Car Buying Advice - 2017 CPO Audi S3

gabeurdanetagabeurdaneta Member Posts: 1
edited May 2017 in Audi
I am really interested in an AUDI S3

I currently own a 2016 Toyota 4Runner SR5 2WD with 5,500miles its a nice SUV but its just to big and slow for me the black book value for my current vehicle is around 27000-32000 I know its closer to around 28000-30000 it also has a damaged front bumper just cosmetic with a few scratches most likely around $800 to fix at a body shop. Also the SUV is fully payed off.

Anyways the vehicle I want is a 2017 Audi S3 the MSRP new was $52980 I know its was worth a lot closer to the invoice price new. It only has 126 miles and was a lease its now CPO. they are asking $50900 now I know its worth no wear near this price since it is used after all and I know it lost a lot of value once it was driven off that lot. I cannot find any info on a used 2017 S3 in Kelly Blue Book/Black Book/Edmunds.

So my question is what do you think this vehicle is worth and what should I try to get for my vehicle?

New sticker price with options:


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