2019 Honda Accord Sport 1.5T and 2.0T and other questions
Could I please have the MF and RV for the 2019 sport 1.5t and 2.0t in 75070 area (north Dallas). 36/12K. Are there incentives as well?
Secondly, my 2018 was totaled so I'm looking to do $0 D.A.S for a new 2019 this time. I'm very new to all of this and it looks like I missed the better incentives last month, but do you think something like $350/mo or less is possible for the 1.5 assuming I negotiate the dealer to roll the fees in and the selling price down? Is that aggressive?
And in another thread it was advised to get $1K off the dealer invoice value? Is the invoice value the selling price after fees/docs etc, negotiated below MSRP?
I appreciate your time and generosity.
Could I please have the MF and RV for the 2019 sport 1.5t and 2.0t in 75070 area (north Dallas). 36/12K. Are there incentives as well?
Secondly, my 2018 was totaled so I'm looking to do $0 D.A.S for a new 2019 this time. I'm very new to all of this and it looks like I missed the better incentives last month, but do you think something like $350/mo or less is possible for the 1.5 assuming I negotiate the dealer to roll the fees in and the selling price down? Is that aggressive?
And in another thread it was advised to get $1K off the dealer invoice value? Is the invoice value the selling price after fees/docs etc, negotiated below MSRP?
I appreciate your time and generosity.
58%/57% residual for 1.5/2.0
$300 incentive
"Invoice" is supposedly what the dealer pays Honda for the vehicle.
Leasing is tough in Texas, because you pay sales tax on the full selling price of the vehicle, even on a lease.
We don't track pricing, so I can't tell you what payment you may be able to achieve.
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