Help - leasing

tachida2tachida2 Member Posts: 47
edited November 2019 in BMW
Current lease on 2017 Subaru,Outback 3.6 Touring Edition is up 3/28/2020. Think I got a good deal on that @ 350/mo. With total due at delivery of less than $1000. My quandary is with this lease ending on3/28/2020 and that time of year routinely being a bad time for buying or leasing a car would it be smart to bite the bullet eat the remaining lease money due on Subaru lease and get a new car now. I am open to buy new, lease or buy CPO think I would like to stay in SUV or X series type BMW AWD . Looking for some expert thoughts on subject . Location is Southern NJ and would have no qualms about going within a 250 mile radius of Zip 08080


  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,174
    You have four months left on a cheap lease.
    There aren't any special deals on BMWs now.
    Your assertion that March isn't a good month to lease is wrong, in my experience (didn't you get your Subaru lease in March?)

    If you "bite the bullet", you've turned your previous good lease deal into a bad one. You can't make up for that with the next one.

    Edmunds Price Checker
    Edmunds Lease Calculator
    Did you get a good deal? Be sure to come back and share!

    Edmunds Moderator

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