Traction Control problem with Toyota Sienna 2004 and up.

daisygirl36daisygirl36 Member Posts: 1
edited April 2018 in Toyota
I so hope posting this will help someone. I have had a problem with my TRACTION CONTROL in My 2004 TOYOTA SIENNA for the last 3 years. Nobody was able to figure out the problem until recently.

Toyota, various mechanics could not fix this. Your traction control comes on when your driving around corners or going up hill. there are various situations that will engage this traction control light to come on once you start experiencing this problem. The whole car grabs the road when this light gets engaged. The VSC light can come on as well.

Have your mechanic check your Racking Pinion assembly and sway bar links. I cannot believe my car is fixed. EVERY BLOG you read with this problem there is no solution that has fixed it. There are suggestions but not a guarannteed fix. This should of been a recall from Toyota but it was not.
I so hope this information can help you. If you live in the San Francisco Bay area


  • KNorstarKNorstar Member Posts: 1
    I am so glad to find out soeone else had this problem as well. My VSC light and beeping came on and the steering wheel took control of it's own and my car went off the road into a ditch. I had 4 new tires put on and i read that it needs to be "recalibrated"with a computer at the tire dealer before it's safe to drive. If not the ABS (rear stability control) and the TRC (front traction control) along with the VSC (driver and passenger side sability) the sensors will believe the car is out of control and engages the VSC to right itself to drive straight. So that is my conclusion otherwise to this day my friends and family believe I crashed the car!
  • jennwoodjennwood Member Posts: 1
    WoW!!!!! Thank you so much for posting!! I just bought a 2004 Toyota Sienna AWD and was so bummed when I started having the exact same problem except I was not going up/down a hill or around a curve. I can be driving on a highway or ANYWHERE and all of a sudden the VSC will engage, the car starts beeping, the VSC lights up and the car slams on its brakes without any warning.....I cannot tell you how scary it is to suddenly have NO control while driving at 60 MPH or any speed for that matter. I will definitely take your advice and get it looked at and tell the mechanic what you said.....It is inexcusable for Toyota to not recall this type of defect and they ABSOLUTELY have to know about it........
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