I have a 2004 Pac that we really have fallen in love with. We got such a good deal we couldn't pass it up. I was wondering if anyone here knew if it was possible to add the in dash navigation or any aftermarket nav into the Pacifica. Any experience or info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Kevin
Hi---kcmiller I am using a pocket pc with a bluetooth GPS..It work great. go to http://www.bensbargains.net search for Dell Axim X50v it has a very very good deal. ONLY $400 dollars for all the stuff that you need to start. I pay double when i buy it. Let me know, If you have any question
kcmiller -- Dealer tells me the factory Nav system cannot be dealer installed. It would be quite an effort given its built into the dash/instrument panel.
We opted for the Garmin StreetPilot 2720, their top-of-the-line automotive unit. It appears to actually have more features than the factory job and of course, is transportable from car to car. Retail is nearly $1200 but can be purchased new from reliable eBay stores for around $825. You can read the specs at http://www.garmin.com/products/sp2720/"
Hi Folks! After looking at many different cars over the past few months I finally purchased a 2006 signature edition most almost everything. This forum gave me alot of insight into the vehicle before the purchase; thanks!!!!!!
My question concerns the nav system; when I entered address into the address book it puts them in the "in-motion" folder instead of asking for the correct folder. Has anyone else experienced this problem or offer some assistance. I am sure the is an operator error problem.
Well I just ordered and waiting to arrive my new 2006 FWD Pac.
Over here we are pretty limited in what we can get unless you order from the factory and want to wait 9 months or more. So, I decided on a Butane Blue FWD Touring. I should be getting it in about 3 weeks.
My question is, its coming with the Navigation system and Chrysler states that they won't claim that the system will work outside the CONUS 48 states.
Has anyone ever modified, changed chip, replaced the Nav system so that it will work in Europe?
I'm thinking that it should just be a chip mod in the DVD system (to make Region free). But thats why I'm asking!! :P
The map information for the Navigation system is contained in a DVD-ROM disc in the navigation unit made by Alpine Electronics located in the rear of the Pacifica. I would assume that they have a disc for Europe that you can order from Alpine, 2710 Hills Tech Ct., Farmington Hills, MI 48331 Attn: DaimlerChrysler Navigation Unit. The telephone number 1-248-489-0062 should be the first step to contact Barb, who I dealt with about two years ago.
Hi, I just wanted to know if you have found a solution for your problem?? I have posted the following lines in some other forums.
Best regards
1.) I own a 2004 Chrysler Pacifca AWD equipped with a navigation system. The problem is that I live in Germany and that the navigation system does only know where to go in the United States (because of the US navigation-disc), but not in Germany. Does anybody know if I can get a german navigation disk for the navigation system? I know, I can buy one at my Chrsyler Dealer, but the problem then is, that the german disk is region code 2 (for Germany) and not 1 for the US. So it will not work in my navigation system. So, what can I do? Is it possible to make the navigation system region free??? I have heard that it should also not be possible to run a region free CD-R copy of the german disc. Do you know if this is right?
2.) My Pacifica is also loaded with the six-disc in-dash DVD-Changer. This DVD-Changer is also region code 1. To watch german DVD`s I need to make it also region free. Does anybody know how to make the changer region free??
No luck as of yet. I have had no luck getting ahold of the Alpine group that was advised to me in my earlier thread.
I've been told that if you take it too a European Chrysler dealer that they can "modify" the system so that it works. Probably something like changing a microchip and such. But it is not known that if you do return to the states with it, that this process is reversible. I'm not so sure that I want to go that route.
check my earlier entry and there is some info on how to contact Alpine Navagation. Feel free to give it a try. If you do get some info from them, please pass it onto me??!!
Alpine Electronics 2710 Hills Tech Ct. Farmington Hills, MI 48331
I finally got ahold of Alpine last night and they basically said that the US Spec Nav unit will NOT work in Europe and they DO NOT have a software disk (European disk/NTSC format) to offer. So I guess I'm stuck either modifying the US Nav system, or replacing it with a European model all together!! :confuse:
My GPS system locates my address but when I'm sitting in my driveway it tells me to go 100ft east. Is there a way to force it to recognize my home or do I use the wrong address?
Just push the home setting button when you are at home. It should reset it to the actual location. If I enter my address, it takes me to the wrong house also.
This is not uncommon for the NAV system. The location it has for my cousin is about 400ft out. I had the dealer address programmed in as well and to their consternation it directs me a good ways down the road and to the wrong side of the street: to the FORD dealer.
I wonder if it will include additional detail or more accurate detail as to your exact location?
I tried to make a backup copy of my disk just in case the original wears out (yes...they do go bad from heat, age, vibrations, etc.). This way, I could store the backup in the car in case the original failed for any reason.
The file was too large to replicate using MS Media Player.
Now...if it wears out or becomes defective, I have to spend $150 for the updated version.
I called Alpine in 2004 to get a new disk at no charge. You can do that once, at least back then. The new disk had more detailed information for my particular location, plus any updated road changes since the first was made.
I have phoned dodge a few times asking for an update to the NAV coverage in Canada. Other than Victoria BC and a few parts in Alberta, Canada is not covered. However they still sell the system in the vehicles. Dodge was no help so I tried Alpine and they said they had a fourth edition update for 200 bucks (Cdn) but it still did not update the places in Canada. So I do not know if they are even going to update to include Canada. Any one else have this problem of lack of coverage? Can any other programs or companies support this kind of nav syatem?
That's a PACIFICA disk? Mine from 2004 covers a number of major cities including Toronto and Montreal. The newest version (suffixed AE) apparently adds Halifax, Saskatoon and Regina (I think).
I believe my version to be AA, the map ends at the Maine border and does not include the Atlantic provinces. With regards to cities, only Victoria and British COlumbia had coverage. Thanks, I will check into the new update AE.
Mine has 05064033AA on the disk label. If yours is the same, then you have some other problem than a version incompatibility. Among others, mine covers Ottawa, Montreal, and the GTA right the way around to Niagara Falls with detailed street maps. Street maps for Calgary are also there. I can confirm that nothing east of longitude 65deg exists in Canada. It's hard-coded to prevent you from moving the cursor east of that line. What does exist west of there in Atlantic Canada and Quebec doesn't have basic river nor highway information. (I would happily trade the locations of all the Wal Marts in Southern California for basic maps of Canada .)
I'm trying to get 'AE' myself through the dealer network (getting anything through the border is a very expensive hassle) but so far Chrysler Canada hasn't a SKU for anything past 'AD'.
My dealer couldn't talk Chrysler into selling 'AE' release so I bought it direct from NAVTEQ. If you have any coverage questions with the latest DVD, let me know.
Is there a way to have the Nav System come on automatically when you start the car?I always have to press the Nav button and Enter to get the map display.
This is a beef I have with the system too. If you turn off the car with the display showing, on restart it will come back up with the display on but you still have to hit ENTER to see the map display. If you wait too long (e.g. people with remote starters who could be several minutes out of the car), it will automatically time out that prompt screen and shut off the display. At that point, you are forced to hit the NAV button.
You have to press thbe Enter key to accept the legal disclaimer. As long as you do that it will stay on if you had it on when you turned the car off. I doubt the disclaimer can be removed.
I have a 2004 Pacifica and I just updated my NAV dvd from AC to a AE which Alpine said is the latest and came out last month. The differences I noticed was that when the Nav voice is speaking it only comes out of the front speakers and the rear speakers continue to play the radio(my AC DVD shut down both speakers),the phone # search list has been updated with more recent numbers and it seems that the map shows a little more detail like railroad tracks. Alpine said that there is more colors in the map but I really didn't see a difference. Alpine said also that there is updated maps but my area(NJ)did not seemed changed to me. You also do not loose any of your stored address when you update your DVD which is a relief.
Thanks for the tip. I live in Jersey too and find the detail to be woefully inadequate. They don't even show the street you are driving on unless you zoom down to 1/8 mile.
So...how much was it and was it worth the money??? How did you order it??
On my Garmin Nuvi, it not only tells you to turn left, it also tells you the street you are turning into, e.g., turn left on Grand Street. Does the Alpine unit on the Pacifica do that? Also, can you point to a location on the screen and tell it to remember that location, or alternatively, when you are at a location, can you tell it to remember that location?
It can show you the name of the street you are next going to turn down with the split display. It makes no attempt to announce the name via voice however. (Given my experience with voice synthesis systems that horribly mispronounce many names, I don't consider this a failing.)
You 'point' at a location with the arrow keys to position the cursor then hit ENTER to prompt it to ask you what to do with that location. One option is to add it to the address book along with an optional phone number.
I have been getting this message when I try to start the nav system. error reading disk. I have ordered a new disk from Alpine but it did not fix the problem. Could it be the dvd drive? Anyone have this problem? Kay in ARkansas
if possible, could someone send me a directory lisitng and file sizes of the above mentioned disk. I'm having problems with my disk and would live to verify the disk. thanks wcz@comcast.net
I recently bought a 2005 Pacifica Touring. Lots of questions and reading the recent posts just confused me more!!
My navigation system is working... will it continue to or is it something the dealer might have payed up for the month? Also, the CD- the previous owner took it, I guess... the only thing I found was the empty case.
If you all could give me a basic intro on the whole thing... any tips- that would be great!!
The DVD case is empty because the disk is being used in the GPS Navigation System located in the rear compartment of the vehicle. The disk is needed to operate your nav. system. If your nav is operating then don't worry about an empty case. GPS Navigation is a free service to all GPS users and you will NEVER be charged for the service. The only OPTIONAL cost would be if you ever wanted to buy an updated DVD disk with more current information such as new streets and services since your model year 2005.
It might be worth it to get the new disk. Boston's "big dig" tunnel system is not shown as complete on our 2006 disk. We did a needless detour until I figured it out that the thing doesn't know the major interstates now connect correctly.
Your NUVI is much better than the Pacifica's GPS. I have both. The Pacifica gives me alot of "don't have turn by turn" in that area where Nuvi always has.
I am going to try and hook my NUVI to the Pacifica screen via GVN-52 connection
As a follow up: Representatives from Chrysler, Alpine & Nav Tech have all indicated that the Garmin is a superior unit; easier to operate and has a more complete database. This begs the question, "why would Chrysler not put the Garmin into the Pacifica?". The Pacifica's other short coming on the screen is it's lack of brightness, with sunglasses the screen is near invisible. Any ideas to correct these problems please contact: Donald Wheat 712-233-1914
Hello Kay, Did you ever find a fix for your problem? I too am having the same issue and the dealership just wants to sell me another DVD for $200. I have the DVD in the NAV (back rear player) but don't want to purchase another if it is not going to fix the problem. Can you help please?
if you are getting read errors, look on ebay for the dvd buying the dvd from navteq will cost 200.00 if you want the update consider the following. there isn't much more on the ae disc then the ac disc. you should know the ac & ae difference if yo've been reading this thread
I have an 04 we just purchased, I can't get the nav system to work. The dvd will load but it appears to be dead, not disc activity at all. I removed the panels and removed the cover from the DVD unit. When I insert the DVD nothing happens I would expect it to spin up? Fuses are all good and power is to the unit. HELP
I was looking at updating my DVD from Navteq from the AA vsn to the AE version. Does anyone know if the update will add the split screen feature like in the 2006 NAV versions? I spoke with NAVTEQ and they did not know, Alpine said that there is a firmware update between the AC and AE disks that is installed when you insert the new disk, but could not tell me what the changes were.. so I wanted to learn more before deciding..
My '05 Pacifica came with 033AB. I used the one year update and got the 033AC, but not any changes in NC that I can see...lots of errors. Between Winston-Salem and Wilkesboro NC I am going though cow pastures. My new Cadillac STS has the new bypass around Jacksonville NC and the new I-140 around Wilmington NC which only opened this past spring.
Have they done much updating with the 033AE version? Don't want to pay $200 for the same old data. :confuse:
My Nav system stopped working. When I press the Nav button, nothing happens. I've tried ejecting and re-inserting the DVD, to no avail. The rest of the electronics, radio, menu button, etc. all seem to be working, but the screen stays dark/black. Is there any way to reboot/initialize etc.?
I am using a pocket pc with a bluetooth GPS..It work great.
go to http://www.bensbargains.net search for Dell Axim X50v it has a very very good deal. ONLY $400 dollars for all the stuff that you need to start. I pay double when i buy it. Let me know, If you have any question
We opted for the Garmin StreetPilot 2720, their top-of-the-line automotive unit. It appears to actually have more features than the factory job and of course, is transportable from car to car. Retail is nearly $1200 but can be purchased new from reliable eBay stores for around $825. You can read the specs at http://www.garmin.com/products/sp2720/"
After looking at many different cars over the past few months I finally purchased a 2006 signature edition most almost everything. This forum gave me alot of insight into the vehicle before the purchase; thanks!!!!!!
My question concerns the nav system; when I entered address into the address book it puts them in the "in-motion" folder instead of asking for the correct folder. Has anyone else experienced this problem or offer some assistance. I am sure the is an operator error problem.
Thanks in advance.
Over here we are pretty limited in what we can get unless you order from the factory and want to wait 9 months or more. So, I decided on a Butane Blue FWD Touring. I should be getting it in about 3 weeks.
My question is, its coming with the Navigation system and
Chrysler states that they won't claim that the system will
work outside the CONUS 48 states.
Has anyone ever modified, changed chip, replaced the
Nav system so that it will work in Europe?
I'm thinking that it should just be a chip mod in the
DVD system (to make Region free). But thats why I'm
asking!! :P
Thanks in advance!!
I'll keep everyone posted.
Best regards
1.) I own a 2004 Chrysler Pacifca AWD equipped with a navigation system. The problem is that I live in Germany and that the navigation system does only know where to go in the United States (because of the US navigation-disc), but not in Germany. Does anybody know if I can get a german navigation disk for the navigation system? I know, I can buy one at my Chrsyler Dealer, but the problem then is, that the german disk is region code 2 (for Germany) and not 1 for the US. So it will not work in my navigation system. So, what can I do? Is it possible to make the navigation system region free??? I have heard that it should also not be possible to run a region free CD-R copy of the german disc. Do you know if this is right?
2.) My Pacifica is also loaded with the six-disc in-dash DVD-Changer. This DVD-Changer is also region code 1. To watch german DVD`s I need to make it also region free. Does anybody know how to make the changer region free??
Thanks for your postings.
Best regards
I've been told that if you take it too a European Chrysler
dealer that they can "modify" the system so that it works.
Probably something like changing a microchip and such. But
it is not known that if you do return to the states with it,
that this process is reversible. I'm not so sure that I
want to go that route.
check my earlier entry and there is some info on how
to contact Alpine Navagation. Feel free to give it a
try. If you do get some info from them, please pass it
onto me??!!
Alpine Electronics
2710 Hills Tech Ct.
Farmington Hills, MI 48331
Attn: Daimler Chrysler Navigation Unit
Hope to hear back from you.
I finally got ahold of Alpine last night and they basically said that the US Spec Nav unit will NOT work in Europe and
they DO NOT have a software disk (European disk/NTSC format)
to offer.
the US Nav system, or replacing it with a European model
all together!! :confuse:
If anybody has anything to add...PLEASE DO!!
I wonder if it will include additional detail or more accurate detail as to your exact location?
I tried to make a backup copy of my disk just in case the original wears out (yes...they do go bad from heat, age, vibrations, etc.). This way, I could store the backup in the car in case the original failed for any reason.
The file was too large to replicate using MS Media Player.
Now...if it wears out or becomes defective, I have to spend $150 for the updated version.
so...if you bought one...please speak up.
I'm trying to get 'AE' myself through the dealer network (getting anything through the border is a very expensive hassle) but so far Chrysler Canada hasn't a SKU for anything past 'AD'.
Thanks for the tip. I live in Jersey too and find the detail to be woefully inadequate. They don't even show the street you are driving on unless you zoom down to 1/8 mile.
So...how much was it and was it worth the money??? How did you order it??
Many thanks!
That's a fortune just get a few more colors!! Wow...I was expecting much less.
Sure could use a Plan "B" on this one.
You 'point' at a location with the arrow keys to position the cursor then hit ENTER to prompt it to ask you what to do with that location. One option is to add it to the address book along with an optional phone number.
Kay in ARkansas
If you need a Nav system to find your home from 100ft away you have BIG problems.
My navigation system is working... will it continue to or is it something the dealer might have payed up for the month? Also, the CD- the previous owner took it, I guess... the only thing I found was the empty case.
If you all could give me a basic intro on the whole thing... any tips- that would be great!!
The DVD case is empty because the disk is being used in the GPS Navigation System located in the rear compartment of the vehicle. The disk is needed to operate your nav. system. If your nav is operating then don't worry about an empty case. GPS Navigation is a free service to all GPS users and you will NEVER be charged for the service. The only OPTIONAL cost would be if you ever wanted to buy an updated DVD disk with more current information such as new streets and services since your model year 2005.
I wonder if anyone burns a DVD backup of the disk in case it goes bad??? The 10 meg file is too large for a CD.
It might be worth it to get the new disk. Boston's "big dig" tunnel system is not shown as complete on our 2006 disk. We did a needless detour until I figured it out that the thing doesn't know the major interstates now connect correctly.
I am going to try and hook my NUVI to the Pacifica screen via GVN-52 connection
My question is this: Can you set the system to find the quickest route (time) or shortest route (miles)?
I am getting some crazy directions from this thing when I test it to certain known places.
buying the dvd from navteq will cost 200.00
if you want the update consider the following. there isn't much more on the ae disc then the ac disc. you should know the ac & ae difference if yo've been reading this thread
Were you successfully hooking up your NUVI to the Pacifica screen via GVN-52? I am very curious to know..
Have they done much updating with the 033AE version? Don't want to pay $200 for the same old data. :confuse:
It's a 2005 with an Alpine unit I believe.