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Infiniti J30 Issues

paulat1paulat1 Member Posts: 1
edited August 2017 in INFINITI
I just purchased a 1993 J30T Infiniti. Does anyone know how to fix a trunk lid or gas lid neither will close?


  • elwessoelwesso Member Posts: 42
    are you simply saying the latches will not latch properly?? Sounds like the car has some sort of body damage or something... You can adjust the striker for the trunk, but the gas door isnt that way..
  • guestguest Member Posts: 770
    93 J30, low miles of 75,000. Stalls while stopped after warming up. Very hard start if at all. Will after 20 minutes or so. Have replaced fuel pressure regulator, fuel filter and relay inside L kick panel. Have purchased a fuel pump but leary of installing yet. It shutters and then dies in seconds. Sometimes get a check engine light and idle fluctuates. Will weak fuel pump set off a code? Sound like a pump? Any info is appreciated. Thank you
  • 1after9091after909 Member Posts: 1
    I have replaced the driver side window motor 3 times with brand new motors, each time the motor goes bad. In looking through the manual, I found where the previous owner also replaced the motor twice, does anyone know what could be burning out these motors?
  • j30love4life87j30love4life87 Member Posts: 1
    My two back windows on my 94' Infiniti are currently being held up by tape and the motors are useless. the front windows can only be operated with the main controls on the driver side because the switch on the passenger side window is useless too. My headlights were rewired because there were 3 plugs on one side and only 1 on the other, instead of 2 on each side (low beam, high beams). She(my car) was supposedly scraped along side a garage door by her original driver in Texas but she came to me with a HORRIBLY done up chop job of a fix and looked like she had been in a head on collision with a brick wall and then sent to some shady backyard mechanic with a hammer :cry: Anyways besides all that the guy that sold her to me had bought a cadillac and needed the garage space for it so he sold her to me for $700 cash. She will be due for some re-upholstering after a fatal encounter with my bored dog and a serious paint job. Here's the fairytale ending though, she will still do 0-60 for me in about 5.4- 5.7 seconds and she will never not start, even though its very cold in ohio and she has over 166,000 miles on her. IT IS THE BEST CAR EVER!!!! :)
  • court1court1 Member Posts: 3
    Check your antifreeze level.
  • rick_the_mickrick_the_mick Member Posts: 11
    Hello - any success resolving this yet? Have you read the codes stored in the ECM??
    Regards- Rick
  • deborahlrichardeborahlrichar Member Posts: 5
    I bought my J-30 in 2000 when it was 4 yrs old. I've read the messages posted and have had some of those same issues. It has over 100,000 but still runs great until this last deal. My current problem is a mystery to my mechanic and any other men in my life. On Monday, my husband checked the oil and it was fine. By Friday on my way to work I heard a "tapping" and freaked. I went straight to my mechanic and he checked the oil and it was bone dry. He put in 3 qts and I drove on to work, about 20 miles. I was on a busy exit in Dallas and suddenly, the car died. It was completely gone. No oil. The water in the radiator was a slight brown, but not what it would be if the oil were in there, according to the mechanic. Prior to this, there was no oil on the driveway, no black exhaust coming out of the back, and so forth. Where did the oil go? I had it towed to my mechanic and he's baffled. He says if we can solve this mystery, he can rebuild the engine if there's one good head. (whatever that is...LOL) In the meantime, I'm carless. Please help!
  • bcornstars03bcornstars03 Member Posts: 3
    I own a 94 Infiniti J30 with 180,000 and it has recently started stalling as well. I'm pretty mechanical, but I am hesitant to start tearing into that crowded japanese motor. Did you ever figure out what was causing your car to stall?

    My J30 is doing the same thing, once it warms up some electrical issues start happening. Its related to my breaks I think, when I tap them my lights dim on the inside and out. It eventually dies on me and I see a check engine sensor (which has been on for the last 15,000 miles probably although its been running EXCELLENT...) I also see my airbag light, seatbelt light, and ABS light. This has happened about 6 times in the last week. Sometimes it will stutter and the gas pedal is very non-responsive (which makes me think it could be a fuel filter possibly). After it dies on me, it is VERY VERY hard to start.

    Does anyone have any useful knowledge???

    Thank you :confuse:
  • perryman51perryman51 Member Posts: 1
    My transmission recently went out on my 93 j30. I had someone who does transmissions for a living rebuild it. When he went to put the transmission back in, the car would not start. He seemed to think that because the battery had been removed, the security system disarmed the car and prevented it from starting. When I called the dealer to ask about the codes, I was told that there were no codes for that car, however, the manual speaks about getting codes to input through the radio.

    Does anyone have any experience or information regarding this situation? I now have a rebuilt transmission and no running car.
  • mandodoe123mandodoe123 Member Posts: 2
    Hi, I have a 1995 Infinity J30t. Its an awsome care except that two weeks ago my transmission hesitates to go into reverse, athough the drive gear is exellent. It seems that it hessitates before going into reverse, especialy when it get to normal operating temp. Any idea anyone??

  • infamous72387infamous72387 Member Posts: 1
    hey . I just recently got a a 95 j30 , and when i put it in reverse ,nothing happens , i give it gas and nothing, almost like it was in neutral . what is the problem and how much is it gona cost me ??
  • singlemom47singlemom47 Member Posts: 3
    Hello I have a 94 infinitij30t and it ideles rough and when excilerating it jerks a little now my engine mounts right and left are ok could this be a transmission mount cause i was told that that could make it vibrate and if so does anyonme have this problem and will this fix the problem other then that I love my car
  • kennywildgoosekennywildgoose Member Posts: 2
    1st I noticed a louder then usual noise (tapping valves), I added some oil & additive to quiet the valves, that didnt work, after driving for about 25min. I heard a howling/wheeping noise I thought one of my windows was open,but not th case, the noise went away, I slow down to about 30-40mph but the noise came on and off within 3-4 mins. then BLANK the engine stop running, I put the car in neutral and let it stroll to a safe place off the highway, let it sit for awhile then try to start it, the engine turns over strong but wont start up, the car has been sitting since then, a machanic friend came to check some stuff: Battery is good,,getting fuel to the rail,, starter is fine, STILL NOT START,,please help :cry:
  • rrroj30rrroj30 Member Posts: 1
    the cause of this is, the mas air flow sensor needs replacement.
  • ajruderajruder Member Posts: 1
    My 96 J30 is about to hit the 150k plateau. I've had it since 125k and haven't had to do much maintenance on it. I've noticed it's been a little sluggish and I a hear a loose rattling noise for a few minutes after I start it after sitting. I am unaware of what the previous owners have done as far as maintenance. I want to ask if anyone has any suggestions or advice for a non car guy on if there is anything preventative I should or can do just to be safe.
    Thanks you.
  • j30fanj30fan Member Posts: 1
    my 94 j30 did the same thing and it turned out to be the altenator
  • mikenoblemikenoble Member Posts: 1
    My cassette/cd/amfm stereo lights up and cd runs but no sound most of the time...I assume a short. Sometimes the sound comes on when I hit a bump in the right way and sometimes when I am just sitting there.Does anyone know where the main ground is or what I might do to fix this problem.
  • terrybrinstonterrybrinston Member Posts: 2
    i,am repairing a 94model year j-30 and i can,t get a spark . i would like to know where the crank sensor is located & the pcm or ecm . could be the securty system too! i,am baffeled with this car. great car but complicated to find whats wrong. any help will be thankful for . God bless & Thanks.
  • terrybrinstonterrybrinston Member Posts: 2
  • saringvsaringv Member Posts: 3
    Greetings all;
    Bought the wife a 96 J30 (local dealership- 30 day/3k mile warranty) with 61k miles, documented service records since new, 1 owner. Carfax is clean...beautiful car, rides handles well. Early bday present!

    Took it for a ride tonight (1 day after we bought it) and coming up a grade, noticed smoke, tons of it. Pulled over, tranny fluid. Tow driver got it up and without a flashlight, couldn't tell where the leak was. My suspicion is the rear output seal, but it was dark...there's a gasket between the tranny and the tailshaft-possible leak there? Anyone had a similar experience or can point out what the cause might be? :sick:
  • Mr_ShiftrightMr_Shiftright Member Posts: 64,481
    Could be as simple as a busted transmission cooler line. After 13 years, things like this can deteriorate and are rarely replaced as maintenance items.
  • beyondinfinitibeyondinfiniti Member Posts: 1
    I have a '96 j30 and am removing the heads ( which are REALLY cruddy) and in order to do so, must first remove intake manifold. My service manual states to remove the idler, which is held in place with a stud. I removed the nut and washer and the idler came off properly with the stud left in place. The manual I have seems to show the idler held in place with a bolt rather than a stud. Anyone have any experience with removing this stud?
  • Mr_ShiftrightMr_Shiftright Member Posts: 64,481
    You can usually remove a stud using a "double nut"...you run two nuts on the stud, then tighten them against each other with two box wrenches, and then crank the stud out, putting the wrench only on the inner nut of the two. You may want to lubricate the stud area beforehand with some type of cutting oil.
  • ryat616ryat616 Member Posts: 1
    I own a 1995 j30 with 74,000 miles. When I start the car, it runs fine, great pick-up. Barely push down the gas pedal, and 0 - 60 like its nothing. As soon as I drive for about 5 minutes and the car gets to normal temperature it feels like the car loses its umph. I have to put the gas pedal down farther for it to pick up speed, and it starts out slow, catches and then sends the rpms up really fast. If I am trying to go up a hill and need to pick up speed, I have to push the gas pedal all the way down to the floor. I just replaced all spark plugs, and all ignition coils, and it did help the problem a little bit. Someone suggested it could be my cats which I checked temperature and was running in the 420 range. I was told that was normal. Any ideas anybody? I just want my car to drive like when I first turn it on all the time!
  • letourneauletourneau Member Posts: 3
    Some times they work.left one really bad.are these cars known for this problem and how to fix
  • bo1bo1 Member Posts: 5
    My 97 j-30 service engine soon light is on . Any idea what it might be?
  • letourneauletourneau Member Posts: 3
    Sorry.I have not run into that light problem yet.Does anyone know how to lubricate the sunroof cables.I read that if you grease them up the roofs opens much smoother and quicker.
  • letourneauletourneau Member Posts: 3
    The lighted display quit working on the Bose Everything on the radio works fine.2nd problem is my roof is having problems opening and closing I have to pull it or push it...,I did read a while back that you can grease the opening/closing cables.Anyone know how or where I can grease them ? Do I have to drop the head liner??
  • newownerofaj30newownerofaj30 Member Posts: 1
    I also own a 95 j30(a little more mature 140,000 miles) but i am having the exact same problem. When it's cold, the gas is very responsive and it gets up and goes very quickly. As soon as it warms up, it's a total different story. I have to push the pedal down really far and it chugs for a bit and then kicks down to a lower gear and revs up really high. I just recently got this car and i don't know anything about it. I have contacted several infiniti service reps and they act like they've never heard of this before. I asked if it could be the cat, and they said if it was the cat an indicator light would come on the dash. It sounds like this is more common than I originally thought. In a way it makes me feel a little better knowing we have a similar problem, but i would feel alot better if I knew how to fix it. Any advice? Anyone else having this problem?
  • marie_francemarie_france Member Posts: 2
    1995 J30 just started sputtering. Runs better at higher speed, but doesn't start easily -- if at all.

    Problem is recent after two years of running well.
  • marie_francemarie_france Member Posts: 2
    My 1995 J30 just started sputtering. Runs okay at higher speed, but doesn't start easily -- if at all.
  • mandodoe123mandodoe123 Member Posts: 2
    Try the mass air flow sensor...
  • danschreiber65danschreiber65 Member Posts: 1
    I'm trying to find the camshaft position sensor in my infiniti j30, can any one help?
  • jkucko05jkucko05 Member Posts: 1
    So i bought a 97 J30 with 130K miles recently of my friend. Now hes was and now i am climbing through the back passenger door because none of the other doors will open. The driver side door lock is stuck shut...when i try to unlock the car (electronically) it tries to unlock but then gives up and stays locked...the door handle itself however, when pulled, has no resistance so the locks arent jammed. The same problem consists with the passenger door as well as the driver side back door.

    So i actually figured out how to get the door panels off even with the doors shut...i did tear the front passenger door doing so--but the back passenger door panel came off fine. I didnt try the drivers side yet until i figure out the problem (mainly because all of the electronics in the door)

    So there is a lever for both the lock, and the door handle...the one for the lock (after taking a crazy path) goes into a female piece of some sort (like a shock) and i think i supposed to grip and therefore allowing the door to work properly...a friend/mechanic i know (without looking at it) suggested that it could be a broken 'retaining clip' on each door...anyone know what this is or any idea???

    im not sure how long my one remaining door will work...i did only pay $400 for this car but its a nice ride...the motor is a beast with the V6 DOHC
  • bo1bo1 Member Posts: 5
    Hi, have you had any luck with the door locks? I have the same problem, it started with the rear drivers side door, then the rear passenger door, and now it is thye driver side door. the only one working now is the passenger door. Let me know, Bo.
  • chrisc10chrisc10 Member Posts: 1
    replaced alternator, no charge going to battery, while car is running if I disconnect the battery the engine will die. all fuses are good. I need to know where the two wires that plug into the alternator go to test for continuity and connectors.
    after that i need help diagnosing why the system is not telling the alternator to charge the battery. any help will be greatly appreciated.
  • robaeichelerobaeichele Member Posts: 1
    Hi ....my 93 J30 just started doing that today just wanted to know if you had any good news ? I have no reverse or 1,2 the 3 and drive work... its crazy !
  • Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,258
    This may sound like an obvious question, but has the transmission ever been replaced on that vehicle?

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  • greatdane2119greatdane2119 Member Posts: 1
    i just bought a brand new head unit for my j30 and it runs peachy keen accept the simple fact of you cant hear anything.
    i've been told it has something to do with the factory amps...
    can anyone help?
  • zuohuijuanzuohuijuan Member Posts: 1
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  • lomeinlomein Member Posts: 1
    so i just bought a 96 j30 and the previous owner must have rigged the left headlight to the right headlight to make the right one work. BUT when i get up to start my car the battery is dead if i leave it there for more that 10 hrs. jumpstart the car and its perfect but when i went to advance auto they said there was a electronic drainage problem so i bought a new light plug which apparently was not in the car at all. will that fix everything or is something else wrong to make my battery to dead?

  • cope77cope77 Member Posts: 4
    Try replacing the head light relay. It's a bear to get out, but I had a similar problem with one headlight that would go off for no reason.
  • bobbygradybobbygrady Member Posts: 1
    My Dad has a Infiniti J30 with about 160,000 miles on it. It runs for about 10-20 miles and then the engine just quits and won't restart. Their is not any trouble codes that are popping up and he's had the Mass air flow sensor replaced, the starter, the igniter, and the crankshaft sensor. I NEED HELP desperately. He needs this car to get back and forth to dialysis.
  • Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,258
    Hi - since there aren't a lot of owners out there, you might want to post in our answers section, where some people with mechanical expertise read/answer.


    Once you have posted, you can return to that link and click "my answers profile" to find your question and check for responses.

    Find me at kirstie_h@edmunds.com - or send a private message by clicking on my name.
    2015 Kia Soul, 2021 Subaru Forester (kirstie_h), 2024 GMC Sierra 1500 (mr. kirstie_h)
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  • angelolite44angelolite44 Member Posts: 5
    guest said:
    93 J30, low miles of 75,000. Stalls while stopped after warming up. Very hard start if at all. Will after 20 minutes or so. Have replaced fuel pressure regulator, fuel filter and relay inside L kick panel. Have purchased a fuel pump but leary of installing yet. It shutters and then dies in seconds. Sometimes get a check engine light and idle fluctuates. Will weak fuel pump set off a code? Sound like a pump? Any info is appreciated. Thank you

  • angelolite44angelolite44 Member Posts: 5
    I thought I had gotten some bad gas but added fuel booster and it didn't help. I stalled and skipped on take off but it evened out after picking up speed until today. It cut off and wouldn't start. Like it's. It getting gas. If you have found a solution please share it with me. I love my car and this is the first trouble that I've ever had. Thank you! 
  • angelolite44angelolite44 Member Posts: 5
    Like it's NOT getting gas I meant. 
  • tunerlife94tunerlife94 Member Posts: 1
    I thought I had gotten some bad gas but added fuel booster and it didn't help. I stalled and skipped on take off but it evened out after picking up speed until today. It cut off and wouldn't start. Like it's. It getting gas. If you have found a solution please share it with me. I love my car and this is the first trouble that I've ever had. Thank you
  • Squeeze64Squeeze64 Member Posts: 1
    We got a 1997 J30, rides and drives great less than 100,000 MI!ex on it, everything works, got in one day when you put in reverse it does nothing, also the button on gear shift does not pop out like it is supposed to. Had no problems building up to this. Any ideas?
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