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Mercedes-Benz R-Class Lease Questions



  • fladanfladan Member Posts: 8
    sticker on vehicle was msrp 60,515
    total out of pocket that included 1st months payment was 1500.
    State is Florida!!
  • dadofdadof Member Posts: 11
    Sounds like a really good deal. Could you please tell me the name of your dealer?
  • cscowdencscowden Member Posts: 1

    What are the current lease rates and residuals for the R-Class? Any incentives currently with MBUSA?

    Chris Scowden
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Here you go, cscowden. Mercedes-Benz Financial's current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2010 R350 4Matic with 15,000 miles per year are .00028 and 45%, respectively.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • vman187vman187 Member Posts: 1
    I think you got a fantastic deal. I'm in the process of trying to lease the very car and can't seem to get anywhere near the numbers you are showing. I'm in Florida and would like to do business at the dealer that cut you the deal if you can tell me where that is.
  • coupdevillcoupdevill Member Posts: 4
    Does anybody have their residual price on 2007 and or 2008 R320 CDI? Or better yet, do you know what lease returns are selling for at Manheim?

    Looking to buy a 2007 or 2008 R320 CDI with mileage below 50K and just trying to get another reference along with TMV.

  • wtoshwtosh Member Posts: 1
    Hi, car man. I am hoping to lease a new R350 bluetec in the next week or two. I have been unable to find exactly what I want in a 2010 and may be forced to buy the new 2011. If the dealer has to place an order for the car (since they don't seem to be receiving the bluetecs yet), is it unrealistic to expect to be able to negotiate any significant discount under msrp? If I were to lease a 2010 R350 bluetec right now without everything in it that I am looking for, are the current incentives and lease rates such right now that the savings would be just tremendous, and ridiculous not to do? Please advise! Thank you!
  • anissahopeanissahope Member Posts: 1
    The June MF was .00028? As in 0.67 APR?

    I ask because I am comparing MF so that I can pull trigger on a 2010 or 2011 R350 when MBF has the best offer. I have a window of August through November and took a peak at June and July and saw your MF post of .00028.

    Thanks for your time.
  • 4matic4matic Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2010
    So I just signed up for a lease today in LA and I think I got a good deal, but don't really know for sure. Car is a 2010 R350 4Matic with P1 package, MSRP of 56,985 and I got them to come down $7,115 to $49,870. $1,500 of this was from an incentive for current Audi owners, so they only came down $5,615. MF was .00028 and residual was 48% for 10K miles and 36 month term. I was surprised by the acquisition fee of $1,095, $300 over what MB has on their web site ($795). The guy at the dealer said that it was because we were in California, but I don't know and I feel like I left some $ on the table here. Also, I assume that the residual # of 48% is correct for a 36 month lease and 10K miles. Carman, can you confirm? Total cap cost including acq fee was $50,965. My monthly before tax and no additional cap cost reduction came out to $677.82 before tax.

    I looked at a 2011 R350 and while the residual was 56% for same terms, the MF was .0028, a lot higher than what I could get for a 2010.

    At a certain point a lease is just a math problem and the drivers of a good deal are residual, MF and dealer discount from MSRP. Carman, can I at least confirm that the residual of 48% and the acq fee are correct for this deal? What is your opinion about the discount from MSRP? Any comments welcome from the forum as well.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi wtosh. As you suspected, dealers are usually more willing to negotiate discounts on vehicles that they physically have on their lots than they are on ordered vehicles. Having said that, I don't think that you should settle for full MSRP either. You should be able to negotiate some sort of discount on your ordered R.

    The residual values on the 2011 R are better than they are on the 2010 model, but Mercedes is not providing any lease support on either of them right now.

    You would however be leaving a whopping $6,500 dealer cash on top of whatever additional dealer discount you would be able to negotiate on a leftover 2010 R on the table by ordering a brand new 2011.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Mercedes' September buy rate lease money factor for the R350 is 00165. That is equivalent to an interest rate of just under 4%.

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  • sand529sand529 Member Posts: 45
    Can you post the October or the Nov lease factors for the R-Class?
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi sand529. Mercedes just published its new November lease program yesterday. I'll check around and see if I can get a copy of it so that I can provide you with the latest info for the vehicle that you're interested in. Please post a reminder in this discussion for me and I'll fill you in on what I have been able to find out for you.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • sand529sand529 Member Posts: 45
    Reminder, thanks.
  • dollar_pounddollar_pound Member Posts: 46
    i reverse calculated based on their website offering and it comes to 56% and .2400 mf for 10k miles...
  • shermar76shermar76 Member Posts: 7
    Hi all,

    I am returning my R-Class after the lease ends in 2 month. How is Mercedes with lease returns. I am below the miles in my contract with 3000 miles. The car was serviced at the dealer for the first service and then had an oil change at a shop which specializes in Mercedes a year later. Will this be a problem. Are they forgiving or will it depend on the dealership I am returning the car to. If I don't get a godd deal on a new lease, I will have to return the car and wait. Any advise will be appreciated.
  • futmercownerfutmercowner Member Posts: 2

    Appreciate all the info. It looks like during the Winter Event, the residual is really high on R class. Something like 55%. I don't know if that is right. I'm looking at an R Class. Do you have the November lease money rates and residuals. It is looking like a great time to lease.
  • dealzonbenzesdealzonbenzes Member Posts: 5
    Residuals For 15,000 Miles A Year:

    24 Months - 56%
    30 Months - 54%
    36 Months - 53%
    42 Months - 47%
    48 Months - 42%
    54 Months - 39%
    60 Months - 37%

    Money Factor for all terms is 0.00165.
  • futmercownerfutmercowner Member Posts: 2
    Thanks dealz, looks like a pretty good money factor and residual, especially considering its the new body style.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Sand529, Mercedes-Benz Financial's November buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2011 R350 4WD with 15,000 miles per year are .00165 and 55%, respectively.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi shermar76. I have always found Mercedes-Benz to be fairly reasonable when evaluating the condition of vehicles at lease-end. The fact that you had your truck services somewhere other than a Mercedes dealer, and who could blame you with the prices that they charge, probably won't be a problem. It wouldn't hurt to keep the receipt for the oil change if you have it, but again I really don't think that it will be an issue.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • solsatsolsat Member Posts: 8
    Dear Car_man,
    My existing lease of 33 month, 10K miles per year for R350 4 Matic is coming to end next month. The current residual value of the vehicle is $31.5K. This vehicle has P1 and P2 pkg with ipod and 6 cd changer etc. I have called MB Financial service last month to see if they offer any discounts for extending the lease or buying the vehicle. No luck.
    Was wondering to hear your opinion about the optimal pricing for this vehicle, if I have to buy it or extend the lease. Thanks in advance.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    That is an excellent question, solsat. I'm usually more familiar with the new car market than the used car market. You may want to try looking up your R over in the Used Vehicle Appraiser that is available here at Edmunds.com.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • solsatsolsat Member Posts: 8
    Thanks Car_man for your prompt response. Per the used vehicle appraiser, the trade-in-value is $31K, private party is $34K and retail value is $37K. Was wondering if you can share your experience on whether MB USA gives any discounts on Pay-off pricing?
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    You're welcome, solsat. I've heard that MB Finance isn't really all that flexible on leased vehicles' end of term purchase option prices, but it definitely does not hurt to give them a call and see if they'd be willing to work with you if you're interested in buying your vehicle. You don't have anything to lose by trying.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • rk2k2rk2k2 Member Posts: 1
    Hi I'm looking to lease a 2011 R Class and was wondering what the residuals and money factor are for April 2011, 3 years and 15k/yr lease. Also, is there conquest cash or other incentives available for April? Thanks.
  • traderbtraderb Member Posts: 38
    hey car man, do you have the May rates for a 36 and 48 month lease, 12k/year on an R350. thx
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hey traderb. Mercedes-Benz Financial's May buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2011 R350 with 12,000 miles per year are .00198 and 54%, respectively for consumers who qualify for its top credit tier.

    The numbers for an otherwise identical 48 month lease are .00198 and 43%.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • traderbtraderb Member Posts: 38
    Car_Man, I didn't get around to it in May, can you update me on the June rates please.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hey traderb. Mercedes is not providing lease support on the R-Class any longer. As a result, if you were to lease one through Mercedes-Benz Financial, you will have to use its standard lease money factors, which vary by region but should be around .00250 or so for consumers who qualify for its Tier 1 credit tier.

    The R's residual values are exactly the same in June as they were in May.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • westchesterkenwestchesterken Member Posts: 5
    I am looking at a 2009 R class that 50k miles that was just returned off of lease. Any idea what the residual would have been for a 2009 R- Class. The car is on the lot of the Dealership but they do not even own it yet. Any idea how to know what this would sell at aution?
  • matchbox1matchbox1 Member Posts: 13
    This is my first post here. I came across this information while searching on the web for R Class deals. I'm looking to lease one this month and am trying to figure out the best deal. I'm being told that the deal on the 2012 lease would be better than the 2011. Is that true? What are the residuals and money factors for these cars? I think I qualify for a program called conquest that would get me an additional $2000 off. Is that for real or do they give that to everyone anyway?
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    What you were told is correct, matchbox1. Mercedes' lease program for the 2012 R is indeed more attractive than its program for the 2011 model.

    Mercedes-Benz Financial's December buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36-month lease of a 2012 R350 with 15,000 miles per year are .00195 and 52%.

    Mercedes is indeed providing a $2,000 conquest cash incentive on this truck. If you are the current owner of a competing vehicle you are eligible for it.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • woohoo2woohoo2 Member Posts: 1
    Hi Car_man,

    Would you know the February lease rates for 2012 R350 Bluetec, 36 mo, 15k miles/year?
    I'm new to this forum, what is conquest cash?
    My dealer offered $4,400 off MSRP, does this already include conquest cash?

  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Greetings woohoo2. Mercedes-Benz Financial's February buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36-month lease of a 2012 R350 BlueTec with 15,000 miles per year are .00225 and 54%, respectively for consumers who qualify for its Tier 1 credit tier.

    The conquest cash is a special incentive for current owners of Acura, Audi, BMW, Cadillac, Infiniti, Jaguar, Jeep, Land Rover, Lexus, Lincoln, Porsche, Volkswagen and Volvo vehicles. I believe that dealers are given a certain number of certificates that they can use on these deals. The allowance on the 2012 R Class is $2,000.

    It's difficult to say whether the deal that the dealer offered you already takes this incentive into account.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • devilsadvct33devilsadvct33 Member Posts: 117
    Hi car man,

    Do you have current residuals and money factors on regular and blue tec R class? Thanks
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Mercedes-Benz is not currently providing lease support on the R-Class. As a result, if you were to lease one through Mercedes-Benz Financial right now, you would have to use its standard lease money factors.

    Through September 4th, MB Finance's residual value for a 36-month lease of a 2012 R 350 with 15,000 miles per year is 52%. The residual value for an otherwise identical lease of the Blue Tec version would be 54%.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
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