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Mazda5 Owners MPG-Real World Numbers



  • nissmazlovernissmazlover Member Posts: 162
    I recently returned from North Carolina to NYC this week, and I have experienced the best MPG on my 5 yet. After a 420 mile stretch of driving, which included some heavy NYC traffic, I had to fill up with 13 gallons. So that equals to roughly 32 MPG! Now that's GREAT and WAY above the EPA of 26 highway for the automatic! I currently have 16K miles on it, so I think the more the engine is broken in, the higher the mileage goes.

    ON another trip I took this passed summer, I got slightly over 250 miles on HALF a tank! I stopped measuring MPG since I became very distracted, but I think at that time I would have made similar or even better mileage. Just thought I'd share.
  • bobw3bobw3 Member Posts: 2,989
    what sort of highway speeds do you keep?
  • nissmazlovernissmazlover Member Posts: 162
    Well, I drove ranging between 70 to 80mph, though I tried to stay at 70 most of the time - using cruise control. I think that's the sweet spot when it comes to the 5's highway economy, and most other cars', for that matter. I was VERY pleasantly surprised.

    Another thing I notice, though, is that the Fuel Warning light comes on very prematurely on the 5. There is a LOT of mileage left over after the light comes on.
  • bobw3bobw3 Member Posts: 2,989
    Seems like for most cars the low-fuel light comes on at about the 85% point of the fuel tank, so with a 15gal tank, it would come on with 2-3gal remaining in the tank, and then even after driving with the gauge on Empty you'll still have probably another gallon in reserve.
  • burtlancasterburtlancaster Member Posts: 7
    If you look at the final ratio of the automatic versus the manual, you notice that the automatic has a higher ratio. I wonder if this allows the automatic to get better mileage on the highway?
    I've been getting about 28 MPG with my 5-speed, and wonder if I would be doing a bit better with the automatic.
  • frank4carsfrank4cars Member Posts: 98
    With just over 14,000 miles I've reached the conclusion that I will never get beter mileage with my driving style. Overall average is 21.8 with a high of 33 and a low of 15 on individual tanks. Still loads of fun and it surprises almost everybody who has driven it with how sporty the handling is. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Except a Mazdaspeed5 if they ever make one.
  • ptaylor2112ptaylor2112 Member Posts: 10
    Got 26.0 mpg on our first tank.
  • joebenjoeben Member Posts: 4
    I have not been able to exceed 25 MPG highway. I went to my dealer/service dept and inquired. I mentioned that my last oil change was done with 10w30 in the middle of summer. He recommended sticking with the 5w20 factory recommended viscosity, even in the 100+ degree summers of Texas. Will let you know if this makes a difference.

    Mazda 5 with Manual Trans. 10000 miles
  • bobw3bobw3 Member Posts: 2,989
    What sort of driving were you doing to get the 33MPG?
  • athenasiusathenasius Member Posts: 118
    The best I have done was 6.3L/100Km (44MPG imp- 37 MPG us gallon) at 90km/h (3.5 hour trip 17C). The average I get with mixed 60% city and 40% highway (130km :P ) is 10L/100Km (28.25 imperial 23.52 US gallon). The biggest hit is due to the city driving. Ever since they “dumbed” down the transmission with the “fire” fix they put a delay in the shifting. You probably notice this when if you are slowing down and then need to accelerate and nothing for a second then clunk it goes. You will notice that it takes longer for it to shift down (i.e. from 3 to 2) a gear unless you press excessively on the gas pedal. It is a shame I do like the car but loved it even more before they messed up the transmission.
  • bobw3bobw3 Member Posts: 2,989
    What sort of driving conditions gave you the 37mpg? Was is 100% highway on a long flat road driving about 65mph on cruise?
  • athenasiusathenasius Member Posts: 118
    Hey bob. 90km/h is roughly 55m/h. It was a B road. Not a major highway - 1 lane each way mostly empty road (yes it is a fairly long road approx 300km (~190 miles). The road was fairly flat with little wind. A/c was not needed. Cruise control was on as I am a bit of speed freak normally. :$
  • ptaylor2112ptaylor2112 Member Posts: 10
    Still getting good mileage.

    Tank 2 was filled by the dealer
    Tank 3 = 27.4
    Tank 4 = 25.7
  • bnkausikbnkausik Member Posts: 5
    its the other way round i blve. the higher the firnal gear ratio, the faster the engine revs for the same road speed.
  • bnkausikbnkausik Member Posts: 5
    i did my first oil change on my mazda5 5speed at 4K miles. put in 5w30 since i had a case of that left over. the mileage dropped from 26.5 to 23.5. double checked it over several fillups and it was steady at 23.5. drained the oil and switched back to 5w20 at 5200miles. never seen this before!
  • frank4carsfrank4cars Member Posts: 98
    One 330 mile drive on a relatively flat freeway with the cruise set at 65. Took exactly 10.0 gallons to refill it.
  • troyolson92troyolson92 Member Posts: 4
    I have 2400 MI. on a 2007 Touring automatic model. I drive ok, no grandma driving or crazy driving. I drive mostly freeway in heavy stop and go traffic. I am on the fast side when traffic allows getting to 75 MPH. So far over the entire span of 2400 MI I have averaged 27 MPG with my automatic. My first couple tanks weren't very good. I found my tires were about 6-8 LBS low from the dealer showroom floor. Also I found with the air on gas mileage drops 2-3 MPG. I have auto climate control. I turn it on auto and push the air to shut it off. Granted I haven't driven in the summer with it yet.
  • cumadoggcumadogg Member Posts: 5
    - that was with the cruise at 80 MPH for 90% of the 1064 mile round trip. I have a 2006 Touring AT.
  • woochiferwoochifer Member Posts: 32
    For the first two tankfuls, we got nearly identical mileage - 24.9 MPG with a Mazda5 Grand Touring AT in mixed driving. The first tankful, I purposely did more local driving than normal to assist with the break-in. The second tankful featured more driving with the auto AC going. We'll see how things change when we start doing more spirited driving and the engine loosens up a bit more.
  • woochiferwoochifer Member Posts: 32
    For the first two tankfuls, we got nearly identical mileage - 24.9 MPG with a Mazda5 Grand Touring AT in mixed driving. The first tankful, I purposely did more local driving than normal to assist with the break-in. The second tankful featured more driving with the auto AC going. We'll see how things change when we start doing more spirited driving and the engine loosens up a bit more.
  • dean1966dean1966 Member Posts: 17
    The reason I looked into the 5 in the first place is I wanted a minivannish type car, but with a manual shift. I've had very bad luck with auto tranies in my lifetime.

    I bought my 2006 5 manual last july, and have been getting 27 to 28 measured mpg out of most tanks since new with a few exceptions.

    Hwy trip back from Fort Wayne Indianna to Milwaukee last summer under " perfect storm " driving conditions, ( no air cond needed, low wind and good portion of trip was done with cruise set at 60 mph.) 34.1 mpg. This was fully loaded for a weekeend trip including the dog. :)

    One tank last winter when a serious cold snap hit, around 0 Fahrenheit for most of the tank, coupled with all short trips that barely got the engine warm.: 20.4 mpg

    " Normal " hwy trips get between 28 and 31 mpg. I barely speed and just set cruise at about 67 mph.

    I do agree with others that the 5 is unusally smooth and quiet, at stoplights I often have to check the tach to be certain the motors still running. Those twin engine counterbalancers sure do a good job.
    The feeling of the whole car is that it should have cost much more. I only paid $17,200 for mine. Luv that dealership internet pricing!
  • mdchachimdchachi Member Posts: 275
    I've only had my 2006 Mazda5 Touring (automatic) for 6 weeks and haven't been tracking mpg regularly but last weekend I got exactly 26.0. The majority of the tank was on freeway travel averaging 80mph and the rest of it was on my normal, mixed conditions commute.
  • mickmoosemickmoose Member Posts: 2
    My foot is a little on the heavy side, but with my '06 Sport 5-Speed, I'm averaging just under 31MPG so far (14000 on the odometer). That's mostly in-town, light to light with a few country roads thrown in to get the Zoom-Zoom that I paid for.
  • jeffpurdjeffpurd Member Posts: 11
    I've had an '06 Manual for about a year and half and pretty consistently get 320 miles on 13 gallons. This is on Minnesota gas with 10% ethanol - I've found this to make an astounding difference - driving in Illinois, which I've done probably 10 times in the past year, instant jump to 380 miles on 13 gallons. Snow tires cost maybe 1 mpg. Has anyone tried one of the K&N high-flow air filters? Any impact?
  • daharondaharon Member Posts: 24
    I'm getting 19 MPG mixed, which is exactly the "new" EPA estimate for city. How can it be that so many of you are reporting city MPG in the mid to high 20s? I have the AC on about 1/3 of the time, with only one passenger in the car. I'm kind of disappointed with the M5 mileage. Why is the Matrix so much better? The weight can't be that different, right?
  • maltbmaltb Member Posts: 3,572
    What state are you in?
  • daharondaharon Member Posts: 24
    PA. Why? :confuse:
  • maltbmaltb Member Posts: 3,572
    Fuel formulations can vary in certain states; I don't think PA is one of those however.

    I'd check your tire pressure and maybe bump it up to 36psi all the way around if you don't mind a slightly rougher ride. My only other guess is that you drive a bit faster than others.
  • daharondaharon Member Posts: 24
    I've only had the car 3 months; could it have low tire pressure already? I suppose my driving style might be a factor, but to such a great extent? Some people are claiming an average of, for instance, 27 MPG, fully a third higher than my mileage. Very mysterious. I think you're all making it up just to depress me.
  • jeffpurdjeffpurd Member Posts: 11
    Toyota Yaris: 2300 lbs
    Matrix/Vibe: 2700 lbs
    Mazda5: 3300 lbs
    Rondo: 3500 lbs
    Dodge Caravan: 5600 lbs

    how many miles are you getting on a tank? maybe still breaking in but I'd ask the dealer if it doesn't step it up. I'm usually filling up about 13 gallons when the fuel alert light comes on. I don't think I've ever been below 280 miles on the tripometer in that situation - at 19mpg you would only be like 250. Usually now in the 330 +/- 10mpg range on this bad MN gas - mixed driving and a/c on frequently doesn't seem to impact much.
  • coolmazda5coolmazda5 Member Posts: 525
    The gas station locations vary, still I got a decent 24.5MPG, mostly city driving last time I checked

    Given that is hilly around here I was expecting a worse number. I can't complain...
  • w9cww9cw Member Posts: 888
    Re. fuel mileage . . . I get 26MPG with our Dodge Grand Caravan with the 3.3L V6 with the A/C on during trips. I've been seriously looking at the Mazda5 since we are now "empty nesters" and don't need all of the room of a large van. But, with over 160K on the Caravan, and on the same 4-speed ECT automatic transmission, I've actually been quite pleased with the vehicle. I would certainly expect the Mazda5 to do over 30MPG on the highway.
  • coolmazda5coolmazda5 Member Posts: 525
    daharon replied:
    PA. Why?

    Hi daharon. We also live in PA and have owned the MZ5 for almost 2 years. We have filled-up tanks from places ranging from WaWa to Cumberland Farms (87 oct gas). I should say that those are not the best gas stations around :blush: but still we get ~24.5MPG city and ~30-31MPG pure highway. My only suggestion would be to take it to the dealer in the next service appointment or and ask them to check how the computer is handling the gas-air mixing into the engine (or something like that) as 19MPG seems really low :sick:
  • nissmazlovernissmazlover Member Posts: 162
    I have to say that I have ALWAYS thought that my city mileage was WAY lower than what everyone here reported for the MZ5! I LOVE my 5, but DO feel that the city mileage can improve. Recently I had to fill up with only 250 miles on the odometer - and I filled up with about 13.5 gallons, so that gives me LESS than 19mpg (18.52mpg all city driving). I have always felt the same as you - like if everyone here is exaggerating their claims, but that just cannot be. Perhaps it's our driving style? I don't know, but I'm not that much of an aggressive driver - I like to drive as smoothly as possible. Nevertheless, I do live in NYC where there is constant traffic and I take majorily very short trips (like taking the kids to school, then coming back to the house to park it in the drive and then leave for work on the subway), so perhaps that also affects fuel economy.

    As far as highway mileage goes, however, I have been VERY pleased with my 5 as it has consistenly achieved a significantly higher fuel economy rating than the EPA suggested. The best fuel economy I got on the highway was 450 miles to the tank with a fill up of 13.5 gallons, which gave me 34.61 mpg! So, that's cool. But the city mileage leaves much to be desired for this four cylinder vehicle. Do you guys think I should have the dealer check it out? I've had my 5 since July '05!
  • maltbmaltb Member Posts: 3,572
    "I've only had the car 3 months; could it have low tire pressure already?"

    I think the DOT needs to air certain ads a little more often.

    Sarcasm aside, the pressure can be low from the start. I have received new vehicles with both too much and too little air. If checking it weekly is not realistic (it's not for me), try to check your tire pressure at least once a month.
  • coolmazda5coolmazda5 Member Posts: 525
    nissmazlover replied:
    Do you guys think I should have the dealer check it out? I've had my 5 since July '05!

    You are getting decent numbers in highway, but for the city values please note that you are talking about NYC, not a little "town" in PA. When I stated city MPG it is more of "town" driving ;), meaning stop-n-go traffic, yet more fluid than NYC I'm sure. In other words, we may not be comparing apples to apples.

    In another forum (not Edmunds) there was a mention that the MZ5 computer program was off-tune so it was wasting more gas than needed when injecting it to the engine. Reloading the computer module with tuned numbers for the gas mix was a way to fix it. Again, I'm not the one who did it, it is just my opinion (the car is still under warranty, so I do believe there is nothing to lose and I would give a try during the next service appointment)

    nissmazlover replied:
    I have always felt the same as you - like if everyone here is exaggerating their claims, but that just cannot be

    Oh yes, I agree with nissmazlover. I don't see a need to exaggerate. I love the 5's style, flexibility and design but, believe me, Mazda is not paying me a cent for driving it so, if the MPG had been very poor compared to the expected standards, the MZ5 would have been "For Sale" in the first opportunity, no doubt (yup, we also bought ours back in Jul/Aug 05) :D, plus I would be so upset I would be ranting in this forum instead of praising :P
  • daharondaharon Member Posts: 24
    Yesterday I discovered that I do get much better mileage on the fast-running highway, 30 MPG, so maybe its just that my city conditions are worse than for others (I'm in Philly). coolmazda5, can you tell me where you saw the discussion about the computer injecting too much gas? I'd like to have something solid to talk to the service guy about when I take the car in to the dealer for its first checkup.
    Although, if I get 30MPG on the highway, would that indicate that the engine is performing fine, and the problem must be my driving or the city conditions?
  • mdchachimdchachi Member Posts: 275
    If most of your driving is going from light to light or in stop and go traffic then I think your results are normal. I was in Toronto last weekend and I'm sure if I spent all my time driving downtown there, I'd get the same results you are getting. Perfect conditions for an electric hybrid.
  • mickmoosemickmoose Member Posts: 2
    Given the complexity of the engines these days, I wouldn't blame your driving style just yet. I believe the 5's engine uses a variable valve configuration. If the computer's not tuned right, it could be way out of whack for start/stop driving, but still be effective/efficient at continuous highway speeds.
  • lcostantinolcostantino Member Posts: 21
    On my first full tank, GTouring Automatic. Hilly canyon and then suburban streets, 50% of my miles, and 70-75MPH freeway driving the other 50%. Driving style is laid-back, let the car do the shifting. Should be great mileage after break-in period is done :)
  • coolmazda5coolmazda5 Member Posts: 525
    Hi daharon,
    Apologies for my late reply, I'm not a frequent reader in here. Anyway, I could not find this old discussion but it is something like this (yeah, yeah, this is for Honda but the same principle applies it seems).



    Again, not done it myself, but hey, it should not hurt to ask :)

    Although, if I get 30MPG on the highway, would that indicate that the engine is performing fine, and the problem must be my driving or the city conditions?

    30MPG highway sounds great, so if your "city" MPG number is for downtown Philly (oh man, that traffic is bad) it may be the case :)
  • sssfegysssfegy Member Posts: 132
    Do you have a stick or auto? Auto's are not as efficient as stick specially in town, would everybody please let us know stick or auto when posting.
  • coolmazda5coolmazda5 Member Posts: 525
  • njsimcanjsimca Member Posts: 6
    I've had a 2006 Mazda5 Touring Automatic for 15 months now, have 19000 miles and have averaged 25.5 mpg. I mostly drive locally, here in the hills of NJ, but also commute in a carpool (I drive every other week) about 22 miles each way a day, about 17 on the highway, sometimes in terrible traffic, and 5 miles in my town, and in Newark to get to my building. I'm happy with that number, compared to the EPA estimates (21/26), but wish Honda would make a car like this so I could add 10mpg!!
    I want a trailer hitch, too!
  • idavidsonidavidson Member Posts: 41

    I consistently get 25-26 mpg for what I called
    short highway driving on my M5 2007 with auto.

    I live only 8 miles from work. 1/2 mile getting
    on freeway. 1/2 mile getting off. 7 miles at 60 mph.
  • bobw3bobw3 Member Posts: 2,989
    Has anyone here recorded 30+ MPG on pure highway driving at speeds of 65-70mph?
  • dean1966dean1966 Member Posts: 17
    I've been in the low 30's several times ( stick shift version) with two best tanks of 34.3 and 34.7.

    Getting good HWY milage is easy, if not boring. Leave the cruise set at 65, and if the air condionings not running much you will get into the 30's easily. If it is running alot, you'll still make 30.

    I have also noticed though that going just a bit faster knocks that number down quickly. Go 70, milage probally won't make 30. Go 75, and milage is down around 27.

    In town, I get about 28, but I do drive like a grandma.

    I've got 12k on my '06 5 now, and still like it a whole lot. Only maintainence so far is oil changes.
  • troyolson92troyolson92 Member Posts: 4
    I run my air in auto at 69 degrees and drive at speeds ranging from stop and go traffic to 80. I consistantly get 28 + every fill up. I keep my tires at 34 PSI. My air is NEVER shut off. I get about 110 Miles to the 3/4 line about 200-210 at the 1/2 way line and about 325 with it just above the empty mark when I fill it up.

    Love it, but it needs a passenger arm rest.
  • evpedevped Member Posts: 39
    I have an 06 Touring 5 speed and I check the mpg every tankful. There's about a 2 mpg difference between winter and summer driving. I don't use the AC much, so I do better in the summer. I average about 27-28 around town and 30-31 on the highway. Not bad but I want 40mpg. Guess I'll have to buy a Civic to get that. My Fit auto gets about 35 mpg around town as we don't take it on the highway much. Hope this hepls someone.
  • evpedevped Member Posts: 39
    I have an 06 Touring 5 speed and I check the mpg every tankful. There's about a 2 mpg difference between winter and summer driving. I don't use the AC much, so I do better in the summer. I average about 27-28 around town and 30-31 on the highway. Not bad, but I want 40mpg. Guess I'll have to buy a Civic to get that. My Fit auto gets about 35 mpg around town as we don't take it on the highway much. Hope this helps someone.
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