and that is important to me. I'll definitely take more test drives with this purpose in mind.

    My wifes prefers the M35 styling over the RL by a large margin.
  • psteng19psteng19 Member Posts: 3
    "Some fancy AWD"
    -The AWD is derived from the worldclass Nissan Skyline GT-R. ATESSA ETS is often regarded as one of the best AWD system in the world.
    And it drives 100% RWD until slip is detected, which is best for performance, unlike the FWD biased SH-AWD system.

    "ugly taillights... ugly proportions... ugly orange illumination"
    -Purely subjective

    "same transmission"
    -It is a different 5 speed that will rev match on the downshift, which the RL tranny does not do.

    "same unrefined noise under acceleration, same stiff jarring ride"
    -Some prefer hearing the engine/exhaust. The "stiff" ride is for better performance.
    Neither is unacceptable and takes away from the car.
    And "same" is completely untrue seeing that the car is under a different platform so the ride cannot be the "same."
    A better analogy would be Accord::RL as G35x::M35x
    The RL is derived from the Accord and shares the same chassis.
    The M35 is derived from the G35, but sightly larger and stiffer (torsionally) - NOT THE ALTIMA/MAXIMA.

    "same low grade interior (little better than Altima though)"
    -More lies being thrown around. Just flat out untrue.

    Just dispelling some ignorant myths :blush:
  • lexusguylexusguy Member Posts: 6,419
    No, its not a feeling. The RL is typically Honda\Acura in that there's not much torque until the revs climb past 4 grand or so. Fine for highway passes, not so great for stoplights. They like to use the "300hp" rating to say that the RL can compete with competitiors V8s, but the actual truth is that the RL can only match the 245hp GS300 in acceleration, and it loses to the M35.

    I would suggest the M35x. ATTESA-ETS is a proven, performance oriented AWD system that has been in use in JDM Nissan's (as well as the G35x here in the US) for quite a long time. SH-AWD, on the other hand, is unproven, and I've heard reports of lock-ups.
  • hpowdershpowders Member Posts: 4,331
    In that case the choice is easy. I'll take Angelina Jolie. :blush:
  • bodble2bodble2 Member Posts: 4,514
    Too late, she's with me already :P
  • bartalk3bartalk3 Member Posts: 692
    If noise (or lack thereof) is important to you, try the Lexus.
  • blov8rblov8r Member Posts: 567
    There's no way Acura is getting close to MSRP for the car anymore.

    Hands down I prefer the Infiniti ... not even close ... which is not to say the RL's a bad car; it's equally fine mechanically and technically but doesn't perform to the same level as the M and if you enjoy driving, there's no contest. Even with what (IMO) is a better car, and one that's winning all of the review races, Infiniti's dealing and even here in Tucson where there's no competition for 110 miles I got > $2K off on my M-car ... the 5th or 6th one delivered here ... right off the showroom floor (April 6) leaving the dealership with only 1 to demo. The economy's soft ... cars aren't flying off the floor as fast as dealers would like ... so they're dealing. ALL of them. It's virtually unheard of for brand new models to be discounted ... but here's the evidence.
  • hpowdershpowders Member Posts: 4,331
    I give Brad Pitt 3 months at the most.
  • bodble2bodble2 Member Posts: 4,514
    Hey, I am Brad Pittt. I only use the name "Gordon Campbell" on TH for anonymity. And I figure saying I'm from Canada would also through people off. Don't underestimate me. :P I ditched Jennifer 'cause she wasn't wild enough for me! :shades:
  • hpowdershpowders Member Posts: 4,331
    You and just about everyone else, Brad. That gal's been around the block a few times.
    Just goes to show ya-money can't buy happiness. But it can buy an Acura RL or Infinity M35. ;)
  • bodble2bodble2 Member Posts: 4,514
    "But it can buy an Acura RL or Infinity M35"

    I still prefer my Angie :blush:
  • varixvarix Member Posts: 72
    I would agree with cstiles (#84) m35 seems more of a "Y chromosome" kind of car, not exactly brutish compared to the RL but my wife (who did not go with me to the test drives and only saw the car when I brought it home) said it looked maculine but attractive. I will admit that the engine and exhaust sounds are pleasing enough to turn off the great sound system once and awhile just to hear it. It's great coming out of toll booths! Got 1K off list ( I've never been a great negotiator on car prices), here in the Chicago area that's the best I could do at 5 Infiniti dealers. It was pretty rough, 3 salesmen let me walk out checkbook in hand only offering me list for the premium loaded M35X! Trade in prices were nothing special either. Are Infinti dealers usually tough to negotiate with or is this a Chicago area problem? Maybe particularly on the AWD X version up here in the snowbelt? One other question, I was told not to use the cruise control initially to allow speed variations but I've found that the adaptive cruise control does vary speed quite a bit on a busy highway. Is this myth or does it have some merit? Thanks for the excellent advise in this forum. :D
  • hpowdershpowders Member Posts: 4,331
    Just let me know when you're "through." ;)
  • lmg1lmg1 Member Posts: 1
    I'm glad to see I'm not the only person totally torn between the RL and the M35x. I'd hoped to love the GS300, since I'm replacing a Lexus ES300 that's 7 years old, with 110,000 miles, and which has never had any problems. But I just didn't love it as much as the other 2. Does anyone know which of the cars has a better reliability rating? I expect to keep my next car as long or longer than my current one. Also, I live in the northeast, and my house is on top of a hill, up a private, 1/2 mile gravel driveway. I need a car that will not have a problem making it up the hill when there's a covering a snow (even though it's plowed, it never gets down to the gravel). Is one AWD expected to be better than the other?
  • lexusguylexusguy Member Posts: 6,419
    Its tough to say at this point, all three Japanese models are brand new this year, and we'll have to wait until they are on the market for a few years to get any kind of definitive data. That said, it seems to me that Acura is slipping lately. There were a few years were they were nipping at Lexus' heels, but their 2005 IQ score is just average, and I think its the TL and RL that is hurting them. The TL's latest CR reliability ratings arent that great, and I've been hearing about RL problems as well.

    As for the operation of SH-AWD and ATTESA-ETS, both are excellent systems that were designed with performance in mind, unlike the GS300 AWD, which is basically the same system as the RX330 except with a rear torque bias. What would worry me about SH-AWD though is that its an untested system. Nissan, on the other hand has been using ATTESA-ETS in Japan for quite awhile in the Skyline GT-R, and it is also used here in the G35x and FX.
  • sgl1sgl1 Member Posts: 34
    Ok, drove both the M35sport and RL. Here's my take. . I thought it was a done deal after listing all the wonderful tech items of the M35 w/Journey & Tech pkgs. I'm a gaget freak and love the lane departure warning system, the cooled seats, the rearview camera, and DVD video disk display on NAV screen. All of which are not offered on the RL.

    . . . But, after the test drive I actually liked the RL better, here's why. The RL was noticeably quieter, handled better around corners, seats were more comfortable, dash board lighting more inviting. The car felt like it was on rails, and the interior was more plush than any car I've been in.

    I drove both on sunny days, but noticed a significant glare on the NAV screen of the M35 and not on the RL. The M35's cooled seats were awesome, and if the RL had them I think I would have bought the RL today. The one thing I didn't like too much on the M35 was that the transmission seamed to pause between gears, almost like it was in two gears at the same time - just seemed strange to me. . .

    Lastly, but most importantly, the price. Seems the RL is being discounted at nearly $4k off sticker. I'm not certain about the M35, but the saleman I was working with seemed to think $2k off sticker was doable...

    I'm stuck - would love to hear what RICKNY and the rest of you decided on. . .
  • lexusandbimmerlexusandbimmer Member Posts: 5
    I've only driven the M35 sport and i like it a lot. It seems to me that the M35 Sport is a little soft to me, the power delivery is very smooth and the interior very quite i never noticed the speed nor the power.But i guess thats because i was previously driving a loaner G35 but anyways, i think im sold on that car. It's fast enough really refined and smooth and it has lots of gadgets which is a plus for me cuz im a gadget freak!!! I never really had the Rl in consideration because 1 the looks which arent ugly or bad but not really good either 2. it's 0-60 of 6.9 wasnt really impressive for a car of that power and size and i wanted a car that could at least beat my Qx's 0-60 of 6.8 3. Lastly i had cool gadgets and all but the M had better and that really sealed the deal for me.
  • cj64cj64 Member Posts: 1
    I am right in the middle of comparing these two cars. I have test driven them and the performance in both cars is fine for my needs. The one option the RL has over the M is Real Time Traffic with the Nav system. I haven't read much on this list about this option It seemed VERY impressive and useful to me during my test drive. The M does not have this option. Does anyone have experience with this and can help me in my decision?

    Also, I'm interested in the Bluetooth cell phone function, which both cars have, but has one maker perfected it more than the other?
    Thanks, in advance, for your help and insights.
  • msu79gt82msu79gt82 Member Posts: 541
    I too am debating between these cars. Because of my driving habits in Houston AND because other cities I visit regularly are not on the 21 city list, I do not consider RealTime NavTraffic that big of a deal. Neat gimmic yes, necessary for me, no. I have been monitoring problems in several forums and the RL seems to be experiencing many more Bluetooth related problems than the M (Acura has already released one fix and according to forum chatter its not totally fixed yet).

    I'm leaning to the M at the momment because I use RearView Cameras on a daily basis and the RL does not have one. To me the RearView Camera is a much more usefuil option than the NavTraffic.
This discussion has been closed.