Lease Numbers for 2018 Toyota Camry XLE in NJ?
Looking at at 2018 XLE for my Mom in NJ. Sticker on car is 30,138.
Looking to lease: 36 mo/12k.
What’s the residual and MF? Any incentives? Discounts?
They quoted her $338/mo zero down. Seems high. Trying to break the offer down to get a lower pmt for her.
Any help would be appreciated!
Here’s what they offered:
That residual looks like 55%, which might be 36/10.
With the numbers given, and deducting the rebate, I get $327/mo.
But, I haven't accounted for acquisition fee, DMV fees, dealer fees or taxes.
How much is the Due at Signing for this "$0 down" lease?
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