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Fit vs. Rabbit
I'll be cross shopping the two, and I imagine that others will be too. Close in price, same type of vehicle.
What makes me lean towards the Fit:
Mileage, reliability, spiffy seats
What makes me lean towards the Rabbit:
Style, comfort, freedom of option choices, satisfying amount of standard features.
What makes me lean towards the Fit:
Mileage, reliability, spiffy seats
What makes me lean towards the Rabbit:
Style, comfort, freedom of option choices, satisfying amount of standard features.
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Another $1K for the 5-door. Yes, more expensive than the Fit, but a no-option Fit Sport is about $22.5K.
I think the VW is a very appealing alternative.
The complaints range from bad electrical systems to leaking oil in a big way after only 25k miles. With VWs in the past few years, it seems like "its always something".
No wonder they're emphasizing safety in their (shock effect) commercials... they sure can't talk about reliability. :sick:
I heard that VW's new entry level car will be called the City and be based on the Golf/Jetta mk4. Basically, it will be the recycling of an older model, at a reduced price. I've also heard that it may only be a 3-door and be available in August. I don't follow VW very closely, so can't point you to the original source.
Edit: Hmmm... was reading a bit more and it may just be us Canuks getting the City.
Just for get I said anything.
Plus, you get a lot of options standard:
Another thing I like is the ease to add individual options:
I don't need to buy the embarrassing "ground effects kit" to get cruise control, like I would have to on the fit!?? I can get a sunroof? Awesome!
The gas mileage and the price and reliability puts da wabbit out of my running.
But I just find a 5 cylinder engine weird. Mileage is ok, but not stellar.
The Fit only has a 1.5 liter, compared to the VW's 2.5 liter, but it gets much better mileage, and because of the weight differences, it is probably as quick if not quicker in acceleration. I have read reports of the 5AT Fit doing naught to 60 in under 8.5 seconds, pretty good and plenty for me.
I'd love to get a 5 door VW GTI, but because of my returning to college and limited finances, the FIt is most likely "GO".
Really, a better match up with the Fit would be the VW Polo, but it isn't sold in the US. The Rabbit is sort of trying to match Fit and Civic. I really just can't get over that I5 engine.
Ummmm, the Rabbit will weigh 20% more than Fit and have almost 70% more torque, available at a lower RPM too. Also, almost 40% more power. I don't think there's any question which will be faster. :-)
The Rabbit will also have all the usual features at exactly the same price (in the 3-door) as Fit (a 5-door), except for alloy wheels. Unfortunately, yes, the Rabbit's gas mileage is terrible in the context of other cars in its class, and especially given that it's not even a 6-cylinder. The Rabbit, of course, will include VW's famous and wonderful Monsoon sound system at the $15.5K price point. Compare this to Fit's stereo, which while perfectly fine for a $15k car, is hardly inspiring.
2014 Mini Cooper (stick shift of course), 2016 Camry hybrid, 2009 Outback Sport 5-spd (keeping the stick alive)
The Rabbit will also have all the usual features at exactly the same price (in the 3-door) as Fit (a 5-door), except for alloy wheels. Unfortunately, yes, the Rabbit's gas mileage is terrible in the context of other cars in its class, and especially given that it's not even a 6-cylinder. The Rabbit, of course, will include VW's famous and wonderful Monsoon sound system at the $15.5K price point. Compare this to Fit's stereo, which while perfectly fine for a $15k car, is hardly inspiring.
None of which will matter if the Rabbit's reliability stinks. :lemon:
Which, given VW's record of the past few years, seems likely... sad to say.
The stereo is phenomenal, and it was the standard stereo (there is an optional stereo). It is a 10-speaker system with a lot of power and adjustments for midrange as well as bass and treble, not to mention individual dials for the most common controls, rather than a pushbutton system.
But uh-oh - what's this? Rated 22/30 EPA? The gas mileage will stink in comparison to the Fit. In the looks department, I give first prize to the Rabbit, but looks are very subjective. I like having a full-size spare (Rabbit yes, Fit no).
The clutch in the Rabbit is very deep, which I am not sure I would like. I continue eagerly to look for a dealer to actually have a Fit Sport manual in stock for me to test drive, so I have not drawn any conclusions yet. But the Fit has some strong competition in the Rabbit.
Oh, and as someone who has owned pretty much Toyota and Honda his whole life, I will say this: they make very good cars that are very reliable overall, but reliability is not everything. The Rabbit is a clear cut above in terms of interior and ride over the new Civic, for instance, at about the same price. Not to mention throttle response. I am getting a little tired of rational cars - maybe I am just at that age. Toyotas and Hondas are very rational and provide a strong value quotient, while VWs are less rational (less reliable statistically) but with more of a sensual quality (not to get too heavy here!) and emotional appeal.
2014 Mini Cooper (stick shift of course), 2016 Camry hybrid, 2009 Outback Sport 5-spd (keeping the stick alive)
Both have different names in the US compared to Europe with Jazz and Golf the names on the other side of the pond.
Both are approaching their FMC (full model change).
Both are hatches that do not sell well in the US since ultimate utility is not appreciated here.
Both have been number #1 sellers outside of the US.
In both cases, there is a strong case to be made that waiting two years to get the new model would serve the prospective buyer well.
With Fit, I think we can expect Honda to put i-VTEC in the next model, which will give it better midrange torque and probably improve fuel economy a bit at the same time.
VW, of course, has made some very public announcements about updating the Golf early to make it an even better handler next time around while making it lighter at the same time. And giving the engine direct injection, which should improve fuel economy a couple of points and bump up power at the same time.
There are a couple more things I like about the Rabbit vs the Fit - independent rear suspension (vs the Fit's torsion beam) and 4-wheel discs on the Rabbit (vs rear drums on the Fit). Plus, the Rabbit is PZEV, where the Fit is LEV.
2014 Mini Cooper (stick shift of course), 2016 Camry hybrid, 2009 Outback Sport 5-spd (keeping the stick alive)
I am sure you can find a better midlife crisis car than a Rabbit.
From what I have seen, Volkswagen has a better reputation "over the pond".
I have driven the SEAT Cordoba and the Skoda Fabia. Both nice cars made by Volkswagen. Of course, I think SEAT (Spanish) and Skoda (Czech) have higher ratings than Volkswagen in terms of reliability, which surprises me since they are all essentially rebadged Volkswagens.
"Both are hatches that do not sell well in the US since ultimate utility is not appreciated here."
Ironic that while Americans seem to not like hatchback cars, their prized minivans and SUVs are essentially just that...a hatchback! :confuse:
reddroverr: No, I'm not at midlife crisis time yet - believe me, when that time comes, there will be a Boxster with my name on it! :-)
I am just getting to the age where numbers and stats and the perfect transportation appliance don't quite satisfy enough any more - I want a little extra, and I might be willing to give up some of the vaunted reliability to get it. I am rarely successful at quashing car fever enough to keep a car past the 50-60K point anyway, so everything would be covered under warranty.
Certainly, buying a Honda or Toyota, I would expect to never have to repair it at all after the initial bugs of the first couple of weeks, invariably caused by inattention during the PDI. And getting the VW, I would go in with the idea that I might spend some time at the dealer's service department.
2014 Mini Cooper (stick shift of course), 2016 Camry hybrid, 2009 Outback Sport 5-spd (keeping the stick alive)
But if you're looking for something even less expensive from VW, stay tuned for a product announcement in August. We don't yet know what this is, but it won't be called a Rabbit. :confuse:
The problem is, I simply do not have the time to baby and fuss over my car, nor take it into the shop every couple of months for that 'one more thing' that has gone wrong. Unfortunately, a lot of VWs tend to exhibit just this sort of track record, and the result is an angry, frustrated VW owner... a group I do not wish to join. :sick:
I'd definitely be taking a long, hard look at the Rabbit, if only VW would improve their reliability. As it stands, I simply cannot see myself in ANY VW car until they get their act together.
Sad to say, because I think their cars are quite entertaining to drive.
First time I've heard of it too though
Rumor on the VW Vortex forum is that it MAY be the Polo.
If I didn't already have my Fit, I would at least have gone to take a look at the VW Rabbit... simply because the commercial made me laugh out loud.
MUCH better marketing than the Fit, if you ask me.
Too bad I probably won't buy it because I fear the reliability. Of course the experience has made me dissatisfied with the Fit too, so... heh. I guess I'm sticking with my current car.
I just wish the Rabbit had a more fuel efficient engine.
PS. My '96 Golf has been great in terms of reliability and still rides and handles wonderfully.
2014 Mini Cooper (stick shift of course), 2016 Camry hybrid, 2009 Outback Sport 5-spd (keeping the stick alive)
That survey may have held some weight if had been done after say 3-5 years of ownership...
I too am confused in a Fit vs. Rabbit situation. . . I love the Fit's paddle shift in the sport trim and its honda badge . . . but VW's have always been nice too and . . the Rabbit . . just is so damn appealing . . .and why have a paddle shift if its gonna take you forever to get to 60 .. can anyone give me a 0-60 on the Rabbit ?
I was at the New York Intl. Auto Show this year and spoke to someone at Honda and they told me they won't have sunroofs in the fit til another year . . I can't wait that long . . if the sunroof can be in a 2 door Rabbit . . i'm going with that one . . I've always loved the Golf
You could ask your local VW dealer or VW customer service about that.
Initial Quality:
I still want to test drive a Rabbit, but it looks like I might need a rabbit's foot before trying to buy one.
I don't think I will ever own another VW unless it is a classic squareback or something. They have a LONG way to go te get their quality up to snuff.
I hear you. I would not trade the driving experience I had for 13 months in my 2005 Passat for anything that Honda has to offer. Well except the S2000. I had it into the dealer twice in 13 months. First the audio volume control did not work from the get go. Drew VW in La Mesa CA, were so gracious to deal with. Gave me a loaner overnight while they installed a new steering wheel. Second time was for 5k mile oil change, 50 bucks using the high priced VW TDI synthetic oil. So my experience says that all these stories about reliability are made up by folks working for Toyota and Honda. They know they cannot compete on any level except MPG so they spread stories about VW reliability.
I bought the Passat expecting things to go bad. Just did not happen in 13 months and 8300 miles. And sold it for $3000 more than I paid new. Try that with any Honda.