Why my 96 chevy s10 won't start

About a week ago i was drivimg home and my 96 s10 shut off like somebody turned off the key and now it wont start back up i replaced the fuel pump and im getting spark i charged the battery back up (low from trying to start) and it still wont do anything except turn over and over but no fire im running out of ideas any input would be greatly appriciated
Best Answer
0patience Member Posts: 1,712
How did you check spark?
Pull the rotor and see if there is a black pin mark underneath. If there is, you blew through the rotor.
Check the fuel pump relay.
The system uses the fuel pump relay to energize the fuel pump until oil pressure comes up.
I would lean more toward a fuel pump relay from experience.6
I have a 98 Chevy s10. I was on the way to work and it just shut off. I put it in n to see if it would start wile costing and it don’t. It made Al the sounds like it wanted to start but wouldn’t get there.
Any ideas. I can hear my full pump kick on.
But when it 1st started up before I left for work driving down the road it was almost like my transmission was trying to slip right before it went into 3rd so I left off the gas. Then got back to it and then about 3 miles down the road it was like incur the key off