Chevrolet Cavalier Electrical System Questions
I have a 96 chevy Cavalier. The horn went on by itself when no one was in car. I had to disconnect horn from the wire to it. Now the airbag cover where I hit to activate the horn clicks alot. I think the hornpad or relay is bad. Does anyone know anything about this or how to fix it.
The problem, I can't set the clock, never could ! Read the manual and I don't have the button they say I do on my radio.
Before, the clock was right 1/2 the year here on the East Coast. Today I had a new battery put in and now it's totally not close to the time of day and now never will be
Anyone know how to set the clock on a 2002 Cavalier ???
Thanks much, tommy
I bought a 2000 Cavalier for my teenage daughter this year. It ran great thus far until Monday morning when she called me at work frantically and stated her car won't start. Needless to say, she missed her school on Monday. Anyway, I helped her to take the battery to the nearest auto shop and had the battery tested out. We brought home a new battery, install it, and the engine starts without a doubt. This morning she realized none of the gauges are working. Anyone know what went wrong?
Thanks in advance,
Try this, turn the ignition key to run, pull the panel fuse for a few seconds and reinstall, panel should come to life.
Fuse panel is located at end of dash, open drivers door to access. Pull fuse marked [CLSTER].
My problem now is that I do not know how to disassemble the pad since there is also an airbag. anyone knows?
I had a bit of a problem with my 2000 Cavalier this morning, and I was hoping someone could help me.
I started hearing this noise like really loud radio static coming out of the steering wheel/gauge area this morning. It stopped when I turned on my blinker. I got home, took the blinker fuse out and it stopped. Put a new fuse in, and it started up again. As long as there is no fuse in, it doesn't make that noise.
Any ideas what could be causing this?
My day time driving lights are on half the time,. when I flick the regular headlights on at night , they shut off completely. So I usually drive with just my fog lights on, and my lights signal on my dash flick on and off. I checked the fuses, they are all good.
Any idea on what the problem could be?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks In Advance,
I installed my stereo, amp and sub about 2 years ago WITHOUT using the $100 wiring harness. Everything worked fine.. but I had battery drain. Without being able to figure it out, I finally removed the stereo but left the amp and sub plugged in the way they were.. without being plugged into the stereo of course.
About a year has gone by, and I got some money so I got the $100 wiring harness but got confused so I just took everything to Circuit City and had them do the install. Again, everything worked fine.. until Saturday night. Car was dead. Had it jumped Sunday morning and took it back to CC. I figured I might as well buy a new deck since the old one had some issues.. .so I bought a new deck and had them install that.. asked them to see where the drain was if it wasnt the stereo. The guy said he couldnt find anything and if it was the amp, then I would have to send it back to the manufacturer.
I figured I might be able to figure this out another way. Talked to a mechanic this morning and asked if he could check out some stuff. Right now the power line from the battery to the amp is disconnected. If I get him to get a voltmeter or whatever and check the draw on the battery with the amp disconnected and then with the am hooked up that should show if there is a big difference in draw correct?
Anything else I should check? Any ideas? Really frustrating. Thanks,
We recently returned from a 4500 mile trip without a hitch. Get home, hubby does all necessary maintenance. Take it out for a Sunday drive, cruising at 65 mph, middle lane of the freeway when I hear a strange gurgling/creaking noise coming from drivers side dash area. Car dies!! It starts again and we pull over to have a look-see. Nothing found. Continue on our way. No more problems until I go to an appointment. Dang car just keeps rolling over but won't start until about the 7th time I try. Get home, hubby doesn't believe me until it does it to him too. Take it to the local Chev dealer. Car won't start for them one time only in the 2 days they had it. They said no codes came up so we bring it home. I go out to use it two days later, won't start.
When I turn the key on, I can tell if it is going to start just by listening for the fuel pump sound. No noise, won't start but it does go through the entire dash cycle. Incidentally, that "gurgle/creak" noise only happened one time.
Don't know where to go from here. Any suggestions? I really like this little car :confuse:
If the pump electrical system checks out then the pump would be the likely cause. Don't throw parts at it, get it checked out.
What did the dealer say, no pump sound, no code, no problem? If so, not a good dealer.
I have owned 4 Cavaliers, and never had a pump go.
The dash cycle might not have been a very good way to put it but what I meant is that every warning light flashes and I hear some clicking noises as though the car is going through some kind of a cycle. (Possibly some type of diagnostics?)
I went out again last night, it didn't start the first time I rolled it over but the headlights came on. I guess the problem is going to have to get worse before it can be diagnosed by Chevrolet.
I am replacing the alternator in my 99 cavalier. I removed the old part fairly easily, but it seems about impossible to get the new one installed. Is there some way to loosen the belt? Should I remove the engine mounted piece?
Battery should not be dead after a 45 minute charge. Can the system be re-set?
Sometimes trying to charge a dead battery with the alternator will burn it out.
Another thing check the battery for charge, the charge is not known at this time.