2018 Ford Mustang GT Premium 401A Lease vs Purchase
(In the past, I have been able to buyout currently leased vehicle for profit rather than just turning it in at end of lease.)
Best Answer
kyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,570
Assuming coupe:karflower said:Can you tell me the MF and Residual in GA for a 2018 Ford Mustang GT Premium with 401A package? History has shown we change cars about every 3 years and drive typically 15K miles per year. For simplicity at this point, I'm assuming zero out of pocket or down payment. Assuming sales price is the same in both cases. Based on that information, which is the best option, leasing or buying? Also, what are people typically paying for this model today?
(In the past, I have been able to buyout currently leased vehicle for profit rather than just turning it in at end of lease.)
Standard APR and 50% residual for 36/15
We don't know the Standard APR, but it's likely in the 6%+ range..
Lease payments would be very high.
You can finance with Ford Credit for 2.9% APR, up to 60 months, though.
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