528i xdrive crank but won’t start

Hello all
3 months ago bought a 2009 bmw 528i xdrive. First month two ignition coils went out took to shop they changed coils $200.
About 2 weeks later 2 more went out. So I looked up info and replaced them myself easy fix.... anyway it was running good for about week then drove into town parked for 2 hours ... came back out crank but no start. BMW shop recommended change fuel pump. So they changed pump $800. Still crank no start. They are recommending change battery.... but I am thinking they are not sure ... so playing guessing game.
Installed Obd tool today .... no codes displayed. Any suggestions please thanks
Best Answer
jeepmanjon Member Posts: 2
You really need a good scan tool to test and eliminate some basics. Crank sensors are an issue on these cars and so are immobilisers.5
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