Lease Factors 2017 and 2018 Wrangler Limted Series

tomy3tomy3 Member Posts: 46
edited November 2017 in Jeep
Could you update me on the most current MF and Residual % for the 2017 and 2018 Wrangler Limited Series 4x4models (Rubicon Recon, Willys Wheeler, Smokey Mtn.) for 15K /39 mo. Thanks guys!


  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,342
    tomy3 said:

    Could you update me on the most current MF and Residual % for the 2017 and 2018 Wrangler Limited Series 4x4models (Rubicon Recon, Willys Wheeler, Smokey Mtn.) for 15K /39 mo. Thanks guys!


    Or, 4-door Unlimited?

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  • tomy3tomy3 Member Posts: 46
    4 door unlimited
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,342
    tomy3 said:

    Could you update me on the most current MF and Residual % for the 2017 and 2018 Wrangler Limited Series 4x4models (Rubicon Recon, Willys Wheeler, Smokey Mtn.) for 15K /39 mo. Thanks guys!

    tomy3 said:

    4 door unlimited

    Standard MF for all

    Recon 55% residual
    Wheeler 64% residual
    Smoky 57% residual

    Recon 61% residual
    Wheeler 69% residual
    Don't see a Smoky Mountain edition for 2018

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  • tomy3tomy3 Member Posts: 46
    how about the factor for the 2018 Wrangler JK Altitude 4dr.
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,342
    tomy3 said:

    how about the factor for the 2018 Wrangler JK Altitude 4dr.


    63% residual for 39/15

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  • md2bpo1md2bpo1 Member Posts: 3
    edited November 2017
    Hi. I am seeing the MF noted as ‘Standard’. Is there a reference for that?  In other words, what is the Standard MF represented in numerical value?

    ps - on a 48/12,000

    thanks in advance!!
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,342
    md2bpo1 said:

    Hi. I am seeing the MF noted as ‘Standard’. Is there a reference for that?  In other words, what is the Standard MF represented in numerical value?

    ps - on a 48/12,000

    thanks in advance!!

    It varies by model, and month-to-month.

    We don't have the number this month, but it's likely in the .00190-.00230 range.
    (so, it's high).

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