Kia Rio MPG-Real World Numbers

PF_FlyerPF_Flyer Member Posts: 9,372
With the price of fuel being what it is, the mileage you're getting is becoming more important. This is the place to discuss the mileage performance you're getting out int he real world.


  • inharmswayinharmsway Member Posts: 153
    The new Rio has gas mileage numbers very close together on the 5-speed 32/35. the auto is 29/38. The advantage here on the 5-speed is that you do not have to downshift nearly as much because it geared relativily low, so that when you step on it in 5-gear it can still accelerate fairly well. I would take the power any day especially since it get 3 mpg better in the city, where a lot of my driving is done.
  • frandamanfrandaman Member Posts: 7
    I had to settle for a sedan as the dealer STILL hasn't seen a whiff of the Rio5 and I needed wheels pronto. Nice little car, rides fine and actually accelerates nicely. My problem is the MPG. Or should I say the lack of it? I traded in a long paid for pick up at 19mpg for what I'd hoped would be a mileage monster and I'm only getting 23 mpg!!! Now this is an automatic and all my driving is on country roads at 55 mph or so. I don't beat it. I'd be happy if I got 30 as opposed to the 38 advertised but come on! I'm curious just what I can do about it at this point.
  • spectramanspectraman Member Posts: 255
    F-Man said:

    My problem is the MPG. Or should I say the lack of it? I traded in a long paid for pick up at 19mpg for what I'd hoped would be a mileage monster and I'm only getting 23 mpg!!! Now this is an automatic and all my driving is on country roads at 55 mph or so. I don't beat it. I'd be happy if I got 30 as opposed to the 38 advertised but come on!

    Say... did anyone else on here take note of the post above? So far it's the only post about the Rio's MPG I've found online.

    I sure hope that there's something amiss with his calculations, because 23 MPG is nowhere near the 30 MPG City that the Rio's rated for, yet alone the 38 MPG Highway.

    Keep posting those MPG's on here lurking Rio owners, because the Rio's "superior" gas mileage is the primary reason I'd consider the Rio over the Spectra as a commuter car.


    16k+ miles on my Spectra EX, and still lovin' it!
  • backybacky Member Posts: 18,949
    I am going to mention a few things, please forgive me if some of them are really obvious:

    * Tires fully inflated? (Important as winter approaches to check the air pressure. You might also try a little higher pressure than normal, e.g. 35 psi if 30 is recommended. Stay under the max pressure on the sidewall, however.)
    * Transmission in D and not 3? (I have slipped an auto tranny into 3 before without realizing it, so it's possible.)
    * Parking brake off? (I know, this sounds really dumb, but there was a whole thread over in the Mazda3 discussion about a guy driving around with the parking brake partially on.)
    * Length of trips? (Short trips will really take their toll on mpg. So will stop lights, if you have those on your trip.)
    * Pedal technique? (i.e., do you have a light touch on the pedal, as if there is a raw egg between your foot and the pedal? Do you anticipate stops and have your foot off the gas as much as possible? These things alone account for a 20% difference in mpg between my driving and my wife's driving.)
    * Miles on car? (Hyundai engines, which the Rio has, are famous for having a long break-in, during which the fuel economy improves quite a bit. So you should see fuel economy climb after the first few thousand miles and continue to climb after that. For example, I have 15k on my automatic Elantra and it is getting about 10% better mpg than it did at first.)
  • carlovermdacarlovermda Member Posts: 6
    That is true of it seems of their breakin. With my Sephias, although not built buy Hyundai, not until my last few months did I get good MPG. I have a 2006 Rio and am getting around the correct MPG now. I drove earlier in the month from my home in Virginia to Toronto a distance of about 600 miles and got over 400miles per tank which is damn near 38MPG hwy.
  • chuck1959chuck1959 Member Posts: 654
    I was wondering about why my MPG seemed low. Thought maybe it was just me. My 2004 Rio Cinco which has 4,150 miles on it. So far the best I have done in the city is 25 mpg. I havn't been on the highway yet.
    I didn't think about the break-in.
  • frandamanfrandaman Member Posts: 7
    Well, I checked all the obvious stuff...It is an automatic and it does indeed have the overdrive engaged. It is very noticeable when it isn't. Tire inflation is correct. Parking brake is not engaged. My daily grind consists of a ten mile trip to and from work on country style highway at 55-60mph. I am pretty much rural and stoplights aren't a factor. I've been real cautious on the gas pedal during the break-in period. I have nearly 1250 miles on it now. All the things mentioned (with the exception of the brake being on)account for about a ten percent or so difference. Unfortunately that would still leave me short of the city estimate of 29 mpg.

    On a brighter note my last tank came in at 28.5mpg. I had some longer cruises in there and some expressway drives as well. I actually decided to drive it more in my usual manner and not so delicate and it seemed to like it. Hopefully the burn in period shows considerable improvement but I don't think I'll ever approach the 38 mpg advertised.

    As someone mentioned the high mpg is the ONLY reason I got this car over any other. If I wanted 25mpg I could have got a bit more car than this (a bit more in the monthly payments as well).

    All in all I have to say I do like the car. It rides like it is bigger than it is. Real good vision for the driver and the seats are pretty comfy. I'm 6', 200# and over 50 so comfort is a must with me and I'm quite pleased with that aspect of things. Oh, and it does look kind of muscular for a little guy. ;-)
  • backybacky Member Posts: 18,949
    Little guy?

    So with only 1250 miles you should see continued improvement as the miles build. Since you are now in winter, you might see a penalty from cold weather, longer warmups, winter-blend gas etc., so the real test will see how it does come spring. I am betting you will see 30s by then and by the time of the first anniversary you will be topping 38 on the highway on occasion, since you seem to drive moderately. If I can get 38 mpg on a 135-hp 2.0L automatic Elantra, loaded with five people and gear, driving on country highways at 55-60 mph (in the summer), I am confident you will see better mpg on your Rio.
  • frandamanfrandaman Member Posts: 7
    This is a bit late for a reply but I have a small update. I live west of rochester, NY and had tickets for basketball in the Carrier Dome in Syracuse this past Sunday. So, since I'm still getting 23 or so MPG every day I topped off the tank before hopping on I-90 and topped off again upon my return. 178 miles round trip with less than 10 miles not on an expressway. Speeds averaging better than 70 mph (it really purred at 75!). My "highway only" mpg on this trip was an eye popping 44.5 mpg! I'm, still getting crappy mpg day in and day out but I guess I know what I'm driving for any extended cruises! This just shows to me it has it in it if I can only figure out how to coax it out day in and day out.
  • jimmybrown2jimmybrown2 Member Posts: 5
    I like the car but I don't want to spend spectra size money on it. How long before Kia will be willing to really deal when it comes to selling the 2006 Rios?
  • backybacky Member Posts: 18,949
    My guess is that the rebates will start flowing big-time by this spring, when the Honda Fit, well-equipped including ABS, side bags/curtains, A/C, and power package and starting at $13k will start rolling out. The new Yaris will be out by then also, starting at $11k for a stripped 3-door hatchback.
  • chuck1959chuck1959 Member Posts: 654
    Oh God here we go again! I haven't seen it here. I have sen plenty of the $12,000 or under Rios. Granted they don't have the equipment that the Spectras have. BUT then again the Rio is an ENTRY LEVEL CAR!! Plus the Rio5 is the top of the line of the Rios (it has more equipment standard than the Rio, just like the previous Rio and Cinco (which I have 2004).
  • riomikeriomike Member Posts: 39
    Did a lot of city driving the last two days. Just filled up on the way home, I drove 156 miles in two days, mostly South Miami and Miami beach. Plenty of traffic and stopping. I filled up with 5.6 gallons. That means I got 27.85 MPG. After my first fill up this weekend I was breaking 31 MPG but thats because I was doing 90% highway miles. Anyway if I can average 27-31 MPG on a daily basis I will be extremely happy!

    I'm enjoying my Rio5 more and more each day! I even received a couple of comments including an Optima owner at a Barnes and Noble parking lot who was shocked to see the Kia logo on the car. He parked right next to me and got out of his car at the same time, said he thought it was a Mazda! Great compliment!
  • b3nutb3nut Member Posts: 83
    That's pretty impressive for a brand-new car, usually the engines need to break in before hitting good mpg figures. It'll be interesting to see where your mpg goes as your engine runs in. Should be pretty good...going to go look at Rios again today on my lunch break...I really like these little cars.

    I can't get over what you get for the money with the Rio5...the rest of Kia's line looks great too. More edgy and sporty than parent Hyundai's more conservative styling. And their '06 line looks really well-made...Color me impressed. :)

    Todd in Beerbratistan
  • riomikeriomike Member Posts: 39
    In Miami there are probably 3 or 4 weeks per year that I do not run the AC because the temp drops below 70 during the day. It is supposed to heat up and hit the mid 70's this week. Then I will have my AC on during city driving, I suppose that will be the real test! I am expecting to see a 10% drop in MPG with the AC, but thats the price I must pay to live in a tropical paradise!
  • boufr02boufr02 Member Posts: 1
    2006 Kia Rio Lx, My first fill up this afternoon with 238 miles, yield me with 32.1 MPG. I like to see something around 36MPG or better after break in time.
  • chuck1959chuck1959 Member Posts: 654
    I have a 2004 Rio Cinco (bought new...5,600 miles) In the city I am getting somewhere between 21-24 MPG. I haven't had it on the highway yet so I don't know about that MPG. To me that seems a bit low. I have the automatic, and have tried switching the O/D when I am on regular street and turn it back on when I get on the freeway.
  • riomikeriomike Member Posts: 39
    Just wanted to fill everybody in on the MPG I have been getting. I drove over 1K miles this week doing about 60% highway and 40% city. It's been hot again so I had the AC on the entire time. I averaged 28.6 MPG. I am quite satisfied with that #! Maybe without AC and the Fog lights off I could have done better but 28.6 is pretty darn good.

    My grandfather did 600 miles this week in his 2006 Spectra, he averaged 24.8 MPG doing mostly city, not bad at all! Compared to the 12 or 13 he got in his old Grand Marquis the 24.8 is a blessing!

    I read an article online that stated that anytime an automaker redesigns a model the newer version seems to hold a significantly higher resale value then the older version. The article mentioned 2006 Rio as an example of projected resale value improving during the near future. Sounded very encouraging, I will try to relocate that article and post the link.

    Saw 2 2006 Rio LX sedans on the road today but I am still waiting to see another Rio5. I figure the American public would prefer the Sedan over the hatch 4 to 1. It's a shame because the hatch is so versatile and sportier looking. Well as long as people are buying Kia I can't complain over which model they purchase!
  • lightoutlightout Member Posts: 17
    Can you guys please tell me how much MPG you are getting city and highway? thanks because i have mix reviews on the Kia's some say they are getting great MPG and other say the opposite.My mother as a Kia Rio sedan 2004 and she is only getting 25 MPG combined.
  • riomikeriomike Member Posts: 39
    I now have 1900 miles after just 3 weeks. We took a few long trips, we are really enjoying the car. In fact I enjoy it more then any other car I ever owned including 2004.5 Spectra and 1998 Sportage (just to name a couple). I am getting an average of 28.6 MPG (60% highway and 40% city). I always have my AC on medium. I am very satisfied with the average. If I did not use AC 100% of the time and if I drove 60 instead of 75-80 I would easily get 32-34 MPG. But I would rather drive fast and use AC and fog lights at night which the Kia owners manual says burns up gas as well. Anyway my co-workers 2005 corolla says 38 MPG, he is lucky if he gets 28!
  • frandamanfrandaman Member Posts: 7
    Ok, I have a spread sheet I'm keeping so I can track my mileage. I'm currently averaging 25.5 mpg on my normal usage. I live in a rural area and drive 55-60 mph with very little stop and go to work (ten miles each way). That is probably 80% of my driving. Then there are short hops into town (30 mph and stop signs)for the other 20%. Of course it is winter and there is some warm up time, etc.. On a pure highway environment I get 44.5 mph. I'm very happy overall. My only issue is that the type of daily driving I do should net me about 32 mpg based on the pre-purchase hype. Gas is down to about $2.43/gal here now so I'm still on the good side of the ledger on that score.

    Like I said, overall I'm pleased with the mpg and I'm certainly very pleased with the car.
  • lightoutlightout Member Posts: 17
    I just did my first 250 miles on my new kia rio 06 and i got 27.6 MPG i did about 75% highway 25% city? is that good ?
  • riomikeriomike Member Posts: 39
    Not bad at all! It will get better too, they say the first 600 miles is a breaking in period. Were you using heat or AC? Considering you are freezing your rear end off in Canada probably heat? Anyway Expect to get 28-30 on average. And dont forget the most important thing is to enjoy your Rio!
  • lightoutlightout Member Posts: 17
    Hi just filled my tank up for the second time only on my new kia rio sedan 2006,the first tank i did 27.6MPG that was mostly highway but this time mostly city 80% and i only got 20.5MPG,is that normal?? just 20MPG even if its more city then highway that is LOW no?
  • riomikeriomike Member Posts: 39
    I did about 75% city driving last weekend in my Rio5 (automatic) and got 26.1 MPG with AC on. Remember there is a breaking in period of approximately 600 miles. This is as per the owners manual. Anyway it should get better with every fill up!
  • newquestcanucknewquestcanuck Member Posts: 13
    Ok my car just passed 600KM, I have only filled it once, and now I am just over 200KM on my trip after my first fill and I am wondering ifI am going to get much over 400KM per tank? Does my engine need to be 'broken' in more? Will I get over 500 or maybe 600KM per tank? I know it depends on the kind of driving you do city vs hwy.

  • lightoutlightout Member Posts: 17
    So far my Kia Rio as 950km and the best i did up to now with a tank is 410km it was my first 400km and now i am just over 150km on my present trip and my fuel gage is just below the 3/4 mark so maybe i will do more this time.
  • riomikeriomike Member Posts: 39
    Rio5, after 2,900 miles averaging 28.1 MPG of mixed driving w/ Max AC on at all times. Just to compare, our 2006.5 Optima LX after 905 miles is averaging 20.6, not even close to the 34 hwy and 24 city that the sticker suggests.
  • lightoutlightout Member Posts: 17
    When your Rio5 had just 1000 miles was it getting 28.1 MPG or was it worst? did the MPG get better with time? Mine as 800 miles on it right now and i am averaging about 25 MPG without AC on but i have the heater on.
  • riomikeriomike Member Posts: 39
    I was always getting between 25-31 MPG, I think the worst ever was in the first or second week when I did mostly city driving and got 24.5 MPG.
  • lightoutlightout Member Posts: 17
    thanks riomike
  • trgbassguytrgbassguy Member Posts: 21
    I'm looking around at some new cars and I'm very interested in the Rio5. Now the site for the automatic says it's 29/38. So an average of 33.5 What are people actually getting is my question.
  • b3nutb3nut Member Posts: 83
    around 29 in mixed semi-highway/town commuting, and 33 on the highway (4300 miles on the car, auto trans). Not as high as the EPA ratings, but EPA highway mileage is rated at 45mph...who in the heck drives that slowly? I cruise around 65-70 most of the time, sometimes up to 80. You'll get closer to the EPA ratings of most cars if you stick to 55, but you can only get away with that in light traffic. I'd rather slow down and save gas, but I'd also rather not become someone else's hood ornament. The actual MPG I'm seeing from the Rio5 is about par for that class of car. It might improve some more as it runs in further, Hyundai engines usually don't start getting their best mileage until 5000-8000 miles (the Rio has the Hyundai Accent powertrain).

    So far, all things considered, I'm really happy with my's a great, handy little car. :)

    Todd in Beerbratistan
  • yeddoyeddo Member Posts: 20
    I just turned 3k on my Rio5-AT. I'm getting about 26mpg. That's mostly city driving...ALOT of stop and go. Still haven't had a chance to put it on the road for a full tank so can't give you highway results.
  • mwrobe1mwrobe1 Member Posts: 7
    Wow...I see some familiar handles here!

    "Sticker" milage started to kick in around 3k. I'm about %95 city driving most days.

    Here are my current mpg stats on my Rio...

    Date ($/G) Gallon Cost Odo Station MPG
    04/20/2006 2.899 7.503 $21.75 5,661 BP
    04/15/2006 2.839 9.114 $25.87 5,446 Gas City 28.66
    04/11/2006 2.699 9.000 $24.29 5,181 Road Ranger29.08
    04/06/2006 2.599 9.233 $24.00 4,899 Citgo 31.33
    03/31/2006 2.559 8.597 $22.00 4,648 Thornton 27.19
    03/26/2006 2.399 8.889 $21.32 4,415 Citgo 27.10
    03/20/2006 2.579 9.682 $24.97 4,184 Shell 25.99
    03/15/2006 2.579 4.916 $12.68 3,906 Citgo 28.71
    03/12/2006 2.399 7.321 $17.56 3,771 Supersonic 27.46
    03/08/2006 2.389 5.235 $12.51 3,561 Thornton 28.68
    03/06/2006 2.399 8.500 $20.39 3,393 Citgo 32.09
    03/02/2006 2.299 9.133 $21.00 3,178 Citgo 25.29
    02/25/2006 2.169 7.839 $17.00 2,943 BP 25.73
    02/22/2006 2.189 8.500 $18.61 2,724 Citgo 27.94
    02/19/2006 2.429 9.511 $23.10 2,526 Amoco 23.29
    02/15/2006 2.159 7.227 $15.60 2,296 Shell 24.18
    02/11/2006 2.189 10.050 $22.00 2,113 Speedway 25.32
    02/07/2006 2.259 10.004 $22.60 1,854 BP 25.77
    02/02/2006 2.260 9.586 $21.66 1,612 BP 24.19
    01/27/2006 2.278 10.090 $22.99 1,369 BP 25.35
    01/22/2006 2.310 9.707 $22.42 1,127 Speedway 23.98
    01/16/2006 2.329 9.662 $22.50 903 BP Amoco 23.08
    01/11/2006 2.349 9.790 $23.00 669 Speedway 24.22
    01/07/2006 2.399 10.009 $24.01 409 Citgo
  • b3nutb3nut Member Posts: 83
    Lookin' pretty good so far! I'll post mine here and the other place tonight as my up-to-date .xls is on my home network. Just did a road trip for work today and re-filled the tank, got 36.12mpg!

    Todd in Beerbratistan
  • frandamanfrandaman Member Posts: 7
    My mpg for a 2006 Rio sedan...couldn't wait for the Rio5 to arrive :(


    11/24/2005 993 237 10.078 23.51657075
    11/29/2005 1225 232 8.026 28.90605532
    12/7/2005 1460 235 9.639 24.38012242
    12/15/2005 1705 245 10.29 23.80952381
    12/23/2005 1898 193 7.018 27.50071245
    12/30/2005 2103 205 7.205 28.45246357
    1/8/2006 2253 150 6.695 22.40477969
    1/8/2006 2431 178 3.999 44.51112778
    1/17/2006 2635 204 8.452 24.1362991
    1/25/2006 2857 222 8.085 27.45825603
    2/1/2006 3037 180 6.544 27.50611247
    2/10/2006 3252 215 8.184 26.27077224
    2/16/2006 3364 112 5.058 22.14313958
    2/25/2006 3613 249 8.493 29.3182621
    3/3/2006 3843 230 8.694 26.45502646
    3/5/2006 4076 233 7.387 31.54189793
    3/15/2006 4321 245 9.192 26.65361184
    3/24/2006 4566 245 8.583 28.54479786
    3/31/2006 4760 194 6.4 30.3125
    4/8/2006 4917 157 7.203 21.79647369
    4/9/2006 5137 220 6.339 34.70578956
    4/15/2006 5419 282 8.573 32.89396944
    4/23/2006 5650 231 8.566 26.96707915
    4/23/2006 5883 233 6.088 38.27201051

    Overall: 28.269

    That 44.5 mpg tank was pure highway. Filled up 1/2 mile from I-90 and topped off on the return. Now that made me smile!
  • yeddoyeddo Member Posts: 20 many miles have you put on the car Todd?
  • b3nutb3nut Member Posts: 83
    I just passed the 5000 mile mark today. I haven't even had it 2 months!!!!! I have been doing an unusual amount of road tripping lately...

    Todd in Beerbratistan
  • yeddoyeddo Member Posts: 20
    ..this car does cruise well on the open road....I've still not taken it on a real long trip yet but that'll happen. i can already tell that the mileage will be well over 30mpg when I do cause I'm getting almost 26 or 27 in the city. I think Kia has a winner here.
  • riomikeriomike Member Posts: 39
    Forgot to mention latest MPG, after 9 thousand miles I am averaging 27.1 with mixed driving and AC on at all times. Anybody doing better (or worse)?
  • b3nutb3nut Member Posts: 83
    with the automatic...I've gotten up to 36 with mine. I get around 34 at 65, 36 if I keep it under 60. If I drive like a bat outta Toledo and run 80 for good stretches I'll get 31 or 32. EPA highway on the automatic is 38, 35 for the stick. But EPA highway ratings are based on an average test speed of 48mph, and I'd hazard most of us have a higher average than that. :D

    I only got 28 going through Chicago and Rockford the last time I drove up that way though, I hit the traffic at the worst time. The last tollbooth just south of Beloit was backed up all the way to Rockford! And it was too hot to open the windows and shut the engine off, I needed the AC.

    Todd in Beerbratistan
  • randydriverrandydriver Member Posts: 262
    What kinda mileage do yall get out of you Rio's old and the newer models??
  • frandamanfrandaman Member Posts: 7
    Been some time since I checked the forums...had no need actually. But since this has split into an mpg thing I can report that I have just over 11,000 miles on the sedan now and my overall average is 29.67 with a high of 44.5 (pure highway at over 70 mph average) and a low of 21.8 back in the break-in period that was almost all stop and go. Right now I'm averaging 32 mpg with a 60/40 highway/s&g split. Still liking the car and no issues to report.
  • kennybeeakkennybeeak Member Posts: 21
    We purchased our std transmission '03 Rio in July '05 at 17,794 miles. In Oct '06, we are at 28,594 miles.
    We have averaged 28 mpg in pure city driving.
    During one week of mixed highway/city driving to a suburban area, 40-65 mph, we got 34 mpg.
    On a 375 mile round trip to a rural community, pushing 80 mph much of the way, I got 37 mpg. So that is what I had put on our license plates. My wife has since made a 150 mile trip to another small town, with a lot of mountain driving, 55-65 mph. She got 42.5 mpg on that trip.
  • PF_FlyerPF_Flyer Member Posts: 9,372
    Those are the kind of numbers that can spoil you in a hurry! It's why we have been driving 4 bangers for almost 30 years.
  • forrestshalomforrestshalom Member Posts: 26
    hi everyone,

    i am considering buying a 2006 kia rio 5 speed. could anyone post their real world mileage experience for this car? thanks!
  • quietspiritquietspirit Member Posts: 27
    What do you mean 4 bangers for almost 30 years? What kind of cars are you driving? I'm looking for my first car. Please help me.
  • danharrisdanharris Member Posts: 9
    I have a 2004 Rio modified with a GT25R turbo and I still manage 26-28 MPG and make 152 hp at the wheels.. And that is a mix of highway/city and I'm a little heavy on the pedal sometimes..
  • iluvmysephia1iluvmysephia1 Member Posts: 7,709
    how's your '04 Kia Rio been for mechanical performance and reliability? Reasonable cost to operate and keep the car maintained, etc.? I like the new '06 Rio5 and Rio LX sedans.

    I'll bet you can really get that little car to scoot with the turbocharger, eh?

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

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