Lease deals

tonypatel1tonypatel1 Member Posts: 3
edited January 2018 in Audi
Hi, can you please let me know what the current Money factor and Residual % and Best Monthly lease payment ( MSRP-~73,500): is for a Audi 2018?


Location: Los Angeles, CA
10k miles:
36 month lease:


  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,395

    Hi, can you please let me know what the current Money factor and Residual % and Best Monthly lease payment ( MSRP-~73,500): is for a Audi 2018?


    Location: Los Angeles, CA
    10k miles:
    36 month lease:

    .00059 MF and 50% residual for Premium Plus

    If you have a selling price, we can calculate a payment.

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  • bluetincanbluetincan Member Posts: 16
    Hi there, are you seeing any particular sweet spots for leasing A7's? I.e.: term/mileage/ trim combinations that yield the best deal?

    THanks so much.
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,395

    Hi there, are you seeing any particular sweet spots for leasing A7's? I.e.: term/mileage/ trim combinations that yield the best deal?

    THanks so much.

    36 or 42 months would be best, but nothing particularly sweet.

    Audis are expensive to lease, and most of the incentives went away with the new year.
    I'd be inclined to wait until February. The deals might not be any better, but it's hard to see them getting worse.

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  • tonypatel1tonypatel1 Member Posts: 3
    Hi kyfdx,

    Thank you for your response. Below is some additional information:

    2018 Audi a7
    MSRP: 73,500
    The Cap cost is 67,179
    Net Cap cost is 68,063 (includes: 1k loyalty cap reduction, acq cost; Audicare)
    Drive off : 1,930 (title license and 1st month)
    Location: Los Angeles, CA
    10k miles
    36 month lease
    Zero down

    Can you please let me know what monthly payment you come up with?

    Also can you please shed some light on how the loyalty incentive is used? In the details for the drive off they show the 1k as an addition to the cost instead of subtracting from the total drive off. For example, the total drive off is shown as:

    Amt to be paid in cash: 1,930 ( see above)
    Total 2,930

    It seems the dealer is taking the cash for themselves. Shouldn't the drive off be $930 instead of 1,930?

    Finally, what is the best lease deal/payment that you've seen given the above information?

    Thanks for your help!

  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,395

    Hi kyfdx,

    Thank you for your response. Below is some additional information:

    2018 Audi a7
    MSRP: 73,500
    The Cap cost is 67,179
    Net Cap cost is 68,063 (includes: 1k loyalty cap reduction, acq cost; Audicare)
    Drive off : 1,930 (title license and 1st month)
    Location: Los Angeles, CA
    10k miles
    36 month lease
    Zero down

    Can you please let me know what monthly payment you come up with?

    Also can you please shed some light on how the loyalty incentive is used? In the details for the drive off they show the 1k as an addition to the cost instead of subtracting from the total drive off. For example, the total drive off is shown as:

    Amt to be paid in cash: 1,930 ( see above)
    Total 2,930

    It seems the dealer is taking the cash for themselves. Shouldn't the drive off be $930 instead of 1,930?

    Finally, what is the best lease deal/payment that you've seen given the above information?

    Thanks for your help!

    .00059 MF and 51% residual (52% with AudiCare)
    With that NET CAP, I get $891.68/mo.+tax.

    Of course, if they've marked up the money factor, their price will be higher. What monthly payment did they quote?
    The drive-off is shown that way, so the tax can be calculated correctly. CAP reductions are taxed upfront.

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  • tonypatel1tonypatel1 Member Posts: 3
    Hi kyfdx,

    The MF they gave me is .00079; Residual at 52% (January Numbers)
    My monthly payment including tax is $990 -

    1. Does the monthly payment seem right?
    2. Is the rebate applied correctly? Instead of getting the cash and applying to the drive off they took off the cap cost, I think....
    3. How does this deal measure up to what you have seen? Bad-Average-Good-Great.


  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,395

    Hi kyfdx,

    The MF they gave me is .00079; Residual at 52% (January Numbers)
    My monthly payment including tax is $990 -

    1. Does the monthly payment seem right?
    2. Is the rebate applied correctly? Instead of getting the cash and applying to the drive off they took off the cap cost, I think....
    3. How does this deal measure up to what you have seen? Bad-Average-Good-Great.


    Yeah, you can't get the rebate back in cash.. it has to be used as a CAP cost reduction.
    Looks like they marked up the money factor... which resulted in a slightly higher payment.

    Sorry, I don't rate the deals, as we don't track sale prices. No red flags here, though.

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