Fuel Injection

tommyj3tommyj3 Member Posts: 4
edited May 2018 in Toyota
I have a 1998 4R Auto 4cyl with 110,000 miles that is giving me a fit. It acts flooded and wont start until the engine turns over several times with black smoke coming from the exhaust. I discovered I can turn the ignition straight from off to start and it will start ok, but if I turn it to on and then to start it will be hard to start. Any one have any suggestions? Thanks


  • Mr_ShiftrightMr_Shiftright Member Posts: 64,481
    You might pull the spark plugs and see if one is fouling up. That would suggest one leaking injector or a very bad spray pattern.

    A scan tool hook-up would also be a good idea, to test for things like coolant temperature sensor.
  • tommyj3tommyj3 Member Posts: 4
    Thanks Mr. Shiftright. I suspect I've got a dose of crud so my next step is to change fuel filter. I parked it last fall when we left to Snowbird for the winter and I left it with a couple cans of injector cleaner in the tank. I'm anxious to get back home and try it. Evidently Toyota didn't switch to OBD II because my scanner wont connect..
  • Mr_ShiftrightMr_Shiftright Member Posts: 64,481
    Well some scanners have trouble connecting but a 1998 Toyota is definitely OBD II. Maybe a friend has another you can give a try. You can also check to see if your scanner works on a different car.

    If it does, then you might check your fuses. Does the CEL light come on when you first turn the key to "ON" (not starting the car?)
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