Sport Trac Electrical and Lighting Problems
If it's somehow connected to the Trac's battery, ask here about getting the juice to it again
kcram - Pickups Host
kcram - Pickups Host
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this is my first time owning a Sport Trac and i have a problem with my window switch. basically the switch works if u want to roll the window down but wont work going back up...if someone could tell me or show me a site where it shows how to disassemble the door panel to get to the switch..that would be awesome.
it just snowed 7 inches here in indpls and im freezing my cheeks off with my window down..
thanks for the help
Thanks !
kcram - Pickups Host
Any Help would be greatly appreciated
Battery isolater. This protects your alternater and prevents discharging of your main vehicle battery. The Alternator B+ cable leading from the back of the alternater to the battery is hooked up to the center post of the isolater instead. The other two post on the isolater are labled battery #1 and Battery #2. Run a cable from post #1 of the isolater to your main vehicle battery[+]. Then run a cable from post #2 to your aux battery[+]. Don't forget to ground your aux battery to the chassi[-].
Depending on the number of watts your equipement is going to draw and the planned duration of use before starting the vehicle again will depend on if you wish to hook up your aux batteries in series and or use deep cell type batteries for the aux battery or batteries. Then it is just a matter of hooking up all of your equipment to your aux batteries.
I would also recomend a constant operation style solinoid installed inline on the positive cable going from the isolater to your aux batteries. This will prevent any possibility of a drain on your main vehicle battery period. This way by flicking a switch, or turning your vehicle off, your main battery is out of the loop and is reserved for runing the vehicle only. Any other questions, just repost.
Another method is to add an additional alternator to your engine. You would use a one wire marine alternator that should fit with a bracket just above your power steering pump where that stupid bracket is that warns you the belt is moving. This method is actually less costly but requires some alteration; Larger s-belt, mounting bracket ect. But you won't need the isolator or anything. I have done both methods on the 4.0 Relocating the power steering resivor is necessarry.
Here's the problem: when the sun goes down the fog lamps turn on---and kills the battery. The headlights do not come on with the fog lamps. This happens when the vehicle is turned off, the main headlamp switch can be on auto or manual, it doesn't seem to matter. Interestingly, the fog lamp switch glows "on" all the time. Turning the fog lamps on or off doesn't matter, the on/off indicator of the fog lamp switch stays glowing.
Are there any Ford mechanics, engineers or Sport Trac experts that can shed some light on this problem?
can anyone please tell me where i can find one. thank you.
p.s. i think ive seen some on the net but never any pix to verify what im buying
Any suggestions??
replace bulb and nothing changed? 2003 sport trac