Sonata Limited 36 mo. Lease Terms, 12K/year

dschaeff63dschaeff63 Member Posts: 1
edited January 2018 in Hyundai
Looking at a 2018 Sonata Limited, MSRP $31,575 - need best cap cost, 12K/yr residual, 36 months, MF or rate, lease cash, Topeka, KS resident. I’ve never owned a Hyundai before. What’s my approximate payment not including sales tax?


  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 250,910

    Looking at a 2018 Sonata Limited, MSRP $31,575 - need best cap cost, 12K/yr residual, 36 months, MF or rate, lease cash, Topeka, KS resident. I’ve never owned a Hyundai before. What’s my approximate payment not including sales tax?

    We don't track pricing, so can't give you a sale price or adjusted CAP. That will depend on your negotiations.

    .00091 MF and 52% residual
    $2750 lease cash

    Edmunds Price Checker
    Edmunds Lease Calculator
    Did you get a good deal? Be sure to come back and share!

    Edmunds Moderator

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