Running Boards

umwabybjumwabybj Member Posts: 1
edited March 2019 in Lincoln
I'm also having an issue with my running board on the driver side. It makes an attempt to go down when it's already down. When the driver side door opens it moves upward then comes back down. When driving it makes this noise as if it is going up and down. I have taken my Navigator to the dealership to have this problem looked into and was told that it only needed to be lubricated. Well that was done and it didn't work. The problem still remains. I am a very disappointed customer! Ford really needs to look into the manufacturing of their products before putting them on a product that is going to have their name attached to. I was going to purchase a newer model Navigator but I had to rethink about it because I don't want to purchase a newer Navigator and end up with the same issue! Fix your problems "Ford"you know these problems exists with the running boards! Your customer service means NOTHING if the problem is not resolved! I am a very DISSATISFIED CUSTOMER!!!!!!!!!


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