Could you help me with my GLC 300 quote

HI! I am interested in a GLC300. Here is the quote I got from the dealership. Could you tell me if it is a good deal? I asked for the discount and MF, they replied: discount $6865, MF .003. I thought the base MF is .00084, and I am putting down max MSD. Should't the MSD = monthly payment x10, which should be 5,000 in this case? I am in SoCal.
Thanks much in advance : )

Thanks much in advance : )

Best Answer
kyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,342
RWD, right?
.00090 MF (.00084 is for AWD)
56% residual
$1250 dealer incentive
It's possible that Mercedes uses the pre-MSD payment to base the security deposit on.
10 security deposits should take you down to .00020. Maybe, they meant .00030 for their money factor?
-$6865 discount
+$795 acquisition fee
= $40295 adjusted CAP
Using their .00030 MF, I get $418/mo.+tax, which isn't far off..
They've likely bumped the acquisition fee by $300. That would give me their exact payment.
So, this is what I see:
Acquisition fee bumped up $300
MF bumped up by .00010.
Those are both small bumps, and are offset by a big discount from MSRP.
Without the bumps, you'd be at $411/mo. pre-tax.. about $15/mo. less than their quote.
You have a pretty good deal. The MSDs help a lot!!Edmunds Price Checker
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