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2013 and earlier-Acura TL Lease Questions



  • dogsambamdogsambam Member Posts: 76
    What state are you in? Is this for a 2006? What is your cost reduction? How much are you taxes?
  • mvc_jonesmvc_jones Member Posts: 88
    These numbers don't provide much information unless you post your sale price, residual, money factor, mileage allowance, etc... and all terms of the deal.

    The only way I see these numbers working for a lease is if you got a very good sale price, and only 10k miles/year, and, even then, these numbers seem low to me, a quick run in a lease calculator without tax yields between $300 and $360 per month, depending on mileage, with an aggresive sales price of $30k.
  • billyperks1billyperks1 Member Posts: 151
    That's more like $461.59 per month;with that high down payment you made.

    That's the first thing they teach you in leasing-never put any money down.If you total the car (God forbid) you get none of that money back.

    Please note that I am not knocking you for that, but I would never put money like that into a lease.
  • dxhdxh Member Posts: 1
    Dallas, TX
    MSRP $33,940
    Invoice $31322
    Purchase for $31,022
    15,000 miles a year
    Taxes rolled in
    Residual $14,933 (ONLY 34%!)
    Total out of pocket $731
    $525 for 48 month lease

    The purchase price is good ($300 below invoice) but I'm getting raped on the residual.
  • mvc_jonesmvc_jones Member Posts: 88
    Actually, your residual is 44%. Residual is always set on MSRP, never on sales price.

    Don''t know how you get 34% anyway. If you calculate the residual on sales price, it is even higher (denominator goes lower, percentage goes higher), goes to 48%.

    I still think the TL is not a great car to lease, I leased my last 3 cars, because the manufacturer subsidized the leases.

    I purchased my TL with NAV, tint, all weather mats, BSM, and a few other goodies on a 60 month loan for $120 more a month, going through the numbers, I pay an extra $5800 over the first 48 months, an I have an asset worth about $15k - $16k, that I owe $8k on. This leaves me with equity at 48 months of $1k to $2k, and after 60 months, probably around $12k.

    I can see leasing if you want the car and the residual is artificially high, or the manufacturer heavily subsidizes the leases, making the different between purchase and lease payments high. The TL holds its value well, and in my opinion makes more sense to buy and sell after 36 or 48 months, as lease vs. purchase payments are small, and you can get even at 36-42 months or so. Most good leases have you pretty upside down at 36-42 months IMO, meaning you spend less upfront and the finance company deals with negative equity.
  • radiohead1radiohead1 Member Posts: 2

    I was just given a lease quote for a 2006 TL w/o Navi. Here are the terms:
    36-month lease
    15K miles per year
    $750 due at lease signing (1st month's pmt plus license)
    Negotiated Price: $30,249
    Residual: $19,685 (equates to 65%, but dealer told me the quote is based on 58%????)
    Money factor: 0.0024 (based on 730 FICO)
    Monthly Payment: $470.00 (including tax)

    It seems like a great deal to me, but please let me know your thoughts. Thanks!
  • radiohead1radiohead1 Member Posts: 2

    I just got quoted for a TL w/o Navi
    36 month lease
    15K miles
    $750 drive off
    $470 including tax
    money factor 0.0024 (720+ FICO)
    residual 58%

    I guess you gotta ask if Navi is worth an extra $80/mo.
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,417
    ... is always calculated from the full MSRP..

    58% is correct..

    That seems like an incredible deal... How much is due at signing?

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  • tlwannabetlwannabe Member Posts: 7
    Hey Car_man,

    I am new to this forum. I am planning on leasing a 2006 TL very soon. Out of all of the cars I have test-driven, I like this one the best, but leasing will be the best option due to the lower payments. I would like to get a TL/Auto/with Nav and would like my payments to be in the $400s. Is that a realistic expectation? Also, how can you get the down payment and security deposit waived?

  • robertw477robertw477 Member Posts: 188
    Guys....My lease on a 2003 TL is being returned to the dealer in 2 weeks. I had a 39 month lease with NAV for 439 a month. I have leased cars for many years. NEVER put a downpayment! Ever! The idea on leasing is little out of pocket. I hear some call leases fleeces. I think many people get taken. Here are some points. I tell them I want a sign and drive lease only. I always see leases like this: BMW only 299 a month. In small print you see with 5K down on a 27 month offer (etc). So the real cost is about 499 a month. If they told you the price is 499 month and the lease works for you, take it. Never pay a big downpayment to lower the monthly fee. They are working with your money. Many of the leasing dealers are total characters. When you ask why the heck would I put 5K down on a car they say to lwoer the monthly payments. What a joke. I did no secutiry deposit with Acura and have a long history with American Honda finance. With that being said the leases are much higher right now on the 2006 models. Dont pay 80.00 a month extra for the NAV. That is a total rip. I got mine for no extra $$ because we found a car wth t already. On a lease never pay for the extras 100% youself. Sometimes a car might have 2-3K in some extras and they want you to factor the entire cost. ANother lease ripoff.

    I have no idea what I am going to lease but looking for a good deal like of got on the previous Tl for a car in the 30 ranges.

  • iwannatliwannatl Member Posts: 5
    Hi CarMan,
    I want to lease an '06 TL w/nav very soon. I was recently quoted from a dealer (via email) in so cal $31,690 for a TL w/nav, destination and mud guards included. but, supposedly 4/30 was the last day!! :( I would like to lease for 36 months/12K or 15K miles/yr and pay little or no down. a friend of mine who walked into the dealer was quoted the following for the same car with same terms:

    $3500 down
    ~$429 + tax ($460)/month

    obviously, $31,690 is a great price! if they still honor it, what is acura's current money factor rate and residual value for May? and what should my monthly payment look like? please help!! THANK YOU!!!
  • tapo210tapo210 Member Posts: 1
    I received a quote from a local dealer today. When I use their numbers, I get a different payment (when using an online lease calculator). Am I overlooking something simple or is something hidden?

    06 with NAV
    TERM: 36/mo. 12k
    BASE: $35,940
    CAPIT: $32,280
    DUE: $1378 (includes first payment)
    FACTOR: .00275
    TAX: %8.75

    When I punch in a 36mo. lease + $798 down (removing the first payment of $580), I come up with $548.63/mo

    When I use the whole $1,3783 down and a 35/mo lease, I get $579.51.

    It seems as though my first month payment is getting factored into my adjusted capitalized cost which increases the depreciation and sales tax. Shouldn’t this be handled separately?

    Also, does this look like a respectable deal?
  • heavan32678heavan32678 Member Posts: 7
    Im thinking about leasing a new TL for 36 months, and I have read a lot of the posts here, but I'm not sure what everyone is talking about when you discuss a residual value and money factor. Can someone help me with this calculation, or is there a website that will help explain this to me? Also, 34,060 seems to be the lowest any dealer her in CT seems to want to go. That seems a bit higher than other places, is that right?
  • elismushelismush Member Posts: 1
    I'm trying to compare if the lease I got in April was a good one and whether the may numbers are any better.

    I was offered a 06 TL w/o Nav from SM Acura for 29980. 0 cap cost reduction, 15K Miles, 36 months at $461 / month including tax. I think that is using the base financing available or .00260 mf and 58% residual.

    Are these numbers any differnt for the may? If not, that deal looks pretty good and i may jump on it. I'm looking to close it this weekend and to get the alabaster silver with black interior.

    any help is appreciate.

  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Thanks for the additional information, thinkmike. The dealer invoice price of a 2006 Acura TL with Navigation and an automatic transmission is $32,820. As you can see, this is right around the price that you were quoted. You are getting this car for a very good price. According to my calculations, if you were to lease an '06 TL with nav with an MSRP of $35,940 and a selling price of $32,800 trough Honda Finance right now for 36 months with 15,000 miles per year, your zero down, pre-tax monthly payment should be around $493. So the payment that you were quoted looks good as well. If you like the car, go for it.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hey lanman66. Even though Acura dealers are overloaded with TLs, Acura still decided not to provide any sort of incentives on it for the month of May. The only thing that it did do was give salespeople a bonus for sales of it because TL grosses have been so low. I keep thinking that Acura will have to eventually introduce some sort of support on the TL, either a special money factor or dealer cash, but so far it has been sticking to its guns and holding off.

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  • tbecker02tbecker02 Member Posts: 3
    Whay are the dealerships overloaded with TL's?
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    You're welcome lanman66. Acura is not currently providing any sort of lease support on the TL. The lease that you have seen advertised on-line is nothing special. If anything, I would not be surprised if this car's lease program got better in next month. Of course, it is difficult to say exactly what manufacturers will do with their future incentives.

    If you were to lease a 2006 TL with navigation through Honda Finance right now for 36 months with 12,000 miles per year, its buy rate lease money factor and residual value should be .00265 and 58%, respectively.

    I doubt that the advertised lease that you saw was based off of full MSRP. Having said this. most manufacturers' advertised lease payments leave a little meat on the bone so to speak. I would not be surprised if you were able to negotiate a more attractive selling price than the one that this lease is based upon if you are in an area where there is a decent level of competition.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi rlaw. If you can actually purchase your leased TL for less than it is currently worth on the open market, you are absolutely correct that you can make money by buying it and selling it privately or trading it in on a new vehicle. Most lessees are not in such a fortunate position. You can determine approximately how much you would make on this transaction by looking up your car's Edmunds.com True Market Value in the Used Vehicle Pricing section of this site. You also may want to stop by the following discussion: "Real-World Trade-In Values". One of our most knowledgeable community members, Terry, frequents that discussion and he is often kind enough to give community members who give him an accurate description of their vehicles with his opinion on their value.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Welcome tlwannabe. The lease payment for the car that you are interested in will vary depending upon a number of factors, including its selling price, how long you lease it for, and how many miles per year you need to be able to drive it. I suspect that you should be able to get a typical 36 month, 12,000 mile per year lease in the high $400 a month range before tax. Let's do some calculations and see what we come up with. According to my calculations, if you were to lease a 2006 Acura TL with navigation and an automatic transmission with an MSRP of $35,940 and a selling price of $33,320 ($500 over invoice) through Honda Finance right now for 36 months with 12,000 miles per year, your zero down, pre-tax monthly payment should be around $491. Consumers are free to lease any vehicle that they want without making any sort of down payment. You will have to pay a security deposit that is equivalent to your car's monthly payment rounded up to the nearest $25 increment at lease signing. Honda Finance will waive its security deposit requirement in exchange for an increase of .00010 in the money factor that is used to calculate your car's monthly payment. If you opted to have the security deposit for the aforementioned lease waived, its payment would increase to around $496.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hey iwannatl. If you were to lease a 2006 Acura TL with Navigation through Honda Finance right now for 36 months with 15,000 miles per year, its buy rate lease money factor and residual value should be .00265 and 56%, respectively. The money factor for a lease with 12,000 miles per year would be the same, but the residual value would increase to 58%. Let's use these numbers to estimate what the lease payment should be like on the car that you are interested in. According to my calculations, a 2006 Acura TL with navigation with an MSRP of $35,940 and a very attractive selling price of $31,690 through Honda Finance right now for 36 months with 15,000 miles per year, its zero down, pre-tax monthly payment should be around $459, assuming that you qualify for its "Super Preferred" credit tier and pay a security deposit. With only 12,000 miles per year, this car's lease payment would drop to around $441.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi heavan32678. Since you seem to be new to the world of leasing, you definitely should check out the following informative articles that are available here at Edmunds.com prior to visiting any dealers: 10 Steps to Leasing a New Car and Calculate Your Own Lease Payment.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi tbecker02. I personally have visited a number of Acura dealers that have a glut of TLs and spoken with the managers of a few others that do as well. Furthermore, community members have been reporting getting huge discounts on this car right now. Of course, there's bound to be some regional variability in the supply of this car. If you are in an area where there is a decent level of competition, you should not have any trouble getting a TL for a good price.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hello elismush. Acura's May lease program for the TL is a little different than its program was last month. If you were to lease a 2006 Acura TL without navigation through Honda Finance right now for 36 months with 15,000 miles per year, its buy rate lease money factor and residual value should be .00265 and 57%, respectively. As you can see, its new lease program for this car is a little worse than the old one.

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  • tbecker02tbecker02 Member Posts: 3
    What have people been paying for accessories? I have been getting quotes of 500 over invoice for a 6mt TL non-nav in northern Florida, but wanted the all season mats and IPOD adapter. Has anyone been getting discounted prices for any addons?

  • sulax50sulax50 Member Posts: 3
    This message board has helped me very much in letting me know what to expect when I walk into the dealerships, so I wanted to share what I found.

    After spending the past few days getting prices from the internet sales people here in the DC area, I finally went into Chevy Chase Acura to discuss getting a 2006 TL 5AT non-Navi 36 month/15K miles. Chevy Chase internet sales quoted me 30,300 not including tax. After looking around the boards here I realized that was probably high. Their next offer was:

    Price - 30104.41 without tax
    MF - .00265
    Res - 57%

    They wanted ttl+first month payment (works out to be ~$1400) which would have made my monthly payment 461 a month. I am now seeing if other dealerships here in DC can beat it. What do people think about the price of the car? It seems like that is the one real negotiable piece of the lease, considering the spreadsheet the General Manager showed me had the money factor and residual in the Super Preferred catagory. I was hoping to get some relief there as I am already a Honda Finance Customer.

    My goal is to get the car for about the price they quoted me with tax.
  • ctbndctbnd Member Posts: 5
    Trying to get an under invoice lease in CT.(new haven county) Having a hard time getting quotes by internet. They want you to come in and talk I don't have time for that game. I've seen dealer hold back and salesmans incentive for the TL posted in the forum would like to use these in my negotiations.

    Would like to purchase this week any suggestions greatly appreciated.

    Thanks, ctbnd
  • robertw477robertw477 Member Posts: 188
    I think the car business is one of the few who tell you many times that they dont make any money ofn the deal. If I hear that one more time I think I will tell them the following:-I own a small business myself and I dont want to hurt their profits and walk away.

    I dont see any deals with Acura and I have been a customer with them for 2 cars going back over 10 yrs. They used to offer some aggressive loyalty program. I think it is a mistake on them pulling the progrms. IE free month on a new lease etc.

  • heavan32678heavan32678 Member Posts: 7
    I am in CT also, but closer to the Hartford area. I haven't seen any online quotes either, and so far I can't get any dealer below 34,200. That was only the first offer in the Berlin Morande Acura. If you find a better deal, PLEASE let me know! She gave us a price of $464, with $3K down. I'm not sure if this is good, but the Res. was 59% and the money factor is about .00275 if I remember right.
  • robertw477robertw477 Member Posts: 188
    Doesnt sound good to me. Dont PAY any money down. If the car is stolen or totalled your money is history. The cap cost reductions are a total scam. i was quoted 489 with nothing down here in S Fla. I will not do the deal.

    My current lease was 439 with tax and I am not paying over $500.00 a month for a car that has less than my current model (W/NAV) etc.

    Good luck

  • ctbndctbnd Member Posts: 5
    I've had better luck going into the dealerships in particular Executive Acura in North Haven. Ask to speak with the Finance Mgr and have him explain the lease contract and associated fees. The following is the price quoted to me on the internet from Executive Acura for a Non Nav TL Auto "To recap, to make sure that we are on the same page, I have that you are looking for a 2006 Acura TL. The MSRP of the 2006 Acura TL is $33940.00. I am willing to sell you the vehicle for $31323.00 plus applicable sales tax and registration fees". Not bad but they will do better I Hope.

    Will post progress
  • jpstephensjpstephens Member Posts: 6
    I was offered a 2006 Acura TL with navi for the following:

    Term:42 months
    Monthly Payment:482.96
    Acq fee(upfront) - 795
    Fees & ins(upfront) - 129.95
    Taxes(upfront) - 1830.59
    Total Initial Charges:3,237.80

    So essentially I am going with a 42 month lease, 483 a month with 3,237 out of pocket.

    Is this a good deal or should I keep shopping, I really want that
  • iwannatliwannatl Member Posts: 5
    that's a lot down!! i was quoted for the same car but shorter lease:

    $35940 MSRP
    $31500 Selling price
    36months l ease
    36K miles
    MF .00265
    $1000 drive off
    $471/month (tax already included!)

    I think you need to negotiate some more!! I haven't bought the car yet but most likely will purchase this Wednesday!!
  • jpstephensjpstephens Member Posts: 6
    Where do you live? I live in NY maybe the taxes are higher?? and what do you mean 36k miles?
  • heavan32678heavan32678 Member Posts: 7
    wow, that doesn't sound bad at all, but what is hte monthly payment, and what are you putting down? I may have to get down to New Haven!
  • iwannatliwannatl Member Posts: 5
    i live in west los angeles. "36K" means I'm allowed to drive the car 36,000 miles during the life of the lease aka 12,000 miles/year. anything over that is charged at $.15/mile.
  • jpstephensjpstephens Member Posts: 6
    yea see thats the difference right there, I need to walk away with 15k miles a year...

    does honda finance offer 15k mile leases per year?
  • ctbndctbnd Member Posts: 5
    Still trying to get the best price. Get the best price first no matter if your leasing or buying. If asked inform the salesperson you have not decided yet.
  • robertw477robertw477 Member Posts: 188
    Sure they offer 15K leases. If you think you will go over the mileage it makes sense for you to take the option..

  • jpstephensjpstephens Member Posts: 6
    I took everyones advice and continued to shop and I got a different dealer able to beat my original price. This dealer offered me

    499.95 a month
    42 months
    52,500 miles (15k a year)
    2006 acura tl with nav
    2430.51 with dmv(149 or so) is due at signing.

    Keep shopping?
  • iwannatliwannatl Member Posts: 5
    yes...keep shopping! what's included in the $2430.51? seems like a lot down still....just my thoughts.
  • jpstephensjpstephens Member Posts: 6
    499.95 1st payment
    1820.56 Tax
    110.00 Down
    2430.51 plus the DMV is due at signing.
  • iwannatliwannatl Member Posts: 5
    I guess you must be in one of the states that has to pay sales tax upfront? you should be able to negotiate a lower monthly. did you ask what your money factor is?
  • heavan32678heavan32678 Member Posts: 7
    Ok, here's my offer:

    33,500, money factor is .00275, residual is 58%, and with $4,402 total out of pocket, $442 a month including tax, sound good?
  • ctbndctbnd Member Posts: 5
    I can't say if it's a good deal. Can you be more specific like nav or no-nav and how long is the lease 36 or 48 mos. Credit scores determine money factor ask to see the rate book it has the tiers according to your TransUnion score. It is a lot of money down try posting the specifics of your lease to CARMAN he started this forum. Good luck and keep me informed.
  • heavan32678heavan32678 Member Posts: 7
    Ok, it's a 36 month lease, and I have great credit, although she gave us the rate before she officially knew that, just took our word for it. It's with the Nav. I took this quote to 2 other dealers, one in person and one through email, and neither could touch it. The one in person gave me a lower base price for the car, but the monthly payment came out way higher, so he added in many fees. The online guy could only match it and offer 6,000 miles exteneded warranty. But since it's a lease, so what? So we ordered it on Sat. I did the math, and was only going to pay down $3000 total out of pocket, but we ended up paying about $300 more that way, so just decided to pay more up front.
  • viking89viking89 Member Posts: 5

    I was just given a lease quote for a 2006 TL 6mt w/o Navi. Here are the terms:

    MSRP: 33, 900
    Negotiated Price: $31,800(31200 + IPOD, all weather mats)

    36-month lease
    15K miles per year
    Residual: 57%
    Money factor: 0.00275
    Monthly Payment: $489.00 w/o tax)

    48-month lease
    15K miles per year
    Residual: 47%
    Money factor: 0.00265
    Monthly Payment: $458.00 w/o tax)

    Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks!
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi viking89. The lease money factors that you were quoted for the TL that you are considering are tight in line with Honda finance's current money factors for "Super Preferred" tier customers who choose to have their security deposits waived. This is always a good sign because it means that the dealer you are working with is not trying to add any hidden profit to your deal by marking your car's money factor up. As far as your car's price goes, I believe that the dealer invoice price for a base 2006 Acura TL with a manual transmission is currently around $30,999. The price that you were quoted is $801 above this before the dealer installed options are taken into account. This is a pretty good price. For additional feedback on this car's price make sure to stop by the following discussion: "Acura TL: Prices Paid & Buying Experience". According to my calculations, the 36 month, 15,000 mile per year, zero down, pre-tax monthly payment for an '06 TL with an MSRP of $33,900 and a selling price of $31,200 should only be around $469 and the 48 month payment for an otherwise identical lease should be around $443. Make sure to find out why the payments that the dealer you are working with quoted you are different.

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  • kod33kod33 Member Posts: 6
    Hi Car_man,

    Excellent job on this discussion, your information is always very helpful. I have a lease question for you: I have seen commercials just now in Mid-May for a special $399/mo lease for a "Standard TL". It looks like the small print says something like $3800 down (only 10k mi/yr). Here is my quandry: I live in the Boston MA area, and am looking to lease a 2006 TL 6MT w/Navi, can afford the $399/mo rate - but do not want to put anything close to $4k down on a lease. This will be my first time leasing - and the more people I speak to about it - the more I hear that you should put down nothing or as little as possible when it comes to a lease. But yet I don't want a $500+/mo lease, either. I feel I'm a good candidate to lease because I don't put a lot of miles on my car (usually less than 10k/yr), I like driving something new, and want a lower monthly payment with no money (or less down) than outright buying a vehicle in this price range. It seems like other car companies offer better leases in terms of monthly pmts and amount down as it relates to the car's price. BMW and Infiniti spring to mind here - I have seen leases for 5 Series and M35x (cars that cost up to and over $10k more than the TL) for similar numbers as these TL leases. What gives, and is $399.mo with little or no money down a pipe-dream? And if it is, does that mean the TL is one the few cars out there that are better to buy than lease?
  • sulax50sulax50 Member Posts: 3
    From Pohanka Acura, the largest Acura dealer in the US, or so they claim.

    36 mo./15K lease for a 5AT Non-navi
    Price - 29,998
    MF - .00265
    Res - 57%

    Due at signing = 480.00 nothing more
    480.00/mo tax included

    I have an offer from Rosenthal Acura in Gaithersburg for 477.00 a month including tax, but I am not sure if there are hidden costs.

    I hope people find this info helpful. I can give more info if needed regarding deal specifics if I missed anything. Also the comments earlier on inventory are very very true. Pohanka claimed they are "drowning" in TLs right now.
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